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ELECTRONIC|DIGITAL. Think creative, No boundaries. Media. Prepared by: Jacky Cahyadi, S.Sn. Masing- masing media punya karakter yang berbeda-beda dan menjangkau kelompok audience yang berbeda-beda. Think creative, No boundaries. Media Selection. Time Selection. Place Selection.
ELECTRONIC|DIGITAL Think creative, No boundaries Media Prepared by: Jacky Cahyadi, S.Sn.
Masing- masing media punya karakter yang berbeda-beda dan menjangkau kelompok audience yang berbeda-beda. Think creative, No boundaries
Media Selection Time Selection Place Selection Media Strategy in Advertising Size Selection Frequently Selection Creativity / Main Interest Selection Think creative, No boundaries
“It says electronic media because it seen on screen, not on paper” Think creative, No boundaries
Since the end of 90’s we have lived in digital information technology era, Internet, SMS, and MMS grew up so fast Film and Television Programs dominated our daily life Radio Broadcast in everywhere channels we could find out. Think creative, No boundaries
Television broadcast, Shortly we call it, TV Radio Broadcast Viral Internet Mobile Communication Gadget or Hand Phone Think creative, No boundaries
TV Switch on my TV doesn’t mean that I want to watch it but anything……( Bansinger , Via Morley 1988 : 29) Think creative, No boundaries
The Insight of Television- Show Programs- Watching Style- Attention Grade- Environment/Space TV Think creative, No boundaries
Bagaimana orang menonton televisi ?(Peter Colllett, psikolog Inggris)Selama menonton televisi orang melakukan apa saja mulai membaca, berbincang-bincang, bercanda, menjahit, merajut, membersihkan sesuatu, mengeringkan rambut, menekan remote mencari channel lain. Bisa terjadi hal diatas karena :- Sifat Iklan cermin sifat produknya.- Sifat khalayak tidak mau disuguhi iklan.- Posisioning iklan disaat penyiaran dan program acara yg disela.- Perhatian pemirsa kadang ditentukan orang lain , semakin banyak orang yang menonton perhatian semakin kecil.- Adegan menarik iklan masuk----kemungkinan iklan dilihat. TV Think creative, No boundaries
Tipologi menonton televisi- Menonton Televisi adalah tindakan menjalin, dan atau memutuskan ikatan inter personal.- Menonton televisi adalah mendapatkan beraneka ragaman pengalaman, bersantai, belajar, bermain, mengasuh dsb.- Kehadiran suara sbg suara latar ( background noise) menjadikantelevisi sebagai teman setia.- Tindakan mengelola kekuasaan TV Think creative, No boundaries
1. Efektifitas Jangkauan Televisi media yang paling efektif (jangkauan dibanding media lain seperti Radio, Media Cetak). 2. Dampak yang Kuat Keunggulan kemampuan dilihat dan didengar (audio/visual) 3. Pengaruh yang Kuat Televisi sbg media yang paling kuat di rumah selesai dari kesibukan dan kepenatan meluangkan waktu. TV Think creative, No boundaries
1. Biaya Produksiyang Besar Biaya besar mulai pre-produksi sampai produksi .2. Khalayak Tidak Selektif Segmentasinya tidak setajam radio atau media cetak.3. Kesulitan Teknis Iklan –iklan tidak bisa luwes dipindah jam tayang karena kepadatan program acara televisi. TV Think creative, No boundaries
TV Advertising Style Sebuah produk membeli acara pada jam tertentu dimana otomatis iklan-iklan dominasi produk tsb ( Gebyar BCA, Telkom Mania) Sebuah produk mensponsori acara tertentu yang memiliki karakter produk sama---- Djarum Liga Italia, Inggris. Iklan Layanan Masyarakat atau Non Komersial. Iklan saat acara berlangsung , sebelum dan seudahnya, Durasi mulai 5,15,30,45,60, 90 hingga 120 detik Iklan seperti running text dengan disertai visual animasi produk. Iklan sebelum acara dimulai dan sesudah acara. TV Think creative, No boundaries
TV Visual Techniques in TV Commercial Think creative, No boundaries
TESTIMONIAL Testimonials can be delivered by known or unknown individuals. Viewers are fascinated with celebrities. celebrities or public figures give their testimony about product that they used. Weakness, it costs an advertiser so expensive to research celebrity to get diagnostic information of not only the personality but also whether the personality fits its product or service TV Think creative, No boundaries
SERIALS Serials are commercials created in a series in which Each commercial continues the previous story TV Think creative, No boundaries
