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English 11-2. Room 333. 4 September 2012. Welcome to Ms. Chaga’s English Class! Daily Question (#1): Would you rather be 4’5’’ or 7’7’’? Why? Vocab (#2) ** Will begin tomorrow Syllabus (#3) SSR Project Choices (#4) SSR Project Assignment Sheet (#5) 4 Truths and a Lie
English 11-2 Room 333
4 September 2012 • Welcome to Ms. Chaga’s English Class! • Daily Question (#1): Would you rather be 4’5’’ or 7’7’’? Why? • Vocab (#2) ** Will begin tomorrow • Syllabus (#3) • SSR Project Choices (#4) • SSR Project Assignment Sheet (#5) • 4 Truths and a Lie • Letter of Introduction (#6) • HOMEWORK: 1. Letter of Introduction due TOMORROW 2. Syllabus Signature and Binder due FRIDAY 3. SSR choice and signature due FRIDAY 4. Things They Carried Summer Reading Quiz THURSDAY 5. Things They Carried Summer Reading Essay FRIDAY IN-CLASS (Bring your book!!)
5 September 2012 • Daily Question: React to the following quotation and explain how dehumanization plays a role in The Things They Carried. “Together we understood what terror was: you're not human anymore. You're a shadow. You slip out of your own skin, like molting, shedding your own history and your own future, leaving behind everything you ever were or wanted to believe in. You know you're about to die. And it's not a movie and you aren't a hero and all you can do is whimper and wait.” • Vocabulary • Terms for Literary Analysis (#7) • HOMEWORK: 1. Syllabus Signature and Binder due FRIDAY 2. SSR Choice and Signature due FRIDAY (book WED) 3. TTTC Quiz TOMORROW (bring a pencil!) 4. TTTC In-Class Essay FRIDAY (You need a copy of the book!)
6 September 2012 • Daily Question: Keeping in mind the setting of The Things They Carried, what is the irony in the following passage? “…fresh watermelons and crates of ammunition and sunglasses and woolen sweaters– the resources were stunning– sparklers for the Fourth of July, colored eggs for Easter– it was the great American war chest…” (15). • Vocabulary • Short Review/Questions • TTTC Quiz • American Literature Themes Practice (#8) • Closing Question: Which course theme do you think best relates to TTTC. How and why? • HOMEWORK: 1. Syllabus and Binder due TOMORROW 2. IN-Class Essay TOMORROW ** Bring a copy of The Things They Carried! 3. SSR choice and signature TOMORROW (Book for WED)
7 september 2012 • Question of the Day: Correctly integrate and cite the following quotation in a sentence (I suggest using a smaller portion rather than the whole sentence): “…they carried it on their backs and shoulders—and for all the ambiguities of Vietnam, all the mysteries and the unknowns, there was at least the single abiding certainty that they would never be at a loss for things to carry.” Page 16 (this is NOT the correct way to cite) • Vocab • In-Class Essay • Take your time, use your books, and follow the directions. Good luck! You may listen to your IPod during the essay, but remember to keep your time constraints in mind and not distract others. • HOMEWORK: 1. SSR signature and book due WEDNESDAY 2. Remember to bring your TTTC book next week! 3. Have a nice weekend!
