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Types of words – W oordsoorte. Die selfstandige naamwoord ( s.nw .) = the noun Meervoude = plurals , verkleinwoorde = diminunitives. S.NW – selfstandige naamwoord = the noun . What is a noun? Anything you can see touch or feel – common noun
Types of words – Woordsoorte Die selfstandigenaamwoord (s.nw.) = the noun Meervoude = plurals , verkleinwoorde = diminunitives
S.NW – selfstandigenaamwoord = the noun • What is a noun? • Anything you can see touch or feel – common noun **** this is a selfstandigenaamwoord in Afrikaans **** • A name of a person/place – proper noun **** this is a Eienaam in Afrikaans **** • A feeling – abstract noun **** this is a Abstraktes.nw. in Afrikaans**** • A group of things – collective nouns **** this is a Versamelnaam in Afrikaans****
What can I do with S.NW.? • There are two ways of asking about s.nw. • Meervoude – Plurals • Verkleinwoorde – Diminutives
Meervoude – Plurals • In the question look for the word meervoud or baieor meer as een. • Meervoude can be made by adding the following: • e , s , ers, hede , ens, te • There are different rules to follow by looking at the structure of the word. • Always pay attention to the length of the word( the syllables) and the vowels.
Rule 1 : short words with just one vowel ** remember the vowels are the gansters of the alphabet world! Here there is only one ganster and he doesn’t like being alone. So he calls his fans and his friends ( entourage) to come and help him. Bv. man – there is one lonely ganster manne– We double the last letter of the word so the gangster has his friends with him Bv. kat – katte, mat – matte , ster – sterre, vis – visse
Rule 2: twin vowels – now I have two identical gangsters, they look the same and they sound the same. A gangster doesn’t want to be copied and the first born is the strongest. These vowels have a fight and the first born kicks the second over the consenant and he changes form – into a e. Bvmaan – do you see the two identical gansters? mane – the first gangster kicks the second over the consenant and he changes to an e.
Rule 3: words with double vowels – double vowels mean two different vowels together. Bv. dier - diere voet – voete huis – huise Do you see I just added an e ? Mixed vowels = + -e
Rule 4: double consenants Bv. Vark - varke dorp – dorpe present – presente Do you see I just added an e? Rule = double consenants + e
Rule 5: Words ending in –ing , words with more than one syllable ending in an –r and words that end –ie , words that end in a vowel but the stress of the word is on another part of the word: Bv. koning – konings ond/er/wys/er– onderwysers boompie– boompies ouma - oumas Do you see I just added an –s to all of these words?
Rule 6: words ending in - igjust add –te - bv. gesig - gesigte lig - ligte • Rule 7: words ending in – ag just dropp the g and and e - bv. vraag – vrae dag – dae • Rule 8: words ending in – heid becomes – hede • bv. besigheid– besighede • Moeilikheid – moeilikhede
REMEMBER WORDS ENDING ON A –F ARE ALWAYS TROUBLE… JUST LIKE THAT F WORD Rule 9: word with a short vowel ending in a F Bv. gif – giwwe stof– stowwe straf – strawwe Rule 10: word with a twin vowel or a mixed vowel ending in a F Bv. Stoof– stowe slaaf – slawe duif-duiwe verf–verwe One ganster therefore double the -w 2 gansters so only one –w
Rule 11: words ending in –og Bv. oorlog - oorloë oog - oë elmboog - elmboë • Rule 12: words that get a ë Bv. vlieg - vlieë ploeg - ploeë knieg- knieë Words get a –ë; if there are two of the same vowels ( 2 gangsters one cancels the other) The – g turns into a - ë
Words ending in a vowel – where the stress ( emphasis) on the vowels. Bv. ma – ma’s pa – pa ‘s taxi – taxi ‘s skadu– skadu‘s • Words ending on – uig bv. vliegtuig - vliegtuie voertuig - voertuie vaartuig - vaartuie If the stress is on the last vowel use an ‘s The g is cancelled and replaced by an –e
Verkleinlwoordedimunitives • The clue is in the word verkleinwoorde – klein = to make something smaller. • In the question look for words like klein, oulike, kort and so on. If you say klein before the word it might help you to “feel” it. • Verkleinwoorde can be made by adding the following: • ie, - tjie, - jie, - kie, -pie, -etjie • There are different rules to follow by looking at the structure of the word. • Always pay attention to the length of the word( the syllables) and the vowels
Rule 1: short vowel word that ends on a –k,-p,-g, and –s Bv. kas - kassie bek - bekkie rug – ruggie kop - koppie • Rule 2: words that have twin vowels Bv. aap – apie rook – rokie neef – nefie One vowel means you have one lonely gangster – so you double the last letter of the word and add –ie. Twin vowels means you have two of the same gangster – so one gangster kills the other one and you add – ie.
Rule 3: if you have a word with a double consonant or a mixed vowel Bv. neus – neusie broek – broekie vurk – vurkie • Rule 4: word ending with an –m Bv. boom – boompie stroom –stroompie arm –armpie skelm – skelmpie bruidegom – bruidegompie If you have a mixed vowel or two or more consonants add –ie Any word ending in an –m you just add –pie
Do you see that I just added a –tjie to all these words? • Rule 5 : words with long vowels that end on a –n, words with double vowels and more than one syllable ending in -r and – l and – ie Bv. Boon – boontjie tuin – tuintjie skoen – skoentjie stoel – stoeltjie ta/fel – tafeltjie ron/da/wel – rondaweltjie vloer– vloertjie ven/ster – venstertjie sus/ter – sustertjie mandjie – mandjietjie vakansie – vakansietjie Meisie – meisietjie
If the word has only one vowel – that means one lonely gangster doubles the last letter of the word, if no lonely gangster then you just add- etjie . • Rule 6: words with short vowels ending in –n, -m, -r, -l and a –ing Bv. kam - kammetjie som – sommetjie kar– karretjie ster – sterretjie man – mannetjie son – sonnetjie bal – balletjie rol – rolletjie ring – ringetjie slang – slangetjie long - longetjie
Rule 7: if your word already ends in a –d or a –t Bv. hond – hondjie kat – katjie mond – mondjie boot – bootjie • Rule 8: if you have a word with 2 or 3 syllables that ends in –ing Bv. koning - koninkie vergadering– veranderinkie tekening – tekeninkie heining– heininkie You just add –jiebecause the t or d is already there. G = gogga (bug) K = koning (king) A –g and a –k will never stand next to each other. The koning kills the gogga – you just add kie.
In a word where it ends with the vowel and its stressed.. You use ‘tjie. Remember plurals! • Rule 9: when a word ends in an emphasised (stressed) vowel or if you have to make a letter or a number smaller. Bv. ma – ma ‘tjie pa – pa’tjie taxi – taxi’tjie skadu – skadu’tjie Gr 8 – Gr 8 ‘tjie A – A’tjie 20 – 20’tjie REMEMBER THAT WHEN A QUESTION IS IN PLURAL YOUR ANSWER MUST ALSO BE IN PLURAL Bv. honde – hondjies bome – boompies koppe - koppies To make it plural just add –s