Oldies Footage Classic television and film sequences are now easily Manipulated to create ads that target media-savvy viewers TV Think creative, No boundaries
Spokesperson Often this technique features a “presenter” who stands in front of the camera and delivers the copy directly to the viewer. The spokesperson may display and perhaps demonstrate the product. TV Think creative, No boundaries
Demonstration Benefit or the using of product is explained clearly. Do not try to fool the viewer for two important reasons: Your message must be believable Legally, the demonstration must correspond the actual usage TV Think creative, No boundaries
Close-Ups Close-up view to product, examples: A fast-food chain may use close-ups to show hamburger cooking or the appetizing finished product ready to be consumed TV Think creative, No boundaries
Story Line The story line technique is similar to making a miniature movie (with a definite beginning, middle, and end in 30 seconds) TV Think creative, No boundaries
Direct Product Comparison TV Compare between 2 products directly Think creative, No boundaries
Still Photographs And Artwork TV By using still photographs and/or artwork, Including cartoon drawings and lettering, This visual technique is like a motion slide Think creative, No boundaries
Slice-of-Life Slice-of-Life is a dramatic technique in which actors tell a story in an attempt to involve people with the brand. It’s a short mini play in which the brand is the hero. Most Slice-of-life commercials open with a problem, and the brand becomes the solution TV Think creative, No boundaries
Customer Interview An interviewer style, come to location and interview about product or service, most people who appear in television commercials are professional actors, but customer interviews involve nonprofessionals TV Think creative, No boundaries
Vignettes and Situations This advertising has shown people enjoying product as they enjoy life. Advertisers of soft drinks, beer, candy, and other widely consumed products find this technique useful in creating excitement and motivation TV Think creative, No boundaries
Humor Humor has long been a popular technique with both copywriters and consumers because it makes the commercial more interesting. TV Think creative, No boundaries
Problem Solution Problem solution is similar to slice-of-life but lacks the depth of story line or plot development. Solve the problem with visual, visual tells the story TV Think creative, No boundaries
Animation, Stop Motion, Rotoscope TV An advertiser uses CG film sequence 2D or 3D The artwork photographed in animation Combine between CG animation shot with live-action sequences Think creative, No boundaries
Mood Imagery This technique is expensive and difficult. It often combines several techniques. The main objective is to set a certain mood and image for the product you are trying to sell. Strong imagery can sell ideas. TV Think creative, No boundaries
RADIO SEGMENTATION Ardan ( Entertainment )------ Teen (15-24 yr)ARH (Entertain & info)------ Proffesional 25 – 35 yr)Colors Radio ( Distinctive Music and Entertainment)---- General Public 20-30 yrCosmopolitan ( Life style and Business)------Female, Adult 28 – 30 yrELshinta ( News and Information)---General Public and Politic SES A,B.Female ( Lifestyle and entertain)-----Female SES A, BHard Rock (Lifestyle and entertain)------Young People 20-30 SES ABSC FM ( Information and Entertain) ------General Public 25 – 35 yr.Suara Surabaya ( Newsand Information)---- General Public 25 – 35 yr SES A,BPas FM ( Business)----Proffesional 25 – 35 yr SES AB.OZ ( Lifestyle and Entertain)-----Young People 14 – 29 yr SES B-, A+MTV on the sky ( Lifestyle)------ 15 -23 yr, SES A, B.Mercury (Information and Infotainment)----- Segmented SES, General Public, SES B+ Think creative, No boundaries
RADIO SEGMENTATION IN SURABAYAColors Radio (hiburan Anak muda) ------- Casual ‘n Fun, Sex RoomDJ FM Radio ( Hiburan Anak Muda) ---- Wake Up Get Up, Time Traxx.EBS FM ( Musik dan Informasi)--- Hot 40, Agenda Pagi, Afternoon ShowGlobal FM ( Radio Keluarga) ---- Global evergreen, Global Mandarin.Hard Rock ( Hiburan Anak Muda) --- Drive’n Jive, Guys Talk, Rock The Night.Kota ( Radio Dangdut)---- Seputar Kota, Dendang Surabaya, Dangdut Mania.Mercury ( (Berita dan Hiburan) --- Mercury Hot News, Mercury Oldiest.SCFM ( Berita dan gaya HIdup)---- Indonesia First Channel, SurabayaFC.Suara Surabaya ( Radio Informasi)--- Kelana Kota, Dialog Interaktif. Think creative, No boundaries
