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Vision / what we want. Flexible , student- centric learning trajectories The teacher being able to choose the best learning materials – no lock - in to the textbooks , but leveraging the textbooks
Vision / what we want • Flexible, student-centriclearningtrajectories • The teacher beingabletochoose the best learningmaterials – no lock-into the textbooks, but leveraging the textbooks • Schoolmanagement cannegotiateto get the best learningmaterialsfor the best price ES SIG wg 01-03-2012
After EDRENE / The Hague + Poitiers • We thoughtto have a (then) vague plan • We continued the road we foresaw ……. • We become more en more convincedthis is the plan … anditbecomes more and more clear ES SIG wg 01-03-2012
5 ingredientstoflexibilisethe curriculum + + + + ES SIG wg 01-03-2012
5 ingredientstoflexibilise the curriculum • Framework of educationalconcepts • Detailed curriculum concepts => backbone of textbooks / (open) learninglines • Linked data-technology • Mixingopen content / textbooks • ‘Business models’ forpublishers, schools, teachers ES SIG wg 01-03-2012
Presentationsfrom NL • On the Dutch Framework of educationalconcepts (Henk) • (detailed) Curriculum as backbone for the selection of learning materials (Allard) • Mixing open content & publisher’s textbooks (Leonie) • Business cases (Henk) • Linked data-beta experiments ES SIG wg 01-03-2012
Framework of educationalconcepts- curriculum in the Dutch clouds Kennisnet (EDRENE – May 2012) Henk Nijstad, Kennisnet
Agenda • What is this Framework • Why do you want it? • What does it have to do withourcurrent services likeEdurep? • What does itcontain? Kennisnet (ECK) Klantendag 12 april 2012
Synonyms Framework of educationalconcepts • ‘FEC’ Onderwijs Begrippenkader • OBK Kennisnet (ECK) Klantendag 12 april 2012
Message of thispresentation: Thisframework of concepts (‘FEC’) • forms the new basis forvocabulariesto tag & findlearningobjects • Provides a solution forexisting bottlenecks withmetadata: durablemetadata • Enables the next step towardscreating(semi-) automatic metadata Kennisnet (ECK) Klantendag 12 april 2012
Metadata: the gasoline forour Kennisnet-services likeEdurep Kennisnet (ECK) Klantendag 12 april 2012
Metadata: Achilles heel • Far toolittlemetadata • Goodquality (curriculum-relation) ? • Whoadds the metadata • Expensive! • Expertise! • Versioning / problemswithdurability Kennisnet (ECK) Klantendag 12 april 2012
Examples of problemswithmetadata:1. unambiguousof concepts • Same concepts have in different vocabulaires a different name, cannotberelated taal Nederlandse taal ? The same? Nederlands Kennisnet (ECK) Klantendag 12 april 2012
Examples of problemswithmetadata:2. Frequent (yearly) changes in vocabulaires (because of politics / law) • Oftenonly a few terms change • However the complete vocabulaire shouldbereplaced • mappingneeded • Every tool (search portal ándrepository) should change tothis new vocabulaire Term 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5” 5 6 Term 6 2009 2010 Kennisnet (ECK) Klantendag 12 april 2012
We shouldfind a smarter way …we need the next step! The framework of educationalconcepts!! Kennisnet (ECK) Klantendag 12 april 2012
Framework of EducationalConcepts (‘FEC’) Alltermsandtheirmutually relations neededtodescribeeducation, to start with the curriculum • Everytermscarefullydecomposed (Atomise) • Unambiguousdescribed(Harmonise) • Richdescribed(Describe) • Relations betweenterms (Relate) Kennisnet (ECK) Klantendag 12 april 2012
What kind of conceptscanbe found in the FEC? Curriculum descriptions / terms! • Subjects / learningdomains • Learning level (f.e. European framework of reference • Learning objectives • Detailedachievementstandards: • Secundary & vocational • (detail) competenciesand skills • ….
We wereinspiredbyinternationaldevelopments Peer-countrieslike: • USA: Achievement Standards Network • Sweden: ‘Curriculum in the Cloud’ • France • EUN
Right now in The Nederlands • ‘Framework’ is controlledby EduStandaard • Open procedure, broad support • May 10th the Framework willbefilledwith the first sets (vocabulaires) • Kennisnet-services likeEdurepandMetaPluswillbe FEC-proofbefore the summer (‘FEC-based vocabulaires’ ES SIG wg 01-03-2012
Why is the Framework a smart idea? 1. The sameterms get 1 uniqueid taal Nederlandse taal Id. = 12skr56789 Nederlands 1 Unique, durableid 3 denotations
Why is the Framework a smart idea?2. Changes in vocabularies • Onlychangingtermsneedtobereplaced, not the complete vocabulary • Durabilityguaranteedbecause of the relation 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5” 5 6 6 2009 2010
Whyis the Framework a smart idea? • Framework in combinationwithLinked Data-technologyenables(semi-) automaticallyaddingmetadata Kennisnet (ECK) Klantendag 12 april 2012
Besidesfindability of learningmaterialsthere are lots of applications • Enrichment of the curriculum • Accountability • Individuallearninglines • Continuousleerningpaths • Benchmarking Kennisnet (ECK) Klantendag 12 april 2012
Impact voor u? • Vocabulaires blijven op dezelfde manier te gebruiken, zowel voor zoekportals als voor repositories • Nieuw: opgebouwd uit duurzame begrippen uit het OBK • Bestaande metadata blijft bruikbaar, Edurep ondersteunt de mappings • Flexibiliteit in het samenstellen van vocabulaires Kennisnet (ECK) Klantendag 12 april 2012
In summary: • The Framework of educationalconcepts: • Offers solutionsforcurrent bottlenecks withmetadata • Enables semi-automaticallyaddingmetadata….. Andotherapplications • Important currentmetadata (Edurepetc) seamleslly fits tothis new way of working Kennisnet (ECK) Klantendag 12 april 2012