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Company`s Business Areas. VolgaPromAudit Expert Centre Ltd. – a diversified Company , conducting their activity in the several business areas. Company`s Services. Within the stated business areas our Company renders the following kinds od services :. Corporate Quality Police.
Company`s Business Areas VolgaPromAudit Expert Centre Ltd. – a diversified Company, conductingtheir activity in the severalbusiness areas
Company`s Services Within the stated business areas our Company renders the following kinds od services:
Corporate Quality Police • The main corporate strategic objectiveis to provide the quality of the Company`s services at level, which completely meets Customer requirements, satisfies Client needs and expectation, complies with statutory and regulatory requirementsand supports thesustainable development and competitiveness of the Company. • The specified strategic objective is intended to be succeeded by solving the following main quality goals: • To enhance Customers satisfaction consistently and to exceed their future requirements • To achieve trusty business partnership • To continually improve and toraisethe effectiveness of the Company`s activities and processes • To solve problems using technical and managerialinnovations as a first priority way in order to upgrade quality and to extend the variety of services provided • To define responsibilities and authorities at all levels and functions within the Company providing the fulfillment of the service quality requirements • To set primary importance to the quality of the services provided in the contractual, organizational and personnel issues • To createan open Company information field for the Customers, staff andsuppliers making business processes transparent and providing business processes data available • To make the environment for the employees of the Companywell-balancedand creative; to involve the managers,specialists and executives in the process of the corporate ethical business-oriented culture formation • To improve and tocontinually raisethe effectiveness of the Quality Management System in accordance with the GOSTISO 9001-2011 (ISO9001-2008) requirements • To provide top management as well as leaders of all levels personal participation and commitment to development and continual improvement ofthe effectiveness of the Quality Management System • To continually improve staff qualification and to form high quality service motivated staff
Company`s Quality Management System In 2011 VolgaPromAudit Expert Centre Ltd. Quality Management System was implemented and certified and now is maintained in accordance with the requirements of the GOSTISO 9001-2011. Skill level and qualification of the Company`s specialists in all stated business areascomply with the most high requirements and are confirmed by the appropriate documents.
Management Systems
Management Systems VolgaPromAudit Expert Centre Ltd.renders assistance for development, implementation, maintenance, getting ready to certification of various kinds of the most widespread and needed Management Systems for organizations, enterprises and institutions
Management Systems Our Company is ready to render consulting assistance as a comprehensive project as well as for separate stages and various types of works
Management Systems VolgaPromAudit Expert Centre Ltd.renders Management System training services to the Customer`s personnel. Training services are rendered as a part of the consulting contract or under a separate training contract. Training courses are available for personnel of different levels such as top management, line managers, internal auditors etc. Training process is organized and conducted by Non-state Educational Enterprise «Regional Centre «EuroQuality Plus» (Educational Licence№ 3057 of 27.05.2011 issued by the Board of Education of Samara region) which is the part of VolgaPromAudit Expert Centre Ltd.corporate structure.
Management Systems AndeyIgorevichSazonov, Head of the Management Systems Department E-mail: ASazonov@vpa-expert.ru
Fire Safety • VolgaPromAudit Expert Centre Ltd. renders comprehensive services for the following directions of the Fire Safety: • - Independent fire risk assessment (Fire Safety Audit) • Premises/buildings/outdoors installations class estimation for explosibility and flammability • Fire risk estimation • Fire Safety Declaration development • Fire Safety Arrangements design (sections of the design) preparation • Legal assistance for administrative infraction cases in the scope of the Fire Safety • Consulting services for leaseholders and future estate proprietors in order to provide leasehold or acquired property conformity withFire Safety requirements • Installation, maintenance and repair of buildings/ installations fire safety facilities (warning and evacuation systems, fire-control units, alarm systems, smoke removal systems, fire water supply systems) • contraction & material fire protection, installation of fireproof doors and manholes • Fire Safety consulting and training
Fire Safety Accreditation Certificate of Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Liquidation of Aftermaths of Natural Disasters of the Russian Federation, giving the rightto survey object`s fire safety conditions, to estimate fire risk value, to make a conclusion about the object`s fire safety conditions conformity/nonconformity tofire safety requirements as well as to develop measures, which ensure object`s fire safety conditions conformity tofire safety requirements • Competency certificate entitling to certain kinds of works, which exert influence on the safety of the objects under construction, as follows: • Development of Special Sections of the design:Fire Safety Declaration for dangerous manufacturing entities • Fire Safety Arrangements designs
Fire Safety Independent Fire Risk Assessment or Fire Safety Audit– is a one of form of evaluation of conformance to Fire Safety requirementsspecified by thefederal legislation. In accordance with the article 144 of Federal Law № 123-FZ «Technicalregulationsof Fire Safety requirements» this kind of services can be conducted by properly accredited organizations as an Independent Fire Risk Assessmentalong withthe Fire Safety Conformity inspection of the supervisory authorities. This assessment consists of detail survey of fire safety and technical condition of the object, premises/buildings/installations class estimation for explosibility and flammability if necessary, development of recommendations to eliminatethe detected nonconformities to Fire Safety requirements, making out the forms of orders and others needed documents regulating fire safety as well as, in some cases, Fire risk estimation. The result of the Independent Fire Risk Assessment is making a conclusionabout the object`s fire safety conditions conformity/nonconformity tofire safety requirements.