10 September 2012 • Daily Question: List 5 things (at least 2 abstract) you are currently “carrying.” • Vocabulary • How to Gloss (#9) • “On the Rainy River” (#10) Reading/Glossing • “The Things They Carried” Questions (#11) • Closing: Based on the chapter, “TTTC” and the list you compiled, which list of items was more difficult to “carry”? Physical or emotional ones? EXPLAIN. • HOMEWORK: 1. SSR book and signature WED
11 September 2012 • Daily Question: What are some ways that Americans mark the anniversary of September 11, 2001? Do you think it is important to do so? Why or why not? • Vocab • 9/11 articles (#12) and S.O.A.P.S • Speaker • Occasion • Audience • Purpose • Speaker(s) • 9/11 documentary • Closing: How was this documentary different than other coverage you’ve seen? How might SOAPS affect your viewing? • HOMEWORK: 1. SSR books due TOMORROW with signature
12 September 2012 • SSR– 30 minutes • Daily Question: What is the difference between reading a book for the plot and reading for interpretation and analysis? (Take a guess!) • Vocab • Reading “The Things They Carried” and Chart (#11) • The Steps of Truth (#13) • Closing: Why did the author include the different “weights” in the story (example: 2 pounds, 40 lbs…etc.)? Do you as a reader respond more to these “weights” or to the emotional “weights”? Why? • HOMEWORK: 1. “Ambush” Glossing and Reading Questions (#14) 2. Bring in one magazine that we can use for a project TOMORROW 3. SSR again on FRIDAY!
13 September 2012 • Daily Question: Why do you think we try to look beyond a simple plot-summary when talking and thinking about literature? • Vocab • The Steps of Truth (#13) • “Ambush” and Questions (#14) • “The Hollow Men” (#15) • Closing: How do individuals justify killing during wartime when they would not kill during times of peace? What does this tell you about humans’ tendencies toward self-preservation? • HOMEWORK: 1. SSR TOMORROW 2. Bring in your magazine for TOMORROW.
14 September 2012 • SSR – 30 minutes (Make sure to complete and hand in your Friday SSR Reflection (#16) • Daily Question: “Only the dead have seen the end of war.” –Plato • What do you think the Greek philosopher Plato meant by this quotation? Do you agree? Explain. • VOCAB • IMAGERY: using descriptive words or phrases to evoke physical reactions and memories. • “The Hollow Men” Imagery and Theme Assignment (#17) • You will have the rest of class today and approximately 45 minutes on Tuesday to finish this in-class project. Use your time wisely! • Closing:Which ONE word from “The Hollow Men” is the most important to understand the poem? Why? • HOMEWORK: 1. Vocab quiz on the first 10 words on TUESDAY! 2. Enjoy your long weekend!
18 September 2012 • Daily Question: Do a “Test for Truth” of your theme for “The Hollow Men” assignment. (The top level of the “Steps of Truth”) • Vocab **New List! • Vocab Quiz #1 • Work on “Hollow Men” Assignment – due by the end of class TODAY! • Closing: Do you think the tone of “The Hollow Men” is unique to the WWI time period or universal in times of war? Explain. • HOMEWORK: If you haven’t finished your project, hand in TOMORROW!
19 September 2012 • SSR – 30 minutes • Daily Question: What is a thesis statement? • Vocab • Essays/ Thesis Statements • Thesis Statements (#18) • Gloss Keystone Rubric (#19) • Closing: Re-write your own thesis statement to include the information from today. • HOMEWORK: Read/Gloss American Dream Article (#20)
20 September 2012 • Daily Question: What is the American Dream? What is YOUR American Dream? Are they the same? Why or why not? • Vocab • Discuss American Dream Article (#20) • Modernism Notes (#21 Loose leaf Paper) • How do you take notes? Does it work for you? • Gatsby Preview and books • What do you do when you first see/start a new book? • Closing: Write a thesis statement either using your article from last night’s homework or the notes on Modernism. • HOMEWORK: 1. SSR Tomorrow!
The American dream is different for everyone based on how much money they have, the way they live, and their view of materialistic things. • The negative aspects of World War I led to the disillusionment of much of the American public. This led to people not wanting to sacrifice their own happiness for others, having no emotions and being confused.
