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Fighting from Victory Ephesians 6.10-20

Fighting from Victory Ephesians 6.10-20. Doug Brown Power point, pdf . & audio available @ karenvineyard.org. We do not fight for victory, we fight from victory.” Chip Ingram, The Invisible War . Prayer is our chief weapon.

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Fighting from Victory Ephesians 6.10-20

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  1. Fighting from VictoryEphesians 6.10-20 Doug Brown Power point, pdf. & audio available @ karenvineyard.org

  2. We do not fight for victory, we fight from victory.” • Chip Ingram, The Invisible War.

  3. Prayer is our chief weapon.

  4. “From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it.” • Matthew 11.12

  5. vss.10-12 Defining the fight

  6. Roman Wedge

  7. Wrong Ways To Do Battle • 1. Allowing Satan to choose the battleground. • 2. Focusing on the darkness instead of the light. • 3. Crediting the enemy with too much power . • 4. Praying against Satan instead of to God. • 5. Engaging in spiritual warfare that involved endless spiritual mapping. • Leanne Payne

  8. but against . . . • The rulers • The authorities • The powers of this dark world • The spiritual forces of evil

  9. vss.13-17equipped for the fight

  10. vss.18-20joining in the fight

  11. “for the weapons of our warfare are not human weapons, but are made powerful by God for tearing down strongholds. We tear down arguments and every arrogant obstacle that is raised up against the knowledge of God, and we take every thought captive to make it obey Christ.” • 2 Corinthians 10.4-5

  12. "We don't see things as they are; we see things as we are."

  13. Offensive Prayer

  14. Planning the Offensive • Leaves no time to mourn over the past • Refocuses our energies for today and tomorrow • Confronts depression and discouragement before they can take root • Breaks the cycle of negative thinking • Paves the way for God’s kingdom work

  15. Fighting from Victory

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