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NFSM-ORISSA. NFSM-Rice Districts of Orissa. 1-Bolangir 2-Jajpur 3-Angul 4-Keonjhar 5-Dhenkanal 6-Nayagarh 7-Kandhamal 8-Boudh 9-Deogarh 10-Sundargarh 11-Jharsuguda 12-Kalahandi 13-Nawarangpur 14- Malkangiri 15-Nuapada. Pulses growing districts.
NFSM-Rice Districts of Orissa 1-Bolangir 2-Jajpur 3-Angul 4-Keonjhar 5-Dhenkanal 6-Nayagarh 7-Kandhamal 8-Boudh 9-Deogarh 10-Sundargarh 11-Jharsuguda 12-Kalahandi 13-Nawarangpur 14- Malkangiri 15-Nuapada
Financial Progress achieved under NFSM during 2009-10 (Fin Rs in Lakhs)
Target & Achievement under NFSM-Rice during 2009-10 ( Fin Rs in Lakhs)
Target & Achievement under NFSM-Pulses during 2009-10 ( Fin Rs in Lakhs)
Seeds Planning of Inputs procurement for Kharif 2010-11 and progress • Demonstration inputs like Fertiliser,Bio fertilizer ,PP Chemicals will be supplied through OAIC/OSCMF/SLTC approved dealers. • District wise programme for liming (PMS),Gypsum, Micronutrient and PP chemicals has been communicated to respective Project Manager • Tender process/Expression of interest towards supply of above inputs have been completed • Farm machineries like Rotavators,Power weeder,Knapsack sprayers, Sprinkler set,HDPE Pipes are to be supplied to the beneficiaries as per the approved rate of SLTC.
Planning and progress of Inputs supply in A3P Kharif unit N.B.- Supply of inputs to be made through OAIC/OSCMF
NFSM-Rice 2010-11 Status of minikit distribution of rice and Pulses for 2010-11 NFSM-Pulses 2010-11 A3P 2010-11 N.B.:-Destination wise distribution of minikits has been communicated to supplying agencies and to the field. Supply by OSSC in Progress .Other agencies yet to supply
Status of online submission of progress report up to district/block levels Access to internet was disrupted for some days at State Hqr. Due to construction and renovation of Road and drainage works. It has been planned to organize a special training soon for online submission of NFSM progress report up to district/block levels to the field officials of NFSM districts involving Experts from NIC Online submission of report will be made shortly.
Area,Production and Yield of Rice in NFSM and Non-NFSM districts of Orissa (A=Area in LakhHa,P= Prodn in LakhTon,Y= Yield in Kg/Ha) A-Area in Lakh Ha,P-Prodn in Lakh tonnes,Y-Yield in Kg/Ha
Area, Production and Yield of Pulsesi n NFSM and Non NFSM districts of Orissa (A=Area in LakhHa,P= Prodn in LakhTon,Y= Yield in Kg/Ha) A-Area in Lakh Ha,P-Prodn in Lakh tonnes,Y-Yield in Kg/Ha
The joy of harvest THANK YOU