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Recent results from B factories. A. Oyanguren IFIC, UV-CSIC. III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona 2 nd – 4 th Nov. 2011. Outline. B factories (Belle & BaBar ). Leptonic decays : B, D s . Semileptonic decays : BD*, V ub , charm. CPV (B, c and decays ) .
Recent results from B factories A. Oyanguren IFIC, UV-CSIC III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona 2nd – 4th Nov. 2011
Outline • B factories (Belle & BaBar) • Leptonicdecays: B, Ds • Semileptonicdecays: BD*, Vub, charm • CPV (B, c and decays) • Raredecays: Bs, BK, B, B, D, Xch • Plans at SuperFlavourFactories (Belle II & SuperB) III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona 2 A. Oyanguren
B e+ e- z~ c B ~ 200m B B factories KEKB √s=10.58 GeV Υ(4s) Υ(4s) BaBarp(e-)=9 GeV p(e+)=3.1 GeV=0.56 Bellep(e-)=8 GeV p(e+)=3.5 GeV =0.42 III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona 3 A. Oyanguren
B factories In addition to (4S)also large samples of other (nS) decays! # of produced (nS) Fantastic performance far beyond design values! III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona 4 A. Oyanguren
Leptonic decays Motivation: • Weakannihilationprocesses (helicitysuppressed) • sensitiveto New Physicseffects • B : a chargedHiggscouldenhancethe SM • branchingfraction: Fromsemileptonicdecays: by: |Vub|=(3.89 ± 0.44) x 10-3 [PDG 2010] FromLattice QCD calculations: fB = 191 ± 3 ± 13 MeV [Lenz et al., PRD 83, 036004 (2011)] 0 = radiative correction ~1%) III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona 5 A. Oyanguren
Leptonic decays Experimental method: Reconstruct one B meson in hadronic BD(*)X or B J/X decays (tag ~1%) Look for signal in the recoil: using kinematical and event shape information Look for extra energy Eextra = sum of neutral clusters in the ECM calorimeter Study Extra using double tag events to control the bkg. Extract B from unbinned max. likelihhod fit To Eextra: 426 fb-1 3.3 significance BaBar combined: Belle: III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona 6 A. Oyanguren
Leptonic decays Final measurement of sin2 sin2 from CP measurements in B0→ cc K0 Belle, preliminary, 710 fb-1 Tension between B(B→) and sin2 (~2.5) remains III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona 7 A. Oyanguren
Leptonic decays Ds can alsobeenhancedby a chargedHiggsorleptoquarks: fDscalculatedby LQCD withsmall error fDs= (248.6 ± 2.5) MeV At BaBarDs e, , measuredfromfully reconstructedeventsusingtherecoilmass and theEextra BaBar Agreementwiththeory 521fb-1 [PRD RC 82, 091103 (2010)] III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona 8 A. Oyanguren
Semileptonic: B D(*) Motivation: • Sensitivetocharged-Higgseffects • Involveformfactorswhich can bemeasured in BD(*)e/ decays • Observables: R(D) and R(D*) ratios • - can beenhancedbythecharged-Higgs (tan/mH) • - severalsyst. and theo. uncertainties cancel out SM predictions: R(D) = 0.31 0.02 R(D*) = 0.25 0.02 [Nierste, Trine, Westhoff PRD78 (08) 015066] III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona 9 A. Oyanguren
Semileptonic: B D(*) • • ee Experimental method: • BaBar: Btagfullyreconstructedintohadrons (Improvedefficiencies (lepton and Btag)) • Bsig: D(*) and lepton (, e) • - 4 signalsamples: (D0, D+, D*0, D*+) • (toextract BD(*)) mmiss2 = (pe+e- -pBtag-pD(*)-p)2 426 fb-1 • - 4 control samples: (D0, D+, D*0, D*+)0 • (to derive D** bkg) • 2D unbinned ML fit mmiss2-p*(3x4 par.) • Yieldsfor: • B (D0, D+, D*0, D*+) • B (D0, D+, D*0, D*+) • B (D0, D+, D*0, D*+)0 R(D) and R(D*) Largesignalsignificance (>5) forallchannels III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona 10 A. Oyanguren
