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Napa County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office. CASAP Update European Grapevine Moth : A County Perspective By Greg Clark. * * www.cdfa.ca.gov/phpps/egvm/index.html. Napa County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office. Update on EGVM in Napa County and California.
Napa County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office CASAP Update European Grapevine Moth: A County Perspective By Greg Clark
* * www.cdfa.ca.gov/phpps/egvm/index.html Napa County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office
Update on EGVM in Napa County and California Napa County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office
Flash forward… ~ 5100 traps county-wide EGVM found throughout County Core areas St. Helena to Yountville Third Ave. Coombsville Other areas North of Calistoga Napa/North Napa Carneros Finds in all cities/towns Napa County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office
Statewide trapping in commercial vineyards Finds in other counties Sonoma Solano Mendocino Fresno Merced Monterey San Joaquin Santa Cruz Santa Clara Quarantine boundaries outlined in red… Napa County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office
# European Grapevine Moth per County EGVM Date Napa Sonoma Solano Mendocino Fresno Merced Monterey San Joaquin Santa Cruz Santa Clara TOTAL Feb 16-29, 2010 23 23 Mar 1-15, 2010 113 113 Mar 16-31, 2010 4,801 1 4,802 Apr 1-15, 2010 17,800 0 17,800 Apr 16-30, 2010 48,807 14 3 13 2 48,839 May 1-15, 2010 25,363 8 4 20 4 4 1 25,404 May 16-31, 2010 2,314 1 1 2 2,318 June 1-15, 2010 45 8 4 57 June 16-30, 2010 289 4 3 1 297 July 1-15, 2010 801 7 808 July 16-31, 2010 182 11 193 Aug 1-15, 2010 12 1 2 15 Aug 16-31, 2010 101 2 1 104 Sept 1-15, 2010 136 1 1 138 Sept 16-30, 2010 36 1 2 39 Oct 1-15, 2010 8 1 9 Total 100,831 59 11 36 11 4 1 2 1 3 100,959 Napa County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office
Napa County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office |-----------------------------------------1st Generation ---------------------------------------------------------l -------------------2nd Generation -------------------|----------3rd Generation -------------------------- February 17 – June 10, 2010 June 11 – August 10, 2010 August 11 – October 8, 2010 99,349 males 1,319 males 291 males (3,406 records) (251 records) (68 records)
Brief overview of EGVM Control and Management Napa County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office
Napa County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office Monitoring •UC Cooperative Extension monitoring traps •38 traps deployed in Oakville, Rutherford, 3rd Ave. •Ranches with KNOWN populations •Checked 3 times per week (M-W-F) •Results reported weekly and available through Lobesia newsletter: http://ucanr.org/egvm newsletter
Other monitoring tool Delimitation traps checked every 14 days Results available http://www.countyofnapa.org/AgCom/ Traps in core areas reduced to 7 per sq. mile Grower trapping Adverse impacts on delimitation efforts Discouraged earlier Decision made to allow grower trapping after delimitation was completed Napa County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office
Grower Treatments Combination of insecticide treatments and mating disruption was the best model for EGVM Special thanks to Martin Mochizuki and Monica Best results were achieved: Treated all three generations Used mating disruption, especially, especially for organic Organic growers who properly timed applications Treated before damage or EGVM was seen Napa County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office
Approx. half of winegrape acreage in County treated at least once (21,327 ac.) Total treated acreage was approximately 96,000 acres Approx. 6,000 ac. treated with ISOMATE-EGVM mating disruption Treatment resulted in excellent control in most cases F1- ~100,000 F2 - ~1,300 F3 - ~273 Napa County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office
Napa County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office Regulatory Program •This was all new and different from anything done before •Issued over 900 compliance agreements with an assortment of exhibits •Performed over 130 inspections of growers, haulers, and wineries, not including another ~150 inspections/certification for other regulated articles •Does not include the countless hours generally working with the regulated community
Napa County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office Regulatory Program •Inspected and certified 24 shipments of winegrapes using USDA Fresh Fruit Protocols 266.5 tons with 103 tons being fumigated •Many many hours working to reassure other counties •Overall-very very few problems with people not doing what they were supposed to do!
County developed Community Relations Plan with stakeholders and Balzac Communications Transparent process critical Conduct intensive outreach to community and industry Treat with Dipel or remove flowers and fruit of grapes within 200 meters of all EGVM finds Deploy mating disruption Napa County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office Urban/Residential Outreach
Take Home Message Serious pest issue threatening the sustainability of winegrape and wine production in Napa County Battle worth fighting, but will take everyone’s commitment and cooperation Growers need to monitor and diligently treat Everyone must comply with all quarantine requirements Share what you learn about EGVM Great progress has been made…the same effort and more is needed to continue! Could not do it without other’s help and the great people who work in my office Napa County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office
Greg Clark 707-253-6169 Greg.Clark@CountyofNapa.org Napa County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office Questions now? Document Title Goes Here