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How are Oxbow Lakes formed?

How are Oxbow Lakes formed?. Stage 1 : A Meander In the lower course of a river the meander bends become even larger and the river meanders more vigorously. (The fastest flow is still on the outside of the bend and slowest flow on the inside.). Stage 2 : The Neck Narrows

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How are Oxbow Lakes formed?

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  1. How are Oxbow Lakes formed?

  2. Stage 1: A Meander In the lower course of a river the meander bends become even larger and the river meanders more vigorously. (The fastest flow is still on the outside of the bend and slowest flow on the inside.) Stage 2: The Neck Narrows Erosion by corrasion (material carried along by a river rubbing against the river banks) on the outside bend of a meander causes its neck to narrow. Material is being deposited on the inside bends. How are oxbow lakes formed?

  3. Stage 3: A Flood Eventually the neck of the meander is broken through and the river flows in a straight channel (leaving out the meander bend). This usually happens during a flood when the river is really powerful and is able to break its banks. Stage 4: An Oxbow Lake is formed When the flood waters fall and at times of low flow, material is deposited sealing off the old meander forming an oxbow lake. The river continues to flow in its new straight course. After a while the oxbow lake dries up, and this forms a meander scar. How are oxbow lakes formed?

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