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Non-Traditional methods of Science Communication: think globally act locally

Non-Traditional methods of Science Communication: think globally act locally. Chairperson : Julia Tagüeña (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) Bill Booth (Exploratorium) Alan Draeger (the American Museum of Natural History) Serif Kaynar ( Turkey Science Center s Foundation )

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Non-Traditional methods of Science Communication: think globally act locally

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  1. Non-Traditional methods of Science Communication: think globally act locally Chairperson: Julia Tagüeña (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) Bill Booth (Exploratorium) Alan Draeger (the American Museum of Natural History) Serif Kaynar (Turkey Science Centers Foundation) VincenzoLipardi(ECSITE, Cittadellasciencia)

  2. Main Challenges • Respect to diversity and cultural differences, without the loss of scientific rigor • Inclusion, equity and tolerance • Knowledge based society • Rational thinking • To put together global knowledge and local reality: glocalapproach • Strategic parternships: Collaborative networks • New attitudes

  3. ¿Theoretical frame of reference? • Science communication as a multidisciplinary field of study • Research on science communication in different media (including science centers) • Research on education in science centers

  4. Public Communication of Science and Technology Network (www.pcstacademy.org)

  5. Science communication models • Model of diffusion • Model of deliberation • Model of negotiation • Communicating science in social contexts: new models, new practices, Cheng, Claessens, Gascoigne, Metcalfe, Schiele, Shi, editors, Springer (2008) • PCSTnetwork proceedings

  6. Model of diffusion (deficit) • From science towards the public • The public does not understand scientists • The public does not listen to science or perhaps…¿ science does not listen to the public? • Extreme “global” attitude

  7. Model of deliberation • From the public towards science • Deliberative dialogue • Democratic control over science • The public consensus is the basis for legitimate knowledge creation • Extreme “local” attitude

  8. Model of negotiation • Constant negotiation over the development of technology and the definitions of science and public • To democratize science through heterogeneity and controversies • To reach a provisional closure of credibility, perhaps opening new controversies • “Glocal” attitude

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