Pentingkah Radio Ad.? Media Radio tidak pernah tenggelam, bahkan dengan maraknya media internet saat ini Singkatnya waktu dalam persiapan materi iklan Radio Harganya yang relatif lebih murah, iklan radio bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan frekuensi eksposure sebuah campaign. Dengan tingginya frekuensi, awareness terhadap pesan yang disampaikan melalui media radio akan dengan cepat dibangun. Think creative, No boundaries
-Murah (biaya produksi dan placement)-Ketajaman Penetrasi ( sinyal kuat pendengar dari jarak jauh)-Waktu Transmisi tak terbatas ( on air 24 hr)-Imajinatif (suara/vocal, musikal)-Tidak memerlukan perhatian terfokus (sambil berkendara dll)-Mobile (bisa dibawa kemana saja)-Teman Setia (teman rasa sepi )-Pengganti televisi (tidak bisa lihat televisi )-Media Intrusif (efektif memutuskan, menyela info baru )-Bukan media musiman (memiliki pendengar tanpa terpengaruh musim)-Sub-urban coverage (jangkauan yang tidak terjangkau tv, media cetak) Think creative, No boundaries
-Lack of pictures (pengiklan tidak bisa demonstrasikan produknya)-Radio menyiarkan iklan sekilas (perlu pengulangan)-Bersifat terbagi ( pengiklan tumpang tindih menjangkau pasar)-Local Area service ( menjangkau daerah tertentu tergantung radionya)-Sulit dimonitor. Think creative, No boundaries
tips The Making of Radio Ad.-Buatlah pendengar “melihat” apa yang anda sampaikan-Gunakan kata-kata sederhana biasa terdengar setiap hari-Hindari kata-kata salah dengar atau salah arti-Gunakan Sound Effect (SFX) produk yang sedang “Action”-Ramukan jingle,dialog, penyiar, SFX, musik sefektif mungkin.-Sesuaikan dengan gaya station radio yang dipilih-Variasikan tema jingle bisa nge’rock, dangdut, R&B, pop, dll-Adlips (berita/iklan dari suara penyiar)-Spot promo (iklan promosi produk) 15s, 30s, 45s, 60s-Wawancara langsung/talkshow. Think creative, No boundaries
Beberapa Istilah yang digunakan dalam proses pembuatan Iklan Radio: FVO : Female Voice OverMVO : Male Voice OverSFX : Sound EffectANNCR : AnnouncerAM : Amplitude Modulation (25 miles)FM : Frequency Modulation (50 miles)Ad Lips, Radio Spot, Jingle....etc Juga digunakan dalam pembuatan iklan TV Think creative, No boundaries
Detik.com Hi5! Yahoo! Friendster Facebook Internet Google Geocities MySpace Daily Mail Think creative, No boundaries
Internet media industry has grown up, Everyone can access any information from here, Just click www….. Or http://...., we can see any information By internet, no barrier anymore Think creative, No boundaries
There are several type of e-commerce information categories: Search Engine (Yahoo!, Google, Geocities, etc) Friends Community Web (Facebook, Friendster, Hi5!, etc) Corporate Web (Product or service corporate website) News Online Web (metrotvnews.com, kompas.co.id, detik.com, etc) Shopping Online Web (amazon.com, clickbookshop.com, etc) Web Blog (wordpress.com, blogspot.com, etc) Think creative, No boundaries
Worldwide coverage • Interactively • Multimedia content • Directly accessible • No expensive (depends on site) • Accessible, even by mobile phone Internet Think creative, No boundaries
lack of space • more technically problems • Depends on network server • Not coverage market segmentation C Internet Think creative, No boundaries
The making technique of web Ad. banner Design size on pixels unit, not in centimeters or millimeters Resolution 72 dpi, don’t more Ad design size depends on how many size do you buy on that site (width and height) If use an animation Flash FX, consider it that every internet counter doesn’t have Flash player plug-ins (for Indonesia location), so you must take the risk for that Think creative, No boundaries
Mobile Communication Gadgets, such as Cellular Phone, Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) are being a trend for everyone around the world, including in Indonesia Everyone has more than one cellular phone (GSM Operation and CDMA operation) Every 60 seconds, 60 minutes, 24 hours, always send or receive messages (SMS, EMS, or MMS) But no everyone likes if received any unknown messages, it is cheating! No beliefs information Think creative, No boundaries