21 September 2012 • SSR– 30 minutes (Reflection Prompt: Which of the course themes best fits your book thus far? Why?) • DAILY QUESTION: What defines a person’s social class today? Would you date or marry someone below you own social class? What would be your parent’s reaction? How would you or your parents be different if the person was above your social class? • Vocab • Gatsby Packet (#22) • Begin Ch. 1– What are our first impressions of these characters? • CLOSING: List and explain one way you seen Modernism (the notes from yesterday) in our reading of Gatsby thus far. • HOMEWORK: 1. Finish Gatsby Ch. 1 and the packet questions for MONDAY
24 September 2012 • Daily Question: Do you trust Nick Carraway as the narrator of The Great Gatsby? Why or why not? Explain. • Vocab • Great Gatsby Anticipation Guide (#23) • Finish Ch. 1 and Questions in Packet (#22) • HOMEWORK: 1. SSR TOMORROW (as we have off on Wednesday)
25 September 2012 • SSR – 30 minutes • Daily Question: Who lives in East Egg? In West Egg? What are the similarities/differences of these two places? Explain. • Vocab (2 words) • The Hidden Rules of Class (#24) • Review Ch. 1 and Questions • Begin Ch. 2 • Closing Question: Do you agree with “The Hidden Rules of Class” Activity? What do you think it means that these rules are “hidden”? • HOMEWORK: NONE– enjoy your day off or your holiday!
27 September 2012 • Daily Question: Brainstorm a list of other words for the word RED. Write at least 3 other words. • Vocabulary • Color Connotations in groups – red, orange, yellow, brown, blue, purple, green, white, gray, black • List connotations (the emotional/contextual/cultural meaning attached to the word; shades and degrees and meaning) • Find ONE example of your color in the text so far. • Character Inferences (#25) • Gatsby Color Connotations (#26) • Chapter 2 • Closing: At this point, what COLOR do you associate with the following characters: Tom, Daisy, Gatsby, Myrtle, and George Wilson. Explain WHY. • HOMEWORK: Finish Ch. 2 and questions for TOMORROW
28 September 2012 • SSR– 30 minutes + reflection (Which character in your SSR book do you most like thus far? Explain in 5-7 sentences) • Daily Question: Analyze Nick’s statement: “I think he’d tanked up a good deal at luncheon, and his determination to have my company bordered on violence” (27). To whom is he referring? What might this say about that character? What does this foreshadow in chapter 2? • Vocab • Gatsby Film • Closing Question: Would you rather have all the money you would ever need or have the ability to fly? Explain. • HOMEWORK: 1. Ch. 3 and questions due MONDAY (there might be a few questions on the vocab quiz…) 2. Vocab quiz MONDAY
1 October 2012 • Vocabulary Quiz #2 • Daily Question: List your favorite male and female names (one of each). Example: Anthony and Reagan • Vocabulary • Review Ch. 3 • Connotations (#27) • Begin Ch. 4 • Closing: What do you notice about the difference in people’s names from West and East Egg? (Example: West Egg= Schwartze, Da Fontano, McCarty, O’Donovan vs. East Egg = Voltaire, Chrystie, Beaver, Stonewall Jackson Abrams) • HOMEWORK: 1. Finish Ch. 4 and questions for TOMORROW
Chapter 3 review • “five crates of oranges and lemons…enough colored lights to make a Christmas tree of Gatsby’s enormous garden…spiced baked hams crowded against salads of harlequin designs and pastry pigs and turkeys bewitched to a dark gold…a whole pit full of oboes and trombones and saxophones…floating rounds of cocktails permeate the the garden outside…” (43-44) • “They conducted themselves according to the rules of behavior associated with amusement parks” (45) • RUMORS? • “It was one of those rare smiles with a quantity of eternal reassurance in it…it understood you just so far as you wanted to be understood, believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself and assured you that it had precisely the impression of you that, at your best, you hoped to convey. Precisely at that moment it vanished---and I was looking at an elegant young rough-neck, a year or two over thirty, whose elaborate formality of speech just missed being absurd” (53) • “Wonder’ff tell me where there’s a gas’line station?” (60) • “I am careful.” “No, you’re not.” “Well, other people are,” she said lightly…they’ll keep out of my way…it takes two to make an accident” (63).