Fire Safety Konstantin PanteleevichKozlito, Head of the Fire Safety Audit Department - leading expert E-mail: pb@vpa-expert.ru
IndustrialSafety Development of Industrial Safetydocumentation • Industrial Safety Declaration • Dangerous manufacturing entities Safety Certificate • Territory/Metropolitan region Safety Certificate • Plan ofLiquidationof Emergency Situations (PLA, PLAS) • Plan ofLocalization and Liquidation of Emergency Oil Spillages (PLARN) • Occupational and Industrial Safety Control System Regulations
IndustrialSafety Industrial Safety Assessmentof: • Technical Devices/Equipment used at the Dangerous manufacturing entities • Premises/buildings/installations which are the part of the Dangerous manufacturing entities including tewels and ventilation pipes • Dangerous manufacturing entities maintenance documentation
IndustrialSafety • Competency certificate entitling to certain kinds of works, which exert influence on the safety of the objects under construction, as follows: • Development of Special Sections of the design:Industrial Safety Declaration for dangerous manufacturing entities • Fire Safety Arrangements designs Industrial Safety Assessment Licence
IndustrialSafety Yuri VladimirovichLebedinskiy, Head of the Industrial Safety Assessment Department - leading expert E-mail: YLebedinskiy@vpa-expert.ru
Nondestructive testing Methods of Nondestructive testing Radiographic examinationaccording to GOST 7512-82 «Nondestructiveexamination. Welded connections. Radiographic Method» with the use of RPD-200SPportable X-ray unit of permanent potential Ultrasonic examination according to GOST 14782-86 «Nondestructiveexamination. Welded connections. Ultrasonic Methods» is conducted in manual or part manual modewith the use of up-to-datedefectoscope named «SKANER+» Leakage Test of weld seams according to GOST 18442-80 «Nondestructiveexamination. Liquid-penetrant flaw Methods. General requirements». Leakage detection with the use of UV02/220 leak proofness control unit. Liquid-penetrant flaw defectoscopy with the use of«HELLING» kit Visual and measuring controlin accordance with RD03-606-03 «Visual and measuring controlInstruction» Measurement of thicknessand detection of dielectric coating continuitywith the use of МТ-2007 magnetic thickness gauge and «Коrоnа 2.2»electrosparkdefectoscope
Nondestructive testing • The results of the nondestructive testing conducted by our laboratorymay be used for: • welding and installation quality control • validation of welders andwelding technics • incoming inspection of metal-roll, pipe production, components ofpipelines, fittings • technical diagnostics of pressure vessels, processing facilities andtank farm used at the dangerous manufacturing entities • Dangerous manufacturing entities Industrial Safety Assessment • research and development work in the field of nondestructive testing.
Nondestructive testing Nondestructive testing Laboratoryof VolgaPromAudit Expert Centre Ltd.has validation as a technically competent and independentLaboratorywhich is entitled to conduct nondestructive testing of base metal as well as welded connections during manufacturing, installation, construction, reconstruction,repairand technical diagnostics of Dangerous manufacturing entities . Field of accreditation of Nondestructive testing Laboratory includes: Pressure vessels Gas supply/ gas distribution systems Vertical transport Oil and gas industry equipment Explosive fire-hazardousand chemically-hazardous production equipment Buildings and installations
Nondestructive testing Licence permitting to use ionizing radiation sources Sanitary-and-Epidemiologic Conclusion about Laboratory conformity to Government Sanitary and Epidemiologic Rules and Norms
Nondestructive testing Yuri VladimirovichLebedinskiy, Head of the Industrial Safety Assessment Department - leading expert E-mail: YLebedinskiy@vpa-expert.ru
Energy Audit and • Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency • VolgaPromAudit Expert Centre Ltd.offers to conduct various kinds of energy audit depending on the Customer needs, readiness to energy saving and available financial resources: • Express survey, which makes it possible to detect areas of theenergy resources misallocation, enterprise’s energy saving capability, priority directions how to reducefinancial expenditure of the energy carriers • ▪ Integratedenergy surveyof the enterprise: detail instrumentalexaminationof all areas of the enterprise andall flows of the energy carriers, energy saving program development • ▪ Local instrumentalexaminationof particular workshops, process installations, certain energy flows in order to identify energy problem causes at the chosen for examination area and to develop recommendations how to eliminate the identified causes and to increase energy efficiency • ▪ Special-purposeenergy surveybefore, during or afterenterprise’s reconstruction, equipment base retooling, Energy Management System implementation etc.
Energy Efficiency • Certificatewhich confirms the Company membership in the self-governingorganization “Noncommercialpartnership “Associationof energy auditors and energy experts of the Volga-Kamskiy region“ in the field of the energy survey conduction • Certificate which validates the expert status to control the quality of the report documentation and to expertise the energy passports
Energy Efficiency Our competitive advantages: We offer the comprehensive decision how to reduce power inputs and to improvethe performance of theequipment in place as well as networks of the enterprises in use and also during the reconstruction of engineering systems and networks. We do not only conduct the energy audit and give recommendations how to reduce power consumption, but also provide their implementation under energy service contract. Thereby is to ensure that the conclusions under the results of the energy survey are right. High skill of our specialists and experts is an essential condition of competent and successful solution of the tasksspecified by the Customer.
Energy Efficiency Sergey ProkopievichLomasko, Head of the Energy Efficiency Audit Department - leading expert E-mail: SLomasko@vpa-expert.ru
Contacts VolgaPromAudit Expert Centre Ltd. - solidary team of high skill technicians and managers , which are able to solve the assigned tasks of any complexity in time and with high quality Our contacts: Of. 56G, NikolayaPanova St., 443056, Samara, Russia Ph. +7 (846) 374-05-20 Fax +7 (846) 374-05-16 E-mail: vpa@vpa-expert.ru www.vpa-expert.ru