Semileptonic: B D(*) SM predictions: R(D) = 0.31 0.02 R(D*) = 0.25 0.02 Results (preliminary): R(D) = 0.456 0.053 0.056 R(D*)= 0.325 0.023 0.027 SM 1.8 largerthan SM prediction favorslarge tan Comparisonwithpreviousresults: (w/o 2011) (w/o 2011) III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona 11 A. Oyanguren
Semileptonic: Vub Motivation: • Charmlesssemileptonicdecaysallowusto • measureVub(upper UT vertex) • Challenge: suppresscharmbackground BX = BXc + BXu (50 : 1) BX BXu • Twodifferent experimental methods: • - Inclusive:highstat. butmuchbkg: use kinematiccuts: • Theory:Shapefunctionfrom QCD • - Exclusive:final meson (,,…): lowstat. butbetterbkgrejection. • Theory: Formfactorsfrom QCD El, q2, MX and P+ = EX -|pX| III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona 12 A. Oyanguren
Semileptonic: B Xu Signal side Experimental Method: Tagside • At BaBar, Btagfullyreconstructedhadronically • ( ~0.3-0.5%) + or e fromtheBsig (4S) • Xufromallremainingtracks and neutral clusters • estimatedfrommissing E and p • Bkgsupression: • 426 fb-1 • - CombinatorialsubtractedfrommES • - Charm: B D* partialreconstructed • kaon veto, only 1leptonp* > 1 GeV • Several PS regions, 2D fitfor B(BXu)/B(BX ) in q2-Mx for p* > 1GeV BaBar - K+ BXc bkg and BXu signalyields B(BXu)=1.80 (13) (15) x 10-4 lepton D0 B0 - Vubextraction: B0 Average: BNLP: [Bosch et al. , PRD 72 (05) 073006] + DGE: [Andersen et al. , JHEP 0601 (06) 097] |Vub|= (4.31 0.25exp 0.16theo )10-3 GGOU: [Gambino et al., JHEP 0710 (07) 058] Xu [tobesubmittedto PRD] ADFR: [Aglietti et al., EPJ. C 59 (09) 831] III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona 13 A. Oyanguren
Semileptonic: B • The exclusive B semileptonicdecayrateisdescribed as function of formfactors: = p, h, h’, r, w • QCD calculations: Lattice data III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona 14 A. Oyanguren
Semileptonic: B PRD 83 (2011) 032007 • BaBar, untaggedanalyses PRD 83 (2011) 052011 Loose reconstructionfromfull event FittoBaBar + Belle + LQCD Backgroundsuppressionbycutsor Neural Net FitusingE= (PBPbeams-– s /2)/2 , mES= [(s/2 + pBpbeams- )2 /E2beams - p2B] and q2= (p + p)2 = (pB- p)2 (in 12 or 6 bins) B(Be)=1.42 (5) (7) x 10-4 BaBar: B (Be) =1.41 (5) (7) x 10-4 |Vub| = (3.19 ± 0.14 ± 0.27) x10-3 Belle: B (Be) =1.49 (4) (7) x 10-4 • (V. Luth, J. Dingfelder) [arXiv:1012:0090] III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona 15 A. Oyanguren
Semileptonic: Vub • Exclusive: |Vub| = (3.19 ± 0.14 ± 0.27) x 10-3 • (V. Luth, J. Dingfelder) • Inclusive: |Vub| = (4.34 ± 0.13 ± 0.15) x 10-3 (V. Luth, [NS61CH06-Luth]) Inclusive |Vub| Exclusive |Vub| >2 differencesincemanyyearsago and Vub from B largerthan forB New Physicscontribution? (RH currentsmodification) III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona A. Oyanguren
Semileptonic: charm • Charmsemileptonicdecaysallowtomeasureformfactors in thecharm sector, validating LQCD methods • increasetheoryprecisioninvolving B decays • trust LQCD calculationsensuringpossible New Physicssigns Example: the leptonicconstantfDs: >3 !?! fDspuzzle: exp theo contribution from a chargedHiggs? Kronfeldplot, N. Simone: FERMILAB-CONF-10-594-T • Severalcharmsemileptonicchannelshavebeenstudied at BaBarfrome+e- cc • using a partialreconstructiontechnique: DKe , DsKKe,D+Ke published De (soon) can berelatedto Be accesstoVub III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona 17 A. Oyanguren
Semileptonic: charm • Quite precise form factor measurementsfromBaBar need LQCD improvements [PRD 78, 051101(R) (2008)] [PRD 76, 052005 (2007)] BaBar BaBar 214 fb-1 fK+(q2) BaBar 75 fb-1 Dsen Dsen D0K-e+n [PRD 83, 072001 (2011)] BaBar Experiments BaBar D+K*e+n BaBar 348 fb-1 D+K*e+n D+K*e+n A1(q2), A2(q2), V(q2) r2=A2(0)/A1(0) • rv=V(0)/A1(0) III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona 18 A. Oyanguren