2 October 2012 • Daily Question: Re-read the first 3 pages of Ch. 4 (“From East Egg, then, came the Chester Beckers and the Leeches…”) Analyze Fitzgerald’s use of names as characterization. What is he saying about these people? • Vocab • Connotation Page (#27) • Finish Ch. 4 • Individual Work Time Ch. 5, Characterization (#25), Color Connotations (#26) • Closing: Find and record a passage that tells you something about Nick’s character. Explain. • HOMEWORK: Ch. 5 and questions for TOMORROW
3 October 2012 • Daily Question: Fay, Daisy’s maiden name, means “fairy, pixie, or sprite.” What symbolism might the name Daisy Fay hold in light of what Jordan tells Nick in chapter 4? • Vocab • Check/Review Ch. 4 questions • Character Inferences (#25) • Using your row’s assigned character, find and record a passage that shows further character development. (Daisy, Tom, Jordan, Gatsby) Explain and be prepared to share. • Begin Ch. 5 • Closing: What can we infer about Daisy from Jordan’s comment on page 79: “And Daisy ought to have something in her life”? • HOMEWORK: 1. Finish p. #25 Character Inferences
4 October 2012 • Daily Question: Why do you think Fitzgerald chose to have Jordan narrate the events on p. 74—77? Explain. • Vocabulary • Review character inferences (#25) and check Ch. 4 questions (make-up) • Ch. 5 • MAYBE Gatsby Film • Closing: What does Nick mean on p. 96 when he says “No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart”? • HOMEWORK: Finish Ch. 5 Questions for TOMORROW
5 October 2012 • SSR– 30 minutes + 5 minute reflection: “Find an example of figurative language from your SSR book. Explain WHY the author used this type of figurative language and what meaning they were hoping to get across to the reader (Ex: Simile, Metaphor, Personification, Hyperbole, Allusion…etc.) • Daily Question: Is Gatsby or Nick the protagonist? Why? Explain. • Vocab • Gatsby Film • Closing Question: What does the film do well in conveying Fitzgerald’s original story? What could be improved? Explain.
8 October 2012 • Daily Question: Is wealth at the root of all social conflict in this book or is it something else? If something else, explain. • Vocab • Ch. 6 • No closing question
9 October 2012 • Daily Question: List the speaker, context, and importance of the following quotation from chapter 6– “Can’t repeat the past?” he cried incredulously. “Why of course you can! (110)” • Vocab • Review Ch. 6 • Begin Ch. 7 • Perspective of Truth – (#26) • Closing: Interpret the metaphor, “Her voice is full of money.” • HOMEWORK: Finish Ch. 7 for TOMORROW
10 October 2012 • SSR • Daily Question: Re-read the following passage from the final page of Ch. 7 (145): “They weren’t happy, and neither of them had touched the chicken or the ale—and yet they weren’t unhappy either. There was an unmistakable air of natural intimacy about the picture, and anybody would have said that they were conspiring together.” Explain the context and significance of this passage. Who is Nick talking ABOUT? What does it mean that they might be “conspiring” together? • Vocab • Ch. 7 Perspectives on “Truth” (#28) • Film • Closing: From which character’s point of view would you rather read the entire novel? Nick’s? Gatsby’s? Daisy’s? Tom’s? Why? How does this character’s perception of truth change YOUR perception? • HOMEWORK: 1. Finish p. #28 for collection TOMORROW!
