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Chapter 12: The World War I Era

Chapter 12: The World War I Era. II. The United States Declares War. Bell Ringer. What makes a country one of the great nations of the world? What domestic conditions and foreign alliances characterize a great nation? What countries are great nations today? Why?. Objectives.

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Chapter 12: The World War I Era

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  1. Chapter 12: The World War I Era II. The United States Declares War

  2. Bell Ringer • What makes a country one of the great nations of the world? • What domestic conditions and foreign alliances characterize a great nation? • What countries are great nations today? • Why?

  3. Objectives • Discover how Germany's use of Submarines affected the war. • Find out the steps the US took toward war in early 1917.

  4. Setting the SceneDon’t Write!!! • War still going strong in 1916 • Would the US be able to stay out of the war? • Friction between US and Germany would lead the US to join WWI

  5. A) German Submarine Warfare • U-boat: Unterseeboot: submarine • Britains big navy blockaded all shipping to Germany • Germany used submarines to blockade all shipping to UK • At first Germany warned ships before they sank them – too dangerous – started to just sink them without warning • This angered US public opinion

  6. Germany’s surface fleet did attack Britain once – Battle of Jutland – draw • British encouraged anti-German feelings • British cut the undersea cable from Germany to US – US had to rely on British reports only • Germany sunk the Lusitania – a passenger liner – no military value – (maybe there was?) • Germany attacked French liner – Sussex • Sussex pledge: Germany promised to warn ships before sinking them • Wilson started preparing for war

  7. B) Moving Toward War • Wilson runs for re-election, “He kept us out of war” was his slogan. Wins • Germany informs us they will not follow the Sussex pledge anymore – Unrestricted submarine warfare • US starts arming merchant ships • Zimmermann note: German secret offer to Mexico; declare war on the US and Germany will help reclaim US Southwest • Not taken seriously by US or Mexico • Result - US dislikes Germany more

  8. C) Revolution in Russia • By 1917 – Russia has 1.5 million killed • 2.5 million prisoner • Army ill-equipped, badly led, and are being forced back • Autocrat: ruler with unlimited power – monarch • Russia Revolution: Czar Nicholas II forced to give up his throne – The Russian Republic is created • Now Russia a Republic – last stumbling block for the US to join WWI is gone • Germany sinks 3 US ships – one is the Illinois – President Wilson asks for a declaration of war • He gets it

  9. Review • How did Germany’s use of submarines affect the war? • What moves did the US take toward war in early 1917?

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