“Finding an Alternative solute in making a Solar energy bulb”An Investigatory ProjectPresented to theScience and English AreaHigh School DepartmentSt. Mary’s Academy – PasayIn Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsIn Science 10 and English 10Presented by:Paolo SapanzaClarebelRellesRyan JimenezJustin BaugbogMarianne AlejoIna RadocG10- Our Lady of the Candles December 10, 2013
ABSTRACT • 40% of Philippine population lives off less than $2 a day. • Many are unable to afford the electricity some of them they are using candles as a light source. • The problem is if this is not discovered, around 25,000 low income homes will continue to suffer in darkness, not knowing there is hope when we see light the question is: • How does varying the amount of bleach affect the power rating of the solar energy bottle? • What is the difference in the amount of light produced on Bleach, Alcohol, and Dish Washing Liquid as solute for the Solar Energy Bottle?
Significance of the Study Society : • it provides a clean and renewable source of light for years . • This aim to lessen and help the number of families that suffers from darkness . Environment • the only way they can have access to light is through burning dirty fuels, such as kerosene, which is not only unhealthy when burned indoors • The researchers found a friendly way to help the people who can’t afford a light bulb in their home. D. Scope and Limitations: • This reseacherswill only focuses on finding or using the alternative ways of solar energy bulb.
Chapter II • Literature: • This inventory is first to be made by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). • The product will be for those who can’t afford to pay electric consumption. • IIlac Diaz the Filipino who adopts the inventory, implemented a “local entrepreneur” business model. B. Studies: • The system is only capable of producing light during the day, it has positively impacted the daily lives of people in the Philippines, where the solar bottle bulb has been widely installed
Chapter IIIMethodology • Research Design: • The bulb consists of a standard plastic bottle filled with purified water and bleach, then inserted into the roof. • the bottle produces a source of light with an intensity equivalent to a 55-watt electric light bulb. B.Materials
Chapter IVFinding and Analysis of Data A. Findings • As you can see on the data, the bleach has more effectively in terms of being a variable on making the Solar Energy Bulb.
Analysis of Data: • With just a plastic bottle, water, and bleach, the researchers has found a way to produce a light that is up to 40 or 60 watts . • The amount of bleach doesn’t affect the amount of brightness the solar bottle produced C. Procedure of making 1. The clear plastic bottle is filled with water and some capfuls of bleach. 2. The bottle is placed on rooftops. Sunlight is refracted through the water and into the room below. 3. The Solar bottle gives out as much light as a 40-to-60-watt bulb. D. Product of testing • The group builds a model house to see if the product really works in the sunlight after putting the bottle on top of the house they will use the solar cell
Chapter VSummary, Conclusion and Recommendation A. Summary • Based on their experiment through the light it has produced, they determine the right alternative solute in making solar energy bulb. • It can also help the earth to lessen the garbage and plastics through recycling of materials. B. Conclusion • How does varying amount of bleach affect the brightness of solar energy bottle? • that the solar bottle is an effective in giving the source of light • and bleach is more effective to use in the solar bottle because the light is clearer not like alcohol and dish washing soap . • What is the difference in the amount of light produced on bleach, alcohol, and dishwashing liquid as solute for the Solar Energy Bottle? • the light that bleach has produced 40-60 watts which overpowers the remaining alternative
C. Recommendation • This project is a concerned student to conduct further studies regarding the solar bottle. • Current findings about the topic can help the community to save the electricity of those who cannot pay their electric bill • A lot of people can used this product and it can lighten their darkest room.
References: De Leon, S. (2011, December 23) Sunlight-powered 'bulbs' made from plastic bottles light up homes. Retrieved December 24, 2011 from http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2011/dec/23/sunlight-bulbs-plastic-bottles-light