It’s a good idea!!! • Recreation on the fresh airit’sreally a good idea!!! Ourworldisverydirty and it’sreallyhard to find place where air and waterisclean. People, who live in the villageshould be very happy becausethereis a lot of clean air. Therearesomeforests, fields and meadows. Thereyoucanrest and relax!
Spendingyourfree time does not have to be boring!!! Ifyoulikeyoucan go for a walk, but if not I an offeryou a PICNIC. Yes, youcanbreathefresh air and eatdeliciousthings. Howyoucanspendyour time?
OK, soit’s not problem! Becauseyoucanvisitsomenearbysituatedparks. A lot of trees, benches on whichyoucan sit and listensingingbirds. It’ssometimesworthwhilealsovisitingnationalparks. I’msurethatyouseeinterestinganimals and learnnewthings. Not enoughtime?
Brilliant idea for holidays! • Yes, holidayit’sthe time whenyoushouldrelax. Personally, It’sthebest time for me! But whereyousholudspendyourholidays? I’vegot for yousomesuggestion: - in the mountains - on the river and - on the lake
The lake Lakesarebeautiful! Quiet place, cleanwater, greengrass and trees. On the riverthereissimilar but waterflows much faster. Theseare the bestplaceswhereyoucanspendyourfree time. Youareable to swimand useboatifyou want orcatch a fish. Anotheramazingadventureis sleeping in a tent! In thesummer, whenthenightsarewarm, itisthebestsolution
High mountains arecool but alsodangerous. Youshould be careful, becausesomerocksareslippy and itiseasy to fall. But remember: thehigher in mountainyouare, theforestbecomecolder. Thatiswhyyoucannotforgetabouttakingwarmerclothes. The mountains
So remember, recreationinnatureis great!!! Made by Kasia Gojowy