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International Cooperation in Market Surveillance

International Cooperation in Market Surveillance. Dirk Meijer Chief Executive of Prosafe ( www.emars.eu ) Chairman of ICPSC ( www.icpsc.org ) . CONTENTS. Role of the market parties Business characteristics International cooperation Conclusions. Responsibilities of Market Parties.

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International Cooperation in Market Surveillance

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  1. International Cooperation in Market Surveillance Dirk Meijer Chief Executive of Prosafe (www.emars.eu) Chairman of ICPSC (www.icpsc.org)

  2. CONTENTS • Role of the market parties • Business characteristics • International cooperation • Conclusions

  3. Responsibilities of Market Parties • Producers • Placing safe products on the market • Consumers • Using a product safely • Government • Determining safety criteria and enforcement of legislation.

  4. Business Characteristics • Responsible Businesses • Well aware => Advice • Ignorant Businesses • Not fully aware => Advice and light enforcement • Irresponsible Businesses / Free Riders • Not wanting to comply => Strict enforcement

  5. International Cooperation • Most businesses operate internationally • For an effective approach of irresponsible businesses we need • Harmonised Legislation => Legislators • Harmonised Standards => Standardisation organisations (CEN, ISO) • Harmonised Market Surveillance => Market Surveillance Authorities

  6. Cooperation of Market Surveillance Authorities in the Product Safety Area • The European Situation • Prosafe • The International Situation • ICPSC

  7. PROSAFE BACKGROUND • The European Commission made an enormous effort in establishing a harmonised system of Legislation in the EU • The efforts in setting up harmonised regulations will be hardly effective if the enforcement will not be harmonised • Sudsidiarity and the New Legislative Framework

  8. Participation in Prosafe Projects

  9. International Context ICPSC • Started in the ICPHSO conferences as the international forum around 2000 (www.icphso.org) • 2006 Bethesda Declaration which meant the “official” start of ICPSC as a meeting of market surveillance authorities on product safety

  10. Participants ICPSC • USA (CPSC) • China (AQSIQ) • Canada (Health Canada) • Australia • New Zealand • South Korea • Japan • Mexico • Brasil • Europe (European Commission, (Member) States & Prosafe)

  11. Workshops ICPSC • To be organised in conjunction with other international events: • ICPHSO February 25 Mini Workshop on Traceability • Goods Conference Stockholm September 2009 • ICPHSO Washington 2010 with the OECD (?) • ICPHSO Toronto (?)

  12. CONCLUSIONS (1) • To be able to empower consumers and keep business to their responsibilities we need international cooperation in: • Legislation • Standardisation • Market Surveillance

  13. CONCLUSIONS (2) • Cooperation in Market Surveillance: • Is becoming more and more formalised in Europe due to the New Legislative Framework and activities of Prosafe • Internationally the same developments can be seen within ICPSC

  14. INFORMATION / QUESTIONS • Websites: • www.emars.eu • www.icpsc.org • www.icphso.org • E-mail: dirk.meijer@emars.eu

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