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A long way down the DIGITAL DIVIDE! starts to narrow…. More Kenyans fall for the net, as the country shows strong signs of take off towards the long walk of narrowing the DIGITAL DIVIDE…. Sampling methodology. Random sample Coverage: Nationally representative
More Kenyans fall for the net, as the country shows strong signs of take off towards the long walk of narrowing the DIGITAL DIVIDE…
Sampling methodology • Random sample • Coverage: Nationally representative • Target population: Adults aged 15+ • Sample size: 1000 interviews • Sampling design: random multi-stage cluster sampling • Sampling error margin: +/-3 • Interview venue: HH interviews • Unit of analysis: Individual respondent Boost sample • Target population: Internet users • Coverage: Major districts in Kenya • Sample size: 500
At least 2m more Kenyans are now online for the first time! Daily and weekly internet usage has more than doubled in the last two years while monthly usage grew by 80% making it the fastest growing media, now with more than 3.5m monthly users
Digital inclusion proceeds unevenly The growth has been slower in urban areas compared to rural rural areas that grew by 125% in a span of 2 years.
Growth driven by low end of the market… The lower income groups recorded a much more fast paced growth in internet access. However internet penetration within middle class and below is still very low, making it the group with the highest growth potential.
Digital inclusion proceeds unevenly Internet usage by social economic groups show wide disparities but remarkably strong growth throughout the country largely driven by phone based access.
Profile of internet users by LSMs Following the expected drop in costs LSM 4-10 should provide the highest growth in usage.
The more the level of education, the higher the internet usage The level of education and internet usage are directly co-related, hence, as the country gets more educated, internet usage will continue to grow rapidly.
At least an hour each time! On average, internet users spend approximately 70 minutes on the internet per visit. This level of media user is close to the average time spent on television on daily basis.
Comparative analysis of daily media hours Duration of usage of the internet is close to that of television but lags behind radio – this points to the notable level of engagement provided by the internet
Computer LITERACY & ACCESSis no longer a pre-requisite to internet usage!
2009 Users slowly turning back on cyber cafes… 2007 Mobile phone looks well set as the new driver of internet access as opposed to computers, thus the form of the hardware (mobile phone) is critical to the success of higher internet penetration making access to a mobile phone the key to full membership of the future society.
Point of access – rural/urban Access to the internet on mobile phone is growing at the expense of the public access routes. Rural internet access and usage is more driven by mobile phones compared to urban areas.
Internet is no longer all about email… Social networking and entertainment overtake emails as a primary need for internet use. 25% of internet users don’t have an email address!
The new social space… Significantly more males belong to the new social world and the older one is the less interested in a different kind of world
The new social space Males more discrete than females?
They are very aware of most/popular social networking sites… Persport Mchongowano Friendster Snap mylife.com Wakipedia Ht portal Celebs.com Qeep G.mail Webcam Mig.33 Kurip Wana wap Desk dating SkyP Waptrick Dagged Operamini Mo fun Linkedin Kasarani Wadja.com Tagged Google Yahoo Badoo Zorpia Bibo Hi5 My gamma Zuka Twitter Myspace Facebook
More than 2 million people on Facebook, outweighing email users You Tube – Visa denied! Kenyans are excluded from the largest digital ‘country’ in the world driven by low bandwidth…
Most visited News sites Internet users show a significant appetite for international news/long established international media sites
Why some Kenyans have NEVERused the internet and why they’re NOT LIKELYto use in near future!
The true Digital Divide (Based on internet usage) The Kenya adult population (15+) can categorized into three as far as internet usage is concerned: Internet users : This is based on monthly usage Potential users : Those who are currently aged between 15-44 years, have a working mobile phone and some secondary or above education form the category of potential users Out of Internet target : those who have low levels of education, are older, no access to phone, mainly live in rural areas and are in the lower income groups
Some Kenyans are simply disconnected with the internet and may never use for the following reasons: At least three in every ten current Kenyans may never use the internet given their literacy level, age and attitudinal barriers. 22% (and specifically 27% of non internet users) of don’t know what the internet is .
Digital affinity Base = those who lack internet access There is however significant interest in the internet . At least half of the current non-users are keen to use it if they had access.
Engagement Preferred mode of communication
Preferred mode of communication to various social categories Which of the following would you say is your most preferred means of communication to You are a stranger, lets do face to face: Kenyans will not write to relatives or friends, but might consider to strangers, though they would rather meet them face to face.
Gradual collapse of traditional social contact… Phone based communication has overtaken face to face contact as a preferred mode of communication. Thus word of mouth spreads more over the phone than face to face meetings
Internet users far less prefer face to face meetings compared to non users
Lower preference for face to face contact regardless of social category Internet users display a lower desire for face to face meetings across every social category compared to non-users
Internet users; who would they rather email Which of the following would you say is your most preferred means of communication to Base = internet users
Engagement with internet advertising Are people embracing or avoiding advertising on the internet?
Men pay more attention to online ads Men easier to net on the web than women and are also more willing to receive promotional material on email than women
Urbanites are harder to convince Willingness to receive promotion material is significantly high particularly in rural areas
Youngsters more willing to receive product info and offers Willingness to receive promotion material via the internet drops by age, while females are not as enthusiastic as their male counterparts
When internet gets faster….. Kenyans will Socialize & Entertain more online!