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The Era of Good Feelings 1815-1824

The Era of Good Feelings 1815-1824. The Election of 1816. James Monroe [1816-1824]. President James Monroe. Elizabeth Kortright Monroe. The Administration of James Monroe. Political stability Republican rule Lack of political interest Rush-Bagot Agreement of 1817

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The Era of Good Feelings 1815-1824

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  1. The Era of Good Feelings 1815-1824

  2. The Election of 1816

  3. James Monroe [1816-1824]

  4. President James Monroe

  5. Elizabeth Kortright Monroe

  6. The Administration of James Monroe Political stability Republican rule Lack of political interest Rush-Bagot Agreement of 1817 Establishing a Canadian boundary Florida becomes part of the Union Sec. Of State John Quincy Adams Adams-Onis Treaty

  7. John Quincy Adams:A bulldog among spaniels!

  8. The West & the NW: 1819-1824

  9. Adams-Onis Treaty, 1819

  10. The Convention of 1818

  11. US Population Density 1810 1820

  12. The Election of 1820

  13. Varieties of American Nationalism • Expanding Westward   • The Great Migrations • Reasons for Westward Expansion

  14. Varieties of American Nationalism • Expanding Westward     • White Settlers in the Old Northwest • Frontier Life   • A mobile society

  15. Varieties of American Nationalism • Expanding Westward    • The Plantation System in the Southwest • Cotton and the Expansion of Slavery  

  16. Varieties of American Nationalism • Expanding Westward     • Trade and Trapping in the Far West • Astor’s American Fur Company • Mountain Men • The Fur Trade and the Market Economy

  17. John Jacob Astor—American Fur Company

  18. Varieties of American Nationalism • Expanding Westward  • Eastern Images of the West • Stephen Long’s Expedition

  19. Long’s Expedition

  20. The Industrial Revolution Shift from self-sufficiency to a specialized interdependent economy Reasons for the industrial revolution High labor costs Inventors Oliver Evans, Eli Whitney, Peter Cooper Abundant natural resources Water, Coal, Lumber etc.

  21. Eli Whitney and the Cotton gin

  22. The Industrial Revolution (con’t) Entrepreneurs Piracy Samuel Slater, John and Arthur Schofield, Francis Cabot Lowell Capital Banks Protective tariffs

  23. Samuel Slater & Francis Cabot Lowell

  24. Changes in the textile industry Cottage industry Factories Emerging urban industrial working class British monopoly Mill towns Slater mills Lowell mills Lowell girls Child labor

  25. Slater Mills

  26. Pat Points… • What is the foundation of American foreign policy that began waaaaaayyyyy back in the early 1800’s?

  27. Sec. Of State John Quincy AdamsProposes the Monroe Doctrine

  28. Monroe Doctrine Russian threat Fort Ross Austrian and French threats Spanish-American independence

  29. Western Hemisphere

  30. Chief Justice John Marshall 1801-1835

  31. Landmark Court decisions McCulloch vs. Maryland Gibbons vs. Ogden

  32. Sectional tensions John C. Calhoun Reviving an old institution The cotton gin “King cotton” Slaves as a commodity Gradual northern emancipation manumission Mason-Dixon line

  33. John C. Calhoun

  34. Sectional tensions (con’t) Missouri Compromise 1820 Henry Clay Maintaining balance New states admitted to the union in pairs (1 slave & 1 free)

  35. Missouri Compromise

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