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Big Question: How do you fight a war on Terror??

Big Question: How do you fight a war on Terror??. Principles of Just War Theory. War must be a Last Resort Non-violence options exhausted Waged by Legitimate authority Fought to right a wrong “right intentions” Fought with reasonable chance of success Wrongful deaths are not just.

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Big Question: How do you fight a war on Terror??

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  1. Big Question: How do you fight a war on Terror??

  2. Principles of Just War Theory • War must be a Last Resort • Non-violence options exhausted • Waged by Legitimate authority • Fought to right a wrong • “right intentions” • Fought with reasonable chance of success • Wrongful deaths are not just

  3. Principles of Just War Theory • Ultimate goal: Reestablish Peace • Weapons must separate between “combatants and non-combatants” • a.k.a. Military v Civilian

  4. What is Radical Islam? • Conflict between modernism, traditionalism • Modernism: western industrialization, commercialism • Traditionalism: return to “glory days” of world dominated by Islam • Radical Islamists believe that people who intro western ways are evil or the enemy (infection of Islam) • Muslim governments may be the enemy, too if they adopt Western ways

  5. Asymmetric Warfare: The Rise of Islamist Terrorism • Problem: Confronting the West • Question: How could the Islamists hope to challenge the military strength of the Americans (and, for a while, Soviets)?

  6. Answer: Asymmetric Warfare • Two sides in conflict that have vastly different capabilities • Weaker side resorts to novel strategies to “even the odds” • One strategy = terrorism

  7. Terrorism • Systematic use of fear, especially as a means of coercion, against non-combatants (civilians) to achieve an ideological goal

  8. Why is Terrorism so Effective? • “Uncivilized” way of fighting • Targets civilians • Incomprehensible to West (cultural differences) • Value of human life • Relative importance of religion

  9. Notable Terrorist Attacks • Lebanon, 1982: Bombing of US marines barracks in Beirut (242) • Lockerbie, Scotland, 1988: Midair bombing / destruction of Pan Am flight 103 (259)

  10. Notable Terrorist Attacks • New York City, 1993: Bombing of WTC, killing 6 / injuring 1000 • Yemen, 2000: USS Cole attack (37 sailors)

  11. Notable Terrorist Attacks • World Trade Center • 1993 Bombing • 1,500 lbs of explosive un parking garage • 6 people killed • 9/11/01 • Attack against the Principles of the United States

  12. Rise of Al-Qaeda • Founded in 1988 at end of Soviet invasion • Umbrella group that coordinated, funded different Islamist terrorist groups • Est. training camps in Afghanistan (guerrilla tactics, bomb making)

  13. Rise of Al-Qaeda • Goals of Al-Qaeda • Overthrow secular Muslim gov’ts (esp Saudi Arabian gov’t) • Support radical Islamist movements around world • Encourage rise of worldwide Islamic Caliphate

  14. Osama bin Laden • Son of Saudi Arabian millionaire • Educated as civil engineer or public admin, in Saudi Arabia • Fought with terrorists in Afghanistan • Funded training camps in Afghanistan for terrorists • Helped supply radical Islamist groups around world • Leader of Al-Qaeda since 1998

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