CP Violation The CKM matrix Motivation: • • CP violation discovered ~50 years ago • observing the decay KL → π+π- • • In the SM CPV arises from the not vanishing • phase of the CKM matrix • • New Physics can induce additional FCNC • and CP-violating phases • • Many observations of CPV processes in the • last decade in the beauty and strange sectors • Global consistency with SM predictions • • No observation yet of CPV effects in the • charm sector • • No observation yet of CPV effects in the • lepton sector 19 A. Oyanguren III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona
CP Violation in D decays Motivation: Direct CP violation in D decays arises through interference between: Vcs In the SM is CKM suppressed O(10-3) or less: New Physics can increase or reduce the effect: - e.g. additional CP phase from charged Higgs boson SCS decays are more likely to show the effect if present [PRD 75, 036008 (2007)] [hep-ph/0104008 (2001)] Current experimental sensitivity O(10-3) [PRD 51, 003478 (1995)] 20 A. Oyanguren III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona
CP Violation in D decays Experimental method: Due to CPV in mixing in the kaon sector, the direct CP asymmetry for D+Ks+ At BaBar: signal yields from likelihood fit to m(+K0s), with selection based on a Boosted Decision Tree with 7 variables: 807K D±signal events Measure • is expected to be [hep-ph/0104008 (2001)] Forward-Backward asymmetry Detector charge asymmetry • Data-driven method to correct for A • Use tracks from e+e-(4S)BB decays (isotropic in rest frame) to map the ratio of +/- detection efficiencies • Offset on ACP +0.05% 21 A. Oyanguren III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona
CP Violation in D decays • Use data-driven method to extract AFB, and ACP in bins of polar angle D+Ks+ [PRD 83, 071103(R) (2011)] Consistent with SM (-0.332±0.006)% At Belle D0 KS0, tag D flavour with the D* decay ACP = -0.28 0.19 0.10 [PRL106, 211801 (2011)] 22 A. Oyanguren III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona
CP Violation in Ks t- nt Motivation: CP violationnotyetobserved in thelepton sector u W- A deviation of the measured ACPfrom ACPSM would be a hint of New Physics • e.g. an additional CP violating phase from an exotic charged Higgs boson Can consider --Ks(>=00)since0s are not expected to change the asymmetry p- Searchfordirect CP violation in tau decays: --Ks d within the SM, due to the Ks presence, the asymmetry: Tree s d K0 • is expected to be [Bigi and Sanda, PLB 625, 47 (2005)] • (same argument than for DKs decays) [PLB 398, 407 (1997)] 23 A. Oyanguren III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona
CP Violation in Ks Experimental method: Reconstruct from continuum --Ks(>=00) (up to 30s) • Electron and muon tags with p* > 4 GeV • (reduce bkg from non--pairs) Reconstructed hadronic mass < 1.8 GeV (rejects qqbkg) • Remaining background further reduced using information of: • qq events: visible energy, number of neutral clusters, thrust, total transverse momentum • Fake K0s: displaced vertex, invariant mass, momentum and polar angle of the K0s candidate Invariant mass of the hadronic final state (00s) 340k events 24 A. Oyanguren III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona
CP Violation in Ks Experimental method: Measured raw ACP value (after subtraction of qq background and non-K0s decays) has to be corrected by: • Different nuclear reaction cross-section of K0 and K0 with material detector • (0.14±0.03)% for e-tag, (0.14±0.02)% for -tag • Errors include uncertainties from kaon-nucleon cross-sections and isospin • Dilution from background modes including K0s Result: [Preliminary, submittedto PRD-RC arXiv:1109.1527] Systematic uncertainties 3 from the SM prediction 25 A. Oyanguren III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona
CP Violation in Bc decays Motivation: • Many such decays are dominated by bs penguins • Tree amplitudes subdominant in SM • Time-dependence and FSI (intermediate states) allow to measure the CKM angles • New Physics can change CP asymmetries, BRs and polarizations in BVV decays • Use kinematic constraints from beam energies • Event shape variables combined into a linear (Fisher) or non linear (NN) combination. Tagging (other “B”) information often used Tree Experimental method: Penguin • Apply selection to reject continuum • asvariable in ML fit 26 A. Oyanguren III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona
CP Violation in Bc decays Direct CP violation difference in B K+-and K+0 at Belle DAKp= ACP(Kp0) - ACP (Kp) Update the 2008 result with the full data set and improved reconstruction - ~2x more data preliminary 772 M BB Belle preliminary: AK= +0.112 ± 0.028 @4 27 A. Oyanguren III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona
CP Violation in Bc decays Direct CP violation difference in B0 K+-0 and B+K+00at BaBar • Perform ML fit with mES and NN, and for K+-0 only, also E and Dalitz plot • For B0K+-0 • BF(B0K+-0) = (38.5 ± 1.0 ± 3.9)10-6 • ACP(K*+-) = -0.29 ± 0.11 ± 0.02 • When combined with B0Ks+- : • For B+K+00 • First inclusive measurement • Measure resonances • in a two-body fashion • 10 significance 454x106 BB pairs [PRD 83, 112010 (2011)] 3.1 evidence for direct CPV • ACP(K*+-) = -0.24 ± 0.07 ± 0.02 471x106 BB pairs • ACP(K*+0) = -0.06 ± 0.24 ± 0.04 Preliminary 28 A. Oyanguren III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona
Rare decays • Rare processes are quite sensitiveto New Physicseffects • B: Belle:fullyrecotag + nothing in thesignalside BR< 1.3 x 10-4 @ 90% CL (BaBar: BR< 2.2 x 10-4 ) • BK: BaBar: semileptonictag + K and 2 in • thesignalside[PRD 82, 112002 (2010)] B(s+d): BaBar: semileptonictag + 1 in the signalside: ACP = 0.056 ± 0.060 ± 0.018 (SM) x10-5 B: BaBar:upper limit (UL) lowered by a factor 2: BR< 3.2 x 10-7 @ 90% CL • D: BaBar: BR< 2.4 x 10-6 @ 90% CL B: D • Most of LFV and LNV Xchll BF ULs down by 1 order of magnitude (10-6) 29 A. Oyanguren III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona
Future: SuperB, Belle-II Two new facilitiesaimingtoanintegratedluminosity of 50-75ab-1around 2020 SuperB, Frascati (Italy) Belle-II, Tsukuba (Japan) Approved, build a new tunnel, upgrade PEP-II and BaBar, quickly ramping up Approved, major upgrade at KEK in 2010-14 SuperKEKB+Belle II, construction started Physics: Sensitivity B() ~ 10-9, B()~10-10,B(h)~10-10 CharmPhysics: Precision CP parameters: (K) (~10-5), sensitivity FCNC: D(h) (~10-8) B Physics: Precision BK (~20%), B (~ 4%), B (~ 5%), BD (~ 2%), ACP(bs) (~ 0.002), Vub (~ 2%) 30 A. Oyanguren III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona
Summary 31 A. Oyanguren III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona
Summary • B D(*) Improvedmeasurements at BaBar BD0 and BD+ more than 5 significance • R(D(*)) exceedby 1.8 the SM valuesfavorslarge tan |Vub| excl. = (3.19 ± 0.14 ± 0.27) x 10-3 • Vub |Vub| incl. = (4.34 ± 0.13 ± 0.15) x 10-3 Despitethe experimental and theoreticaleffortsthediscrepancy between exclusive and inclusive measurementsremains: whatdoesitmeans? whatdon’tweunderstand? • CharmSemileptonicformfactors Quite precise resultsfromBaBarforDKe, Ds e, D K*e, formfactorsallowtocheck QCD methods: need LQCD improvements III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona 32 A. Oyanguren