12 October 2012 • SSR– 30 minutes. Prompt: “Compare and contrast your SSR text with The Great Gatsby.” • Daily Question: Re-read the last page of the novel from “Most of the big shore places…” What do you think Nick is saying here about Gatsby’s dream? About the American Dream? What kind of TONE does he have? • Vocab (QUIZ MONDAY) • Gatsby End of Book Questions– (#30) • Gatsby Film! • Closing: Who would YOU cast at the main characters from Gatsby? (Gatsby, Tom, Nick, Daisy) • HOMEWORK: 1. Vocab Quiz MONDAY 2. Gatsby Test TUESDAY 3. Gatsby packet due TUESDAY
17 October 2012 • SSR – 30 minutes (finish Gatsby packet by the end of SSR) • Daily Question: What constitutes a true friendship? Explain. • NO Vocab– we’ll return to it with new sheets tomorrow! • Of Mice and Men packet (#32) • “To a Mouse” Robert Burns Poem (#33) • Ch. 1 • Closing: Having read the poem and part of the first chapter, what do you think of the title? Explain. • HOMEWORK: 1. Finish Ch. 1 paragraph (NOT questions) for TOMORROW
18 October 2012 • Daily Question: Describe your favorite character (from either a book, movie, TV show or play) in detail. • Vocabulary • Chapter 2 • Descriptive Writing (#32) • Characterization (#33) (Lennie, George, Candy, Curley, Crooks, Slim, Curley’s Wife) • OMAM Character Sheet (#34) • Understanding Character (#35) • Closing: Choose one of the questions on your “Understanding Character” sheet and answer for one of the main characters in OMAM • HOMEWORK: Ch. 2 paragraph for TOMORROW
19 October 2012 • SSR– 30 minutes (Choose one character from your novel to describe in detail.) • REMINDER– SSR Midterm Essay is on FRIDAY, Nov. 2nd! • Daily Question: Choose one of the following: Sad, Angry, Bored, Happy. Now, DESCRIBE a person who is feeling that emotion. Do NOT use the word in your description. • NO Vocab– make sure you have the five words from this week. • Review. Ch. 1 and 2 paragraphs/chapters • Characterization (#34) • OMAM Characterization Sheet (#36) (Lennie, George, Candy, Curley, Crooks, Slim, Curley’s Wife) • Descriptive Writing (#37) • Closing: (“Fun Friday” Question)If you could only own one thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose? Explain. • HOMEWORK: 1. Finish #37 for MONDAY
22 October 2012 • Daily Question: Describe Lennie and George’s American Dream. Use at least 3 details. • Vocab • Sharing of Descriptive Paragraphs • Review Gatsby Test • Read Ch. 3 • Chapter 3 paragraphs/ Characterization (#36) • Closing: How does Lennie and George’s dream compare and contrast to Gatsby’s dream? Explain. • HOMEWORK: 1. Finish Ch. 3 paragraph/Characterization (#36)
23 October 2012 • Daily Question: Integrate the following two quotations into a coherent statement— (I suggest a portion rather than the whole sentence!!) • “Our problems are man-made, therefore they may be solved by man. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings.” –JFK • “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries to comprehend a little of this mystery every day.” –Einstein • Vocab • Finish Ch. 3 • Integrating Quotations #38 • Group Work on Ch. 3 Discussion Questions • Closing: Write a sentence integrating a quote from chapter 3. • HOMEWORK: 1. SSR Tomorrow! 2. Continue work on Characterization (due FRIDAY)
24 October 2012 • SSR– 30 minutes (don’t forget; your SSR book needs to be finished by NEXT FRI, Nov. 2nd! Midterm Essay will be on that day!) • Daily Question: What do you think JFK meant in this quote? Do you agree with him? Is “crisis” different than “conflict”? • Vocabulary • Begin Ch. 4 • Conflicts (looseleaf) #37 /Conflicts Charades • Your Group’s Task: TEACH the class YOUR conflict by finding TWO examples from the book and then creating one “real life” example. Also, fill out TWO note cards with real life scenarios for conflict charades. • Conflict Charades • Closing Question: Which type of conflict plays the largest role in OMAM? Why? • HOMEWORK: 1. Finish Ch. 4 and complete paragraph for TOMORROW!
Quotation Example • When John F. Kennedy spoke of humanity’s problems being “man-made,” he also noted that “no problem of human destiny is beyond human beings.” In order for human beings to continue to improve, they must also be aware of Einstein’s comment that “the important thing is not to stop questioning.”