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Explore the crystalline nature of solids through lattice vectors, basis vectors, and Bravais lattices. Learn about Miller indices and the reciprocal lattice in solid-state physics.
Crystalline Nature of Solids 01 Mar, 2006
The Lattice and the Basis Figure 1. A crystal can be thought of as being like wallpaper. The motif is analogous to the basis and the arrangement of the motif over the surface is like the lattice.
The Lattice and the Basis The points on the lattice are specified using vectors. Lattice vectors are the shortest distances to the nearest neighbouring points on the lattice and are conventionally denoted by a , b and c . The angles between these vectors are given the symbols , α, β and γ. A simple two-dimensional example is shown in Figure. 2. Any two lattice points can be reached using a combination of the lattice vectors a and b . Obviously, in three dimensions, any point on the lattice can be reached using a combination of the three lattice vectors a , b and c. In 2-dimensions this is, The basis vector , R is a vector from one lattice point to another in terms of the lattice vectors. Since the lattice looks the same (invarient) in going from one lattice point to another, the lattice has translational symetry.
Primitive Cell The primitive cell is the smallest part of the lattice that which repeated would reconstruct the entire crystal structure. The unit cell - is a volume repeated throughout the entire lattice. The unit cell does not have to be the primative cell. Figure 2. Lattice vectors are a linear combination of the basis vectors.
System Number of Lattices Lattice Symbol Restriction on crystal cell angle Cubic 3 P or sc, I or bcc,F or fcc a=b=cα =β =γ=90° Tetragonal 2 P, I a=b≠cα=β =γ=90° Orthorhombic 4 P, C, I, F a≠b≠ cα=β =γ=90° Monoclinic 2 F, C a≠b≠ cα=β=90 °≠β Triclinic 1 P a≠b≠ cα≠β≠γ Trigonal 1 R a=b=cα=β =γ <120° ,≠90° Hexagonal 1 P a=b≠cα =β =90°γ=120° Table 1. Seven crystal systems make up fourteen Bravais lattice types in three dimensions. P - Primitive: simple unit cellF - Face-centred: additional point in the centre of each faceI - Body-centred: additional point in the centre of the cellC - Centred: additional point in the centre of each endR - Rhombohedral: Hexagonal class only The Fourteen Bravais Lattices
The Fourteen Bravais Lattices The 14 3-D Bravais lattices. The hexagonal lattice and the two centered cubic lattices are particularly important in solid state physics.
Miller Indices and Notation Figure 3. Example Miller indices showing the plane of atoms they represent
Calculation Steps • Take as the origin any atom in the crystal and erect coordinate axes • from this atom in the direction of the basis vectors. • Find the intercept of a plan belonging to a system, expressing them • as integral multiples of the basis vectors along the crystal axes. • Take the reciprocals of these numbers and reduce them to the • smallest triad of integers h, k, and l having the same ratio. Then • (hkl) is the Miller index of that system of parallel planes. The direction • normal to the plane is the [hkl] direction.
Crystalline Nature of Solids 2a, 3b, 4c; ½, 1/3, ¼; 6, 3, 2 (6, 4, 3)
Miller Indices and Notation The diligent reader may have noticed that due to the symmetry of the unit-cell of the lattice, certain planes are equivalent. In the cubic lattice, for example, (100) is equivalent to five other planes, (010), (001), (100), (010), (001) and to acknowledge this, the set of Miller indices is written {100} which means the set of (100) planes equivalent by virtue of symmetry. The beauty of this system, is that similar planes can be identified in any of the Bravais lattice point groups. The Miller indices are also similar in the way in which planes are described in mathematical terms. As we saw earlier, a vector from one lattice point to another can be specified in terms of the lattice vectors of the primitive cell. A shorthand notation, directions are often shown as three numbers in square brackets [uvw ] where u , v , and w are integers and it is important not to confuse these with Miller indices. The direction is then (1) Equivalent directions are designated using angled brackets <uvw >.
The Reciprocal Lattice The reciprocal lattices is the collection of points that represent allowed values of wavevectors for Fourier series and Fourier transforms with the periodicity of the lattice. where f(k) is the Fourier transform of f(r). The value of k for a second point (also on the lattice) f(r+R) is Since the lattice is periodic, we would expect that any 2 points on the real-space lattice would return the same value of k . the vector k is more conventionally given the symbol G. Where h,j,l are integers and the vectors a * , b * and c * are the reciprocal lattice vectors. In terms of the lattice vectors a , b , cthe reciprocal lattice vectors a * , b * and c * are given by:
a) Select a lattice point and draw construction lines to the nearest neighbouring points. b) Draw lines that perpendicularly bisect the construction lines c) The smallest enclosed area represents the Wigner-Seitz cell. Here shown in orange. Construction of the Wigner-Seitz cell. Wigner-Seitz Cell The Wigner-Seitz cell is a primitive cell which displays the full symmetry of the lattice.
Brillouin Zones The Brillouin zone is defined in the reciprocal lattice as the volume enclosed within a Wigner-Seitz cell. At the boundaries of the Brillouin zone, the Bragg diffraction condition in the reciprocal lattice must be satisfied. Figure 5. The geometric interpretation of the Bragg diffraction condition that gives rise to Brillouin zone boundaries.
Lattice Real Space Lattice k-space bcc WS cell bcc BZ (fcc lattice in k-space) fcc BZ (bcc lattice in k-space) fcc WS cell Brillouin Zones Since the lattice and reciprocal lattice are related, the WS cell defined in real space and the WS in k-space are also related. In particular, the WS defined in the bcc real space lattice gives a fcc BZ in reciprocal lattice and vice versa.
Symmetry Point k Γ kx= 0, ky= 0, kz= 0 X {ki= ±2π /a, kj= 0, kk= 0} L {kx= ±π/a, ky= ±π/a, kz= ±π/a} Brillouin Zones Points of symmetry on the Brillouin zone are given particular importance especially when determining the bandstructure of the material. Table 2. k-vectors of the important symmetry points for the fcc crystal structure. The indices for X points are a cyclic permutation of axes. E.g. If i=x then j=y, k=z. If i=y then j=z and k=x,etc. Figure 7. Some important symmetry points on the Brillouin zone of a fcc crystal (real space) and directions of planes. [1] Electrons in the semiconductor are perturbed by the potential of the crystal. The bandstructure of the semiconductor are the allowed energies that the electrons can have. These bands of energy vary with k-space (reciprocal lattice space)
Diamond & Zincblende structure Silicon crystal structure with a = 5.43 A GaAs crystal structure with a = 5.65 A
Crystalline Nature of Solids By far the most common crystal structure in semicoductors is the zincblende structure, sometimes known as sphalerite. Closely related to the zincblend structure is the diamond crystal structure. The only difference between the zincblende and diamond structures, is that in the diamond formation there is only one type of atom in the crystal. Real Diamonds also have the diamond crystal structure. Some semiconductors can have more than one type of crystal structure depending on the conditions in which they are grown. The Nitride semicoductors for example, GaN, InN and AlN can crystalise in either the Wurtzite or Zincblende structures. Figure 8. 3D model of Zincblende structure. Figure 9. 3D model of Wurtzite GaN structure.
Figure 8. Diamonds might be a girl's best friend, but their crystalline structure is closely related to the zincblende structure.