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LWB Refractories Quarry – York, PA Facing West. LWB Refractories Quarry – Unit Exposures. Triassic fanglomerate. Approximate trend of shelf margin rim (E-W). “white marble”. western patch reef. Kinzers Fm. LWB Refractories Quarry – York, PA Facing West.
LWB Refractories Quarry – Unit Exposures Triassic fanglomerate Approximate trend of shelf margin rim (E-W) “white marble” western patch reef Kinzers Fm.
LWB Refractories Quarry – “White Marble” and Triassic Fanglomerate Triassic fanglomerate “white marble”
LWB Refractories Quarry – Microbialite Reef Facies Karst Pinnacles in East Patch Reef
LWB Refractories Quarry – Submarine Cavity Filling Cements and Gas Escape Structure in East Patch Reef
LWB Refractories Quarry – Submarine Cavity Filling Cements and Gas Escape Structure in East Patch Reef Gas escape structure Void filling radiaxial and herringbone calcite
LWB Refractories Quarry – Submarine Cavity Filling Cements and Gas Escape Structure in East Patch Reef(Comparison with Polished Slab)
LWB Refractories Quarry – In-Situ Pinnacle in East Patch Reef
LWB Refractories Quarry – In-Situ Pinnacle in East Patch Reef Note Lighter Colored Band of Void Filling Radiaxial and Herringbone Calcite
LWB Refractories Quarry – In-Situ Pinnacle in East Patch Reef Note Lighter Colored Band of Void Filling Radiaxial and Herringbone Calcite Band of calcite cement
LWB Refractories Quarry – In-Situ Pinnacle in East Patch Reef Note Calcified Algae and/or Bacteria/Cyanobacteria Shrub Above Calcite Filled Void
LWB Refractories Quarry – In-Situ Pinnacle in East Patch Reef Note Calcified Algae and/or Bacteria/Cyanobacteria Shrub Above Calcite Filled Void Microbial Shrub
LWB Refractories Quarry – In-Situ Pinnacle in East Patch Reef Close-up of Radiaxial and Herringbone Calcite Cement with Grainstone Layer at Base and Enclosure of Microbial Growth
LWB Refractories Quarry – In-Situ Pinnacle in East Patch Reef Close-up of Radiaxial and Herringbone Calcite Cement (Blue) with Grainstone Layer at Base (Purple) and Enclosure of Microbial Growth (Green)
LWB Refractories Quarry – In-Situ Pinnacle in East Patch Reef Fracture Filled with Secondary Bladed Calcite Crystals
LWB Refractories Quarry – In-Situ Pinnacle in East Patch Reef Grainstone Layer
LWB Refractories Quarry – In-Situ Pinnacle in East Patch Reef Grainstone Layer Grainstone Layer
LWB Refractories Quarry – In-Situ Pinnacle in East Patch Reef Close-up of Radiaxial and Herringbone Calcite Cement Layer Enclosed by Microbialite
LWB Refractories Quarry – In-Situ Pinnacle in East Patch Reef Cross Bedded Grainstone Strata
LWB Refractories Quarry – In-Situ Pinnacle in East Patch Reef Cross Bedded Grainstone Strata
LWB Refractories Quarry – In-Situ Pinnacle in East Patch Reef
LWB Refractories Quarry – In-Situ Pinnacle in East Patch Reef More Calcite Cement and a Gas Escape Structure
LWB Refractories Quarry – Triassic Fanglomerate Exposed Along Quarry Floor Facing South
LWB Refractories Quarry – Triassic Fanglomerate Exposed Along Quarry Floor Facing South
LWB Refractories Quarry – Triassic Fanglomerate Facing North
LWB Refractories Quarry – Fault Contact Between Cambrian Ledger Fm. And Triassic Fanglomerate Facing North
LWB Refractories Quarry – Fault Contact Between Cambrian Ledger Fm. And Triassic Fanglomerate Facing North Cambrian Ledger Fm. Triassic Fanglomerate
LWB Refractories Quarry – Triassic Fanglomerate Note Coarse Dolomite and Limestone Clasts in Fine Hematitic Matrix
LWB Refractories Quarry – Fault Contact Between West Patch Reef and Ooid Shoal Facies Facing South
LWB Refractories Quarry – Fault Contact Between West Patch Reef and Ooid Shoal Facies Facing South Ooid Shoal Facies West Patch Reef Facies
LWB Refractories Quarry – Fault Contact Between Triassic Fanglomerate and Cambrian Ooid Shoal Facies Facing South
LWB Refractories Quarry – Fault Contact Between Triassic Fanglomerate and Cambrian Ooid Shoal Facies Facing South Triassic Fanglomerate Cambrian Ooid Shoal Facies
LWB Refractories Quarry – Void Filling Radiaxial and Herringbone Calcite Cement and Gas Escape Structure Block from West Patch Reef Removed During Blasting; Scale Blocks in Centimeters
LWB Refractories Quarry – Close-Up of Void Filling Radiaxial and Herringbone Calcite Cement and Gas Escape Structure Block from West Patch Reef Removed During Blasting
LWB Refractories Quarry – Close-Up of Void Filling Radiaxial and Herringbone Calcite Cement (Blue-Shaded Area) and Gas Escape Structure (Yellow Circle)Block from West Patch Reef Removed During Blasting
LWB Refractories Quarry – Close-Up Grainstone Layer Block from West Patch Reef Removed During Blasting
LWB Refractories Quarry – View of Ooid Shoal Facies from Quarry Floor Facing South
LWB Refractories Quarry – View of Ooid Shoal Facies from Quarry Floor Facing North; Note Red Hematitic Weathering Products
LWB Refractories Quarry – View of Kinzers Formation Exposure Along North Quarry Wall
LWB Refractories Quarry – View of Kinzers Formation Exposure Along North Quarry Wall Kinzers Formation
LWB Refractories Quarry – An Amateur Film on High Energy Depositional Systems Double-Click Blue Screen to Play
de Wet, C.B. and Dave Hopkins. “Pre-conference Field Trip: Ooid Shoals, Microbialite Reefs and Shoal Shoreface Sands, The Ledger Formation, LWB Refractories Site, York County Pennsylvania.” 73rd Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists. September 25, 2008. 1-26.de Wet, C.B., H.M. Frey, S.B. Gaswirth, C.I. Mora, M. Rahnis, and C.R. Bruno. “Origin of Meter-scale Submarine Cavities and Herringbone Calcite in a Cambrian Microbial Reef, Ledger Formation, (U.S.A.).” Journal of Sedimentary Research. 2004. 74: 914-923.Skinner, Ethan S. “Taphonomy and Depositional Circumstances of Exceptionally Preserved Fossils from the Kinzers Formation (Cambrian), Southeastern Pennsylvania.” Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2005. 220: 167-192. Smoot, Joseph P. “Chapter 12A: Early Mesozoic – Sedimentary Rocks.” The Geology of Pennsylvania, edited by Charles H. Schultz. Harrisburg and Pittsburgh: Pennsylvania Geological Survey and Pittsburgh Geological Society. 1999. 180-201.http://www.fandm.edu/x12035.xml References and Additional Information