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English Convo II

English Convo II. Week 10 . Today’s Schedule. Warm Up Book report Wrap Up Communication Project Classroom Management Introduction Practice in Pairs Situation activity . Warm up: Questioning Grid . Look at the cards we used last week.

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English Convo II

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  1. English Convo II Week 10

  2. Today’s Schedule • Warm Up • Book report Wrap Up • Communication Project • Classroom Management • Introduction • Practice in Pairs • Situation activity

  3. Warm up: Questioning Grid • Look at the cards we used last week. • Where does each question fall on this chart? Did the literature circle questions address all 4 categories?

  4. Communication Project 50pts • Choose a conversation partner and chat with them once a week for at least 4 weeks. • Week 13 (Nov. 28th) we will present • Presentations ~5 minutes • Tell us a little about your partner • Tell us how you chatted with him/her (i.e. via email once a week) • Interesting English words/phrases/etc. you learned and/or Cultural info. (or current events, etc.) you learned about • Conclusion/any additional details you’d like to share • 10 points per content area (=40) +10 points for participation (=50)

  5. Discussion Question • Who is your conversation partner? • Have you started chatting with him/her? • If so, have you already learned some interesting English or cultural information? • If not, what kind of questions could you ask him/her to get some interesting information?

  6. Classroom Behavior Management

  7. How We Learn- William Glasser We Learn…10% of what we READ20% of what we HEAR30% of what we SEE50% of what we SEE and HEAR70% of what is DISCUSSED with OTHERS80% of what is EXPERIENCED PERSONALLY95% of what we TEACH TO SOMEONE ELSE

  8. Proactive Teaching • Establish rapport • Establish a routine • Make and remind students of the rules 1. Follow directions 2. Come to class prepared and on time 3. Leave gum, food and beverages in your locker 4. Keep your hands, feet and other objects away from others

  9. Cultural Differences in management • Reminder – to whole class or individual students • “Everyone else has started working now. You need to stop talking and start too.” • Warning – verbal or written • “I expect you to turn around and work on your assignment. This is your warning. What is the next step?” • Write name on board, clip board, or give a warning slip • Infraction Slip • “I warned you a few minutes earlier about following directions but you refused to work. (Give punishment) Can you tell me the next step?” • Principal’s Office

  10. Brainstorm Inappropriate Behavior • Chat with your partner • What are some inappropriate behaviors you have seen in class as a student or teacher? • How did seeing this behavior make you feel? (Make a list on the WB)

  11. Classroom Management Techniques 1. Focusing attention – don’t begin class until you have their attention “I’m waiting for…” 2. Explain the lesson “Today we will…” 3. Monitoring – walk around the room 4. Modeling – show good behavior yourself 5. Non-verbal cuing - facial expression, body posture, hand signals, flicking the light switches.

  12. Classroom Management Techniques 6. Environmental Control – colorful, cheery room 7. Low-Profile Intervention – name dropping, coming near the student to intervene 8. Assertive Discipline – clear rules are laid out. No child has the right to interfere with the learning of another student. 9. Assertive I-Messages - “I want/need/expect you to…” Focus on good behavior not misbehavior.

  13. Classroom Management Techniques 10. I-Messages– express feelings • Child’s behavior “When you talk when I’m talking…” • Its effect “I have to stop teaching…” • Your feeling “which frustrates me.” 11. Positive discipline – (No fighting – settle conflicts appropriately) Praise good behavior.

  14. Remember it’s the student’s choice • Remind students they can choose to make good choices • “What did I ask everyone to do? And what are you doing? What do you think a good choice would be right now?” • Remind students of the rules • “Remember our first classroom rule, we need to follow directions”

  15. Teaching Game • Groups of 2: Each group pick one simple English song/activity/game to teach • Try to do the following • Focus the attention • Explain the lesson / lay out the rules • Model good behavior, non-verbal cues • Monitoring • Each time there will be at least two misbehaving students (lion +tiger) • If a student misbehaves… • Name drop, come near the student • Praise another students’ good behavior • Use an I-message • Use assertive discipline

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