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- Warm Up -

- Warm Up -. 1. Go to www.collaborativeteachers.pbworks.com 2. Look on the far right sidebar menu 3. Click on 2010 DISD Math Training 4. Click on and complete the Teacher Questionnaire *Optional - Request access to the page & look around the page. In order to have class participation….

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- Warm Up -

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Presentation Transcript

  1. - Warm Up - 1. Go to www.collaborativeteachers.pbworks.com 2. Look on the far right sidebar menu 3. Click on 2010 DISD Math Training 4. Click on and complete the Teacher Questionnaire *Optional - Request access to the page & look around the page

  2. In order to have class participation….. 1. Number off 2. Write your Number down 2 times side by side with enough space to tear it into 2 pieces 3. Tear paper in half 4. You keep 1 half 5. I get the other half

  3. Effective Technology Integration - Kari Knisely

  4. Today’s Agenda • Warm Up • Brief Introductions • Presentation • Activities • Prepare • Collaborate Please be respectful – are teachers really the worst students? Break at 9:30 am or as needed

  5. Who am I?

  6. Hand Up, Stand Up, Pair Up • Where you teach • What grade you teach • What is your best idea/secret/strategy/ classroom procedure/management/ expectation/rule that you use? • What you look forward to doing in the evenings, your weekends, time off?

  7. Why? • Why are we here? • Why are we teachers? • What is our goal? • What is our mission?

  8. Donna ISD Mission Statement • The mission of Donna ISD is to ensure academic excellence for all students through a rigorous and supportive learning environment that provides a quality education in accordance with state and national standards. "Committed to Excellence"

  9. What is a quality education? • What do kids need to be successful today? • Are standards properly aligned? • If not, then ……

  10. Technology History & Advancements • Printing Press • Internet

  11. Are we preparing them correctly? • US vs. other countries • Future Job outlook • Search and organize info? • What info is legit? • Share and think globally?

  12. To assist every student in crossing the digital divide by ensuring that every student is technology literate by the time the student finishes the eighth grade, regardless of the student's race, ethnicity, gender, family income, geographic location, or disability. -- No Child Left Behind, Title II, Part D

  13. Title II Part D (NCLB) • TEKS – all subject areas should include technology integration • 1. While there are references to the use of digital technology in all required curriculum, the Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)are to be used to effectively integrate technology across the curriculum.

  14. What the heck is it? Any questions yet???

  15. What is effective TI? Engaging Authentic Collaborative Challenging Performance-based -- Proficiency in 21st Century skills

  16. Is this an example or non-example?

  17. Is this an example or non-example?

  18. Is this an example or non-example?

  19. And when the thrill is gone?

  20. Technology Integration Is Not: • Taking students to the computer lab once a week for 40 minutes. • Using the computer as an electronic worksheet. • Using the computer as a reward station for students who are finished with their other assignments.

  21. Technology Integration Is Not: • Accelerated Reader, Math Blaster, WebAchiever. • Every student typing one PowerPoint a year, no matter what! • What the teacher is doing with the technology.

  22. Glogster Google Apps PBworks Flickr Blogger Diigo Facebook ooVoo Earth Twitter YouTube/Edu

  23. We must prepare learners for theirfuture, not for our past. -- David Thornburg • A vision of K-12 Students

  24. Joke • Rip Van Winkle awakens in the 21st century after a hundred-year snooze and is, of course, utterly bewildered by what he sees. Men and women dash about, talking to small metal devices pinned to their ears. Young people sit at home on sofas, moving miniature athletes around on electronic screens. Older folk defy death and disability with metronomes in their chests and with hips made of metal and plastic. Airports, hospitals, shopping malls – every place Rip goes just baffles him. But when he finally walks into a schoolroom, the old man knows exactly where he is. “This is a school,” he declares. “We used to have these back in 1906. Only now the blackboards are green (Miranda, et al, 2006, 1).

