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Wô_ô§ Wô_ôúY DmûU úTôt± TôÓúYu ¿o AiPYo, LojRô§ LojRôúY DmûU úTôt± TôÓúYu ¿o AiPYo

Wô_ô§ Wô_ôúY DmûU úTôt± TôÓúYu ¿o AiPYo, LojRô§ LojRôúY DmûU úTôt± TôÓúYu ¿o AiPYo. ØZeLôp VôÜm UPeÏm SôÜLs @±dûL TiÔm NôjRôu SÓe¡ÓYôu ÏWp DVoj§úV TôÓúYôm LojRo ¿úW.

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Wô_ô§ Wô_ôúY DmûU úTôt± TôÓúYu ¿o AiPYo, LojRô§ LojRôúY DmûU úTôt± TôÓúYu ¿o AiPYo

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Wô_ô§ Wô_ôúY DmûU úTôt± TôÓúYu¿o AiPYo, LojRô§ LojRôúYDmûU úTôt± TôÓúYu ¿o AiPYo

  2. ØZeLôp VôÜm UPeÏmSôÜLs @±dûL TiÔmNôjRôu SÓe¡ÓYôuÏWp DVoj§úV TôÓúYôm LojRo ¿úW

  3. King of Kings, Lord of LordsWe got to shout it on the streets, He is LordKing of Kings, Lord of LordsWe got to shout it on the streets, He is Lord

  4. Every Knee shall bow, every tongue confessEvery demon tremble,every voice shall rise and singJESUS IS LORD

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