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CHAPTER 30. THE DEVELOPING WORLD SINCE 1945. The Future of the Developing World. For a long time the developing world after World War II was seen as one in which Marxism or some form of socialism would be particularly applicable and successful. . Jettisoning Capitalism.

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  2. The Future of the Developing World • For a long time the developing world after World War II was seen as one in which Marxism or some form of socialism would be particularly applicable and successful.

  3. Jettisoning Capitalism • Free enterprise and free trade capitalism or the stigma of imperialism and decolonization led many to jettison capitalism as well.

  4. Socialism • Promised a more purposeful and scientific program. • Could balance the needs of a poor population with the needs to industrialize rapidly to catch up to the rest of the world.

  5. Western Europe’s Socialism • Even Western Europe caught the fever. • Began a whole series of government-initiated social welfare programs. • Could free enterprise capitalism survive?

  6. Confrontation in East Asia • In East Asia there was a kind of confrontation that would decide this. • China, which after 1949 was among the most active communist systems, confronted a new Asian-style capitalism just taking root in U.S. Occupation-managed Japan.

  7. Economic Paradigm • This form of capitalism put business and the government in partnership. • It become the paradigm for the new fast-growth economies that spread from Japan to the "Four Tigers" of the Pacific Rim. • South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore.

  8. Muslim Fundamentalism • Another alternative to Western liberal secular models. • Its power was first demonstrated in the Ayatollah Khomeini's overthrow of the Shah of Iran. • Fundamentalist Islam quickly became a strong political current, especially in the Mideast.

  9. Revolutions Contemplated • The revolutions that were fought in China to gain a communist state were contemplated enthusiastically by dozens of nations in • Africa • The Middle East • South and Southeast Asia • Latin America.

  10. Optimism was Unrealistic • Disappointing patterns became widespread • internal ethnic or tribal division • failed economic plans • military coups.

  11. Shortcomings Appeared • Gradually, the shortcomings of ideological panaceas became apparent. • Observers have come to appreciate the magnitude of the problems facing most of the so-called Third World.

  12. Unrealistic Expectations • Remember that the rise of rich and powerful European states had taken centuries to develop. • Expecting tribal societies to transform themselves into modern nations within a generation was clearly unrealistic.

  13. Population Explosions • Many Third World societies are experiencing population explosions that are creating enormous stresses.

  14. Population Stresses • Any country that doubles its population in twenty-five years has to provide enormous increases just to maintain existing living standards • food supply • education budgets • job creation • medical care.

  15. The Cold War Rivalry • The post-World War II history of developing nations involves not just the choice of economic systems. • There was also a Cold War in which the U.S. and U.S.S.R. for almost fifty years tried to extend their respective influences politically and militarily.

  16. The Cold War Effects • This rivalry influenced virtually every diplomatic and political decision. • No developing country could avoid being deeply affected by this bipolar conflict. • Wars were fought in Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan.

  17. Collapse of the Soviet Union • After the collapse, the major powers are no longer so quick to intervene in developing areas. • This leaves countries freer to indulge their own quarrels, often at the expense of both world order and the innocent civilians caught in these wars.

  18. Dangerous Confrontations • Major-power arms exports have given a decidedly military character to the Third World. • Religious and ethnic confrontations are becoming uglier and more dangerous all the time from Kashmir to East Timor to Chechnya to the Balkans.

  19. YOU SHOULD UNDERSTAND • Mao Tse-tung's victory in China and the changes made under Communist rule. • The policy directions taken by the post-Mao leadership

  20. YOU SHOULD UNDERSTAND • The new power balance made possible by opening relations and trade with the United States and the rest of the world. • The political and economic connections in Southeast Asia that link it to the Pacific Rim.

  21. YOU SHOULD UNDERSTAND • The course of Indian politics following independence and partition. • The realignments in the Middle East accompanying the Arab-Israeli conflict and the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in the post-Cold War era.

  22. YOU SHOULD UNDESTAND • The process of creation of new nations in Africa and their subsequent problems. • The problems of Latin America and its relationship with the United States.

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