  25. 21st Century Skills • Personal and social responsibility • Planning, critical thinking, reasoning, and creativity • Strong communication skills • Cross-cultural understanding • Visualizing and decision-making • Knowing how & when to use technology

  26. Steps to Integration • Begin with the end in mind. • How will learning be different? • How will teaching be different? • Model integration • Encourage integration • Challenge integration • Encourage YOUR teachers to learn!! Feel free to modify and share to meet your needs.

  27. Metaphor/Activity Where to find the Activities/Motivational things learned from Success Coach at CAMT 2010 in San Antonio • Go to www.collaborativeteachers.pbworks.com • Click on CAMT 2010 (far right side bar) • Click on Motivational Session

  28. The importance of visuals/images • Text (books) = sequential • Images = non-sequential • Images, visuals help better learning and connecting • Images & visuals in technology EVERYWHERE

  29. Vision trumps all other senses. Brain Rule # 10:

  30. drifted The fog on the mountain over trees… the pine tall Words are processed sequentially.

  31. Images are processed simultaneously.

  32. If I can visualize it, I own it.

  33. Visualize & Imagine… Visualize having hot dogs at the beach…

  34. Is this what you visualized?

  35. Images go to long-term memory

  36. Did you ever see something in a split secondthat will remain with you forever?

  37. We are drawn to images Not words: • Adorable, • Cute, • Cuddly, • Soft

  38. Not text • Lonely, • Destitute, • Homeless, • Abandoned Even text that is colorful and bright.

  39. Any questions so far???? NEXT, Explore & start “doing” something rather than talking about it doing something…..

  40. Website Browsers Firefox Google Chrome Internet Explorer

  41. Go to www.donnaisd.net • Log in • Take some time to set up our E-Chalk accounts and familiarize ourselves WHY use Echalk?

  42. Go to the following social bookmarking website • www.diigo.com • Set up an account • “Follow” me • Play around • Watch the tutorial videos WHY use Diigo?

  43. Go to www.docs.google.com • Go to google docs or do a search for google docs • Set up an account • Create a New Item (form) of whatever type just to play around • Watch tutorial videos to learn more • Go over answers from Warm Up on overhead WHY use google docs?

  44. www.butleratutb.pbworks.com • Doctor of the MTT program (great links here) • www.collaborativeteachers.pbworks.com • For teachers to collaborate/share, get, find info • Check out CAMT 2010 Links (thanks to Mrs. Eberstadt & Mrs. Sol!) • www.misskniselyclassroom.pbworks.com • For my classroom WHY use a wiki?

  45. Examples of TRUE integrated lesson plans http://butleratutb.pbworks.com/EDTC-6341-Summer-2010 • Look around/Check out some FACTS lesson plans (under the red text) http://obsidian.gmu.edu/twt/opener.htm • The above link will ONLY work in a Fire Fox browser… It will NOT work in Internet Explorer • Click on the puzzle pieces to the right and it will walk you through a few examples created

  46. UBD • Understanding By Design • 3 Stages http://www.grantwiggins.org/ubd/ubd.lasso MY Overview….. • Start with the End in Mind • Plan GOOD questions for the day/lesson (arguable, adult life like) Get them thinking • Big Idea answers , “Why?” • Real Life Application • Rubric Assessments

  47. 3 Stages of UBD • Identify Desired Results • Content, TEKS, TAKS • Essential Questions – Arguable not recall, real life, philosophic , uncover not cover • KEY: BIG IDEAS – real life, depth • Determine acceptable evidence - Self assess, Rubrics, GRASPS (goal, role, audience, situation, performance, standards) • Plan learning experiences & instruction - 5 E Model ( - Organize by WHERE (Why or Where, Hooked, Equip/Explore, Rethink/rehearse/refine/revise, Evaluate)

  48. Your turn Create an effective lesson plan OR project 1. What TEKS do you want to cover? - week, semester, 6 weeks, year 2. Think of a real life problem that use those TEKS 3. How will you use technology to gather, research, present, organize, share, etc. in solving this problem

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