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The Western World Turns Upside Down

The Western World Turns Upside Down. Labor Movements and Reforms. Labor Unions. Could not improve conditions by individual bargaining Collective Bargaining : working together could secure their demands Began in England. What they want…. Union as sole bargaining agent Higher wages

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The Western World Turns Upside Down

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  1. The Western World Turns Upside Down Labor Movements and Reforms

  2. Labor Unions • Could not improve conditions by individual bargaining • Collective Bargaining: working together could secure their demands • Began in England

  3. What they want… • Union as sole bargaining agent • Higher wages • Fewer working hours • Security against unemployment • Safe and sanitary condition • Paid vacation • Fringe benefits • Medical care, hospitalization, pensions, etc…

  4. Peaceful Settlement of Disputes • Collective Bargaining • Mediation • Third party secures concessions from both sides • Arbitration • Third party hears both sides and hands down a decision

  5. Weapons of Union • Strike • Refuse to work • Picket • Parade outside business during strike • Boycott • Request consumer not patronize during stike • Publicity

  6. Weapons of Employer • Lockout • Keeps workers from working • Strikebreakers • Hires new workers to take place of strikers • Injunction • May forbid workers to strike if harmful to society • I.e. teachers, police, sanitation • Publicity

  7. Governments get involved • British pass laws between 1819 and 1847 limiting hours worked and child labor in factories and mines • 9-13 only 9 hours • 13-18 only 12 hours • People younger than 10 can’t work in mines • Germany and Britain both pass Social Security Laws: • Unemployment, sickness, accident

  8. Socialism- means of production should be owned and controlled by society, either directly or through the government. Karl Marx-established a scientific base for socialism. Marx- economy is major force for change Economic status decides social status Ruling class controls production “Class Struggles” happen to decide who controls the production Opposition to Capitalism through Socialism

  9. Karl Marx… • Separated society into 2 classes- • Proletariat-make goods, productive class • Bourgeoisie- middle class and owners of production. • Solution for equality- Democratic Socialism • Public control of some means • Respect for individual rights • Use democratic means to implement socialist policy (people rule!)

  10. 3 Economic Systems of the IR

  11. The New Science of the Industrial Revolution

  12. New Science… • Theodore Schwann-Cell Theory • Gregor Mendel- Genetics • Edward Jenner-Vaccinations • Louis Pasteur- discovered bacteria and germs. (Pasteurization of milk!) • Surgical Advances- ether, chloroform, antiseptics • John Dalton- Atomic Theory

  13. New Science… • Wilhelm Roentgen-X-Ray • Marie & Pierre Curie- Radioactivity • Plank-Quanta energy. • Einstein- relativity. • Social Sciences develop- psychology and sociology!

  14. Infant mortality decreases Life expectancy is 50 Living Conditions improve Potatoes become popular Bread is no longer a staple food Refrigeration and Preserves Emigrants rate of immigration is high Urbanization increases 1851-Britain has 9 cities over 100,000 Sanitation is improved Closed sewer lines Police and Fire protection give safety Pop Culture of the IR

  15. Pop Culture of the IR… • Frederick Olmstead builds Central Park • Leisure time increases(Museums, amusement parks) • Education improves-public schools were built • Mass media goes into circulation

  16. Artistic Revolution • Romanticism- human emotion and imagination over reason. • Glorified beauty and nature. • Composers-Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Schubert • Writers-Goethe, Faust, Scott, Wordsworth, Keats • Painters-Delacroix, Blake

  17. Artistic Revolution… • Realism-Portray life in realistic manner, as it is. • Painters-Coubert • Writers-Balzac, Dickens, Tolstoy, Dreiser

  18. Artistic Revolution… • Symbolism-created world of shadowy images by evoked symbols. (opposite of realism) • Impressionism-sought to capture the momentary impression a subject made on their senses. • Famous impressionists- Monet and Renoir

  19. Artistic Revolution • Post-impressionism- reformed styles independently to express subject in different ways. • Famous post-impressionists- Seurat, Gaugin, Van Gogh

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