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I am glad you are here!. Parent involvement is most successful when it is viewed, practiced and promoted as a partnership between the home and the school. Resource: California Strategic Plan for the Education of Parent Involvement. What will you know ?. Policy ELAC Responsibilities
Parent involvement is most successful when it is viewed, practiced and promoted as a partnership between the home and the school. Resource: California Strategic Plan for the Education of Parent Involvement.
What will you know? • Policy • ELAC Responsibilities • DELAC Responsibilities
What will you be able to do? • Explain to others ELAC’s responsibilities • Explain to others DELAC’s responsibilities • Locate the information and/or documents needed to fulfill the responsibilities
LAW PROCESS Federal Government U.S. Department of Education State Department of Education State Legislature County Office of Education School District School Classrooms
When there are 21 or more English learners at a school, there shall be a functioning ELAC. EC 62002.5;5 CCR 4312
ELAC Responsibilities • Advise the principal and the staff of: • The school’s program for ELs. • Advise the SSC of: • The development of the Single School Plan for Student Achievement.
ELAC Responsibilities • Assist the school principal and staff with: • Determiningthe school’s needs assessment. • The school’s annual language census (R-30 LC Report). • Efforts to inform parents of the importance of regularschool attendance.
Whiteboards Review 1.How many responsibilities does ELAC have? 2.Who does ELAC advise? 3.What document does ELAC need to review? 4. Name ELAC’s tasks.
When there are 51 or more English Learners (EL) at a district, there shall be a functioning DELAC. EC 62002.5;5 CCR 4312
DELAC Responsibilities Advise the district governing board (in person and/or in writing) of: The development or revision of a district master planof education programs and services for English learners, taking into consideration the Single School Plans for Student Achievement.
DELAC Responsibilities 2. Conducting a district-wide needs assessment on a school-by-school basis.
DELAC Responsibilities 3. Establishment of district program, goals, and objectives for programs and services for English learners (e.g., parental exception waivers and funding).
DELAC Responsibilities 4. Development of a plan to ensure compliance with any applicable teacher and instructional aide requirements.
DELAC: Responsibilities 5. Administration of the annual language census (R-30 LC Report, procedures, forms….).
DELAC: Responsibilities 6. Review and comment on the district’s reclassification procedures established pursuant to Education Code Section 52164.6.
DELAC: Responsibilities • 7. Review and comment on the written notifications required to be sent to parents and guardians on the initial registration, school events, and program options pursuant to Education Code. Ed. CodeSection 48985 and Title 5, CCR, Subchapter 4, Section 11316
Whiteboards Review 1. How many responsibilities does DELAC have? 2.Who does the DELAC advise? 3.What document does the DELAC need to review? 4. What’s California’s criteria for reclassification of ELs?
ELAC Essential Criteria • The percentage of parents of the students within the committee must be at least the same percentage as that of the students in the school. • The parents or guardians of EL students choose other parents as members of the Committee.
ELAC Essential Criteria Elections provide all parents of EL students the opportunity to vote. The Committee elects at least one representative of ELAC to DELAC. Receives continuous training to help parents carry out their duties.
ELAC/DELAC: Requirements of SB 355 • Notice/agenda must include date, time, and location of meeting and the items to be discussed or acted upon. • Action cannot be taken on items not posted on the agenda, UNLESS a unanimous vote finds a need for immediate action. • The public must be provided access to all materials discussed and/or distributed at the meeting.
ELAC/DELAC: Requirements of SB 355 • California ED Code/Section 35147-(SB 355 Greene) • Meetings must be open to the public and allow for public input. • Meeting notice and agenda must be posted at least 72 hours before the meeting. • Notice and agenda must be posted at the school site or other appropriate place accessible to the public.
Carousel Activity • With your group, discuss the questions at each carousel station. • Record your best ideas on chart paper. • When the music starts, and with your group, move to the next station (to the right).
When you lead, you … • Innovate • Develop • Focus on people • Inspire
When you lead, you … • Have a long-range perspective • Originate • Ask what and why • Keep your eye on the horizon
When you lead, you … • Influence • Guide • Challenge • Focus on effectiveness
When you lead, you … • Do the right thing • Listen with the intent to understand
Lines of Communication • What are ELAC’s responsibilities? • What are DELAC’s responsibilities? • What documents do you need to share with parents? • As a leader, what do you do?
Unity creates power, and by working together, parents and educators, we can ensure a quality learning environment for our English learners.