Introduction B and charmsemileptonicdecays are treelevelprocesses involving CKM matrixelements: VudVusVub VcdVcsVcb VtdVtsVtb 0.00389(44) VCKM= 0.0406(13) PDG10 0.230(11) 1.023(36) New Physicscontributions can onlybeseen: coupling ~ mbmtan2 in semileptonicdecaysinvolving leptons: B D() bycomparing CKM matrixelements in leptonicand semileptonicdecays Vub: Inclusive B Xu , exclusive B Note: Must control (bymeasuring) QCD effects (formfactors) Charmsemileptonicdecays III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona 33 A. Oyanguren
Charm sl decays Analysisprocedure: • Partialreconstructionmethod; e+e- cc; onlyelectrons • D* tag in case of DKe, no tagforDsor D+decays • Compute the D(s)directionfromalltracks signaltracks • q2 and angular distributions: kinematicfitwithsignal • tracksmomenta and missingenergyinformation • Backgroundsuppressionusingeventshape and • topological variables • Background control, test of theanalysistechnique and thenormalization are obtainedfromhadronic data samples (ex: DK, D K) III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona 34 A. Oyanguren
Semileptonic: B D(*) Fitresults(preliminary): (isospin) (isospin) • largesignalsignificance (> 5) • forallchannels Systematics(preliminary): - Selectioncuts: ~6%(D*),~9%(D) - D** fitted in D(*)0 samples: ~4%(D*), ~5%(D) III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona 35 A. Oyanguren
B Xu Summary of Vubmeasurements: |Vub| = (3.19 ± 0.14 ± 0.27) x10-3 • Exclusive: (V. Luth, J. Dingfelder) • Inclusive: |Vub| = (4.34 ± 0.13 ± 0.15) x 10-3 (V. Luth, [NS61CH06-Luth]) III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona 36 A. Oyanguren
Leptonic decays III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona 37 A. Oyanguren
Vub exclusive: BaBar combined • Small eventoverlap of B0- (<1%) BaBarcombinedresult: • Uncorrelatedstatisticaluncertainties • Highlycorrelatedsystematics BaBarFitto BGL Lattice LCSR BaBarfitto BGL includingLattice data points (B : LCSR q2 < 12GeV2, LQCD q2 > 16GeV2) (fitsfromJ.Dingfelder and V. Luth) III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona 38 A. Oyanguren
Vub exclusive: B PRD 83 (2011) 052011 Analysesprocedure: PRD 83 (2011) 032007 BaBar data samples: 423 fb-1 , 349 fb-1 • Untaggedanalyses (highstat., more bkg.), e + Loose reconstructionfrom full event(p = pbeams- pi) Backgroundsuppressionbycutsor NN 2D or 3D fit E = (PBPbeams-– s /2)/2 , mES= [(s/2 + pBpbeams- )2 /E2beams - p2B]½ q2 = (p + p)2 = (pB- p)2 toextractthesignalyield • q2 in 12 or 6 bins III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona 39 A. Oyanguren
Charm sl decays Analysisprocedure: • Partialreconstructionmethod; e+e- cc; onlyelectrons • D* tag in case of DKe, no tagforDsor D+decays • Compute the D(s)directionfromalltracks signaltracks • q2 and angular distributions: kinematicfitwithsignal • tracksmomenta and missingenergyinformation • Backgroundsuppressionusingeventshape and • topological variables • Background control, test of theanalysistechnique and thenormalization are obtainedfromhadronic data samples (ex: DK, D K) III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona 40 A. Oyanguren
[tobesubmittedto PRD] data Xu Xc B Xu 1441 102 Fitresults: • Most precise result : 2D fit q2-Mx • for p* > 1 GeV • FitforBXc bkg and BXu • signalyields B Xu B Xu Vubextraction: Average: |Vub|= (4.31 0.25exp 0.16theo )10-3 BNLP: [Bosch et al. , PRD 72 (05) 073006] DGE: [Andersen et al. , JHEP 0601 (06) 097] GGOU: [Gambino et al., JHEP 0710 (07) 058] ADFR: [Aglietti et al., EPJ. C 59 (09) 831] III Jornadas CPAN, Barcelona 41 A. Oyanguren