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Microcontroller Comparison

Microcontroller Comparison . Cypress PSoC1. Processor 8-bit, 96kHz-24MHz, Accumulator based Built-in Toys 6-13 bit A/D, 10-bit D/A, Programmable gain amplifier, Programmable filters, Comparators, Analog multiplexors

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Microcontroller Comparison

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  1. Microcontroller Comparison

  2. Cypress PSoC1 • Processor • 8-bit, 96kHz-24MHz, Accumulator based • Built-in Toys • 6-13 bit A/D, 10-bit D/A, Programmable gain amplifier, Programmable filters, Comparators, Analog multiplexors • 8-32 bit counter/timer, 8-32 bit pseudo-random generator, 8-16 bit PWM, CRC generator • Interfaces • IRDA (IR optical) • UART (RS232) • SPI • I2C • No external memory bus! • Memory • 256B RAM, 4-16KB EEROM • Power (no peripherals) • 6-35mW run, 15μWsleep • Development environment cost $50 - $200 • Key Distinctives • Analog Functions • Configurable and expandable

  3. Cypress PSoC1

  4. Cypress PSoC3/5 • Processor • PSoC3: 8-bit 8051, 67MHz • PSoC5: 32-bit ARM Cortex-M3, 80MHz • Built-in Toys • 20 bit A/D, 10-bit D/A, Programmable gain amplifier, Programmable filters, Comparators, Analog multiplexors • 8-32 bit counter/timer, 8-32 bit pseudo-random generator, 8-16 bit PWM, CRC generator • Interfaces • USB, UART (RS232), SPI,I2C, CAN • No external memory bus! • Memory • 8KB RAM, 8KB Flash • Power (no peripherals) • 3mW run, 1μWsleep • Development environment cost • $250 • Key Distinctives • Configurable • Faster CPU • More precision in analog

  5. Cypress PSoC3/5

  6. TI MSP430 • Processor • 16-bit, 4kHz-8MHz, 12 16-bit registers • Built-in Toys • 16-bit timer, 10-14 bit A/D, LCD segment driver, comparator, Fast multiply • Interfaces • UART (RS232) • No external memory bus! • Memory • 128-2048B RAM, 1-60KB EEROM • Power (no peripherals) • 7mw run; 0.2μWsleep • Development environment cost • Around $50 - $100 • Key Distinctives • Ultra-low Power • May run for years on one AA battery • Inexpensive

  7. TI MSP430

  8. Microchip PIC (PIC16F87X) • Processor • 8-bit, 32KHz to 20MHz • Built-in Toys • Varies by (wide) product line. 10-12 bit A/Ds, 16 bit timers, Programmable gain amplifiers, comparitors, etc. • Interfaces • UART (RS232), I2C, SPI, some have IRDA or USB • No Data Bus • Memory • Up to 512B RAM • Up to 64KB Flash program memory • Power (no peripherals) • 7mw run; 0.2μWsleep • Development environment cost • Around $100-$200 • Key Distinctives • Huge product line • Low power • Easy to use

  9. PIC16F87X

  10. Cirrus Logic EP9307 (ARM9 Core) • Key Distinctives • Processing power • PC OS’s • PC interfaces • Processor • 32-bit, 200MHz (runs Linux, WinCE) • Built-in Toys • Hardware FP, Real-time clock, 16/32-bit timers • Interfaces • Ethernet, 3 USB 2.0 ports, IrDA, LCD interface • 32-bit SDRAM interface, 32-bit SRAM interface • Memory • No internal main memory, up to 64MB of ext. memory • 16KB I/D caches • Power (no peripherals) • 4mW – 750mW (4 hours - several days on one AA) • Development environment cost • ??? (not cheap)

  11. Cirrus Logic EP9307 (ARM9 Core)

  12. Microcontroller Selection

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