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Check or money order enclosed payable to Fairleigh Dickinson University. CTL COURSE REGISTRATION FORM May 2007. ______________________________. Name. Purchase Order. ______________________________. Please charge my credit card ____AmEx ____Visa ____MC. Address.
Check or money order enclosed payable to Fairleigh Dickinson University CTL COURSE REGISTRATION FORMMay 2007 ______________________________ Name Purchase Order ______________________________ Please charge my credit card ____AmEx ____Visa ____MC Address ______________________________ Card ______ - ______ - ______ - _____ Exp. Date _________________ (mm/dd/yyyy) Authorization Code ________________ (3 digits following card number, back of Visa/MC) City State Zip ______________________________ Phone Email PLEASE CHECK THE BOX NEXT TO THE CLASS YOU WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND: ______________________ Signature Fax to: (201) 692-6505 Fairleigh Dickinson University, Metropolitan Campus, Hackensack NJ Class location: 140 University Plaza Drive, Hackensack NJ 07601 Cybercrime Training Lab, Dickinson Hall, 2nd floor Tuesday, May 29th, 8AM to 12:30PM Cell Phone Seizure and Examination Course Number:72GN-CELL1S Thursday, May 31st, 8AM to 12:30PM Eavesdropping Device and Wiretap Detection Course Number:72GN-EWD1S Friday, June 1st, 8AM to 12:30PM Introduction to FTK Imager Course Number:72GN-FTK1S Tuesday, June 19th, 8AM to 12:30PM PDA Seizure and Examination Course Number:72GN-PDA1S Tuesday, June 26th, 8AM to 12:30PM Cell Phone Seizure and Examination Course Number:72GN-CELL2S Thursday, June 28th, 8AM to 12:30PM Eavesdropping Device and Wiretap Detection Course Number:72GN-EWD2S Thursday, July 12th, 8AM to 12:30PM Drive Imaging with the Logicube Course Number:81GN-LOG1S Monday, July 30th, 8AM to 12:30PM PDA Seizure and Examination Course Number:81GN-PDA2S Thursday, August 2nd, 8AM to 12:30PM Eavesdropping Device and Wiretap Detection Course Number:81GN-EWD3S Tuesday, August 14th, 8AM to 12:30PM Cell Phone Seizure and Examination Course Number:81GN-CELL3S Thursday, August 16th, 8AM to 12:30PM Drive Imaging with the Logicube Course Number:81GN-LOG2S OTHER – Course number _______________________________ Mail or Fax to: Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1000 River Road, H-DH1-02, Teaneck NJ 07601 Phone: (201) 692-6500 or (800) 338-3887 Fax: (201) 692-6505 For more information: ctl@fdu.edu