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Results-Based Accountability in Plain Language for Population and Performance Well-being

Learn about Results-Based Accountability and its components — Population Accountability and Performance Accountability — in easy-to-understand terms. Explore the language, definitions, and disciplines to measure results effectively.

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Results-Based Accountability in Plain Language for Population and Performance Well-being

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  1. TM RBA Results-Based Accountability The Fiscal Policy Studies Institutewww.raguide.org www.resultsaccountability.com Book - DVD Ordersamazon.comresultsleadership.org


  3. Population Accountabilityis about the well-being ofWHOLE POPULATIONS for Communities – Cities – Counties – States - Nations Performance Accountabilityis about the well-being ofCUSTOMER POPULATIONS for Programs – Agencies – Service Systems Results-Based Accountabilityis made up of two parts: Population Accountability Performance Accountability



  6. THE LANGUAGE TRAPToo many terms. Too few definitions. Too little discipline Benchmark Outcome Result Modifiers Measurable Core Urgent Qualitative Priority Programmatic Targeted Performance Incremental Strategic Systemic Indicator Goal Measure Objective Target Core qualitative strategic objectives Make up your own jargon. Measurable urgent systemic indicators Lewis Carroll Center for Language Disorders

  7. RESULT or OUTCOME A condition of well-being for children, adults, families or communities. Population Population INDICATOR or BENCHMARK A measure which helps quantify the achievement of a result. PERFORMANCE MEASURE A measure of how well a program, agency or service system is working.Three types: Performance Performance DEFINITIONS RESULT 1. Children born healthy, Children ready for schoolSafe communities, A Healthy Green City, Prosperous Economy Children born healthy Children ready for school Safe communities Prosperous Economy A Healthy Green City INDICATOR 2. Rate of low-birthweight babies Rate of low-birthweight babies, Percent ready at K entry, crime rate, air quality index, unemployment rate Percent ready at K entry crime rate air quality index unemployment rate PERFORMANCE MEASURE 3. 1. How much did we do? 2. How well did we do it? 3. Is anyone better off? = Customer Results

  8. Population Performance Customer result = Ends Service delivery = Means From Ends to Means From Talk to Action From Talk to Action RESULT ENDS INDICATOR PERFORMANCEMEASURE MEANS

  9. IS IT A RESULT, INDICATOR OR PERFORMANCE MEASURE? 1.Safe Communities 2.Crime rate 3.Average police response time 4.People live in safe stable affordable housing 5.% spending >30% of income on housing 6.People have living wage jobs and income 7.% of people with living wage jobs and income 8.% of participants in job training who get living wage jobs RESULT INDICATOR PERF. MEASURE RESULT . . INDICATOR . . RESULT . . INDICATOR . . PERF. MEASURE . |

  10. TRANSLATION Back to the Idea Translation Guide/Rosetta StoneNot the Language Police Ideas Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 etc. 1. A condition of well-being for children, adults, families & communities 2. 3. etc. RESULT OUTCOME GOAL

  11. Results – Indicators – Performance Measures in Amharic, Cambodian, Laotian, Somali, Spanish, Tigrigna, Vietnamese

  12. Searching for the 3rd L Leverage Latitude Levity The Three L’s of Successin any serious change effort 1. Leadership 2. Language Lithium Luggage


  14. Community Outcomesfor Christchurch, NZ 1. A Safe City 2. A City of Inclusive and Diverse Communities 3. A City of People who Value and Protect the Natural Environment 4. A Well-Governed City 5. A Prosperous City 6. A Healthy City 7. A City for Recreation, Fun and Creativity 8. City of Lifelong Learning 9. An Attractive and Well-Designed City

  15. CARDIFF, WALESCommunity Outcomes 1. People in Cardiff are healthy 2. Cardiff has a clean attractive and sustainable environment 3. People in Cardiff are safe and feel safe 4. Cardiff has a thriving and prosperous economy 5. People in Cardiff achieve their full potential. 6. Cardiff is a great place to live, work and play. 7. Cardiff has a fair, just and inclusive society.

  16. Calgary Council Priorities / Results • A prosperous city • A city of inspiring neighborhoods • A city that moves • A healthy and green city

  17. Getting from TALK TO ACTION

  18. Leaking Roof(Results thinking in everyday life) ? Fixed Experience Cm of WaterBASELINE Not OK Measure Turning the Curve Story behind the baseline (causes) Partners What Works Action Plan # 2 Action Plan

  19. Results / Outcomes Indicators Experience Baseline & Story

  20. Criteria forChoosing Indicatorsas Primary vs. Secondary Measures Communication Power Does the indicator communicate to a broad range of audiences? Proxy Power Does the indicator say something of central importance about the result? Does the indicator bring along the data HERD? Data Power Quality data available on a timely basis.

  21. Choosing IndicatorsWorksheet Safe Community Outcome or Result_______________________ ProxyPower DataPower CommunicationPower Candidate Indicators Measure 1 Measure 2 Measure 3 Measure 4 Measure 5 Measure 6 Measure 7 Measure 8 H M L H M L H M L H H H H L H DataDevelopmentAgenda

  22. Three Part Indicator List for each Result Part 1: Primary Indicators ● 3 to 5 “Headline” Indicators● What this result “means” to the community● Meets the Public Square Test Part 2: Secondary Indicators ● Everything else that’s any good (Nothing is wasted.)● Used later in the Story behind the Curve Part 3: Data Development Agenda ● New data● Data in need of repair (quality,timeliness etc.)

  23. H M L The Matter of Baselines OK? Point to Point Turning the Curve Forecast History Baselines have two parts: history and forecast

  24. 75 people per day 45 people per day MADD 28 people per day 2010

  25. Rebound

  26. Newcastle, UK Nov 08 – Jan 09 8.5

  27. Christchurch, New ZealandNumber of Graffiti SitesFY 2002 to FY 2010

  28. Hull, UK"Woundings"

  29. “If I include you,you will be my partner. If I exclude you,you will be my judge.” - Rosell


  31. “All performance measures that have ever existed for any program in the history of the universe involve answering two sets of interlocking questions.”

  32. Performance Measures Quality Quantity HowWell did we do it? ( % ) HowMuch did we do? ( # )

  33. Performance Measures Effort How hard did we try? Effect Is anyone better off?

  34. Effort HowWell HowMuch Effect Performance Measures

  35. Performance Measures Quality Quantity How welldid we deliver it? How much service did we deliver? Effect Effort Output Input How much change / effect did we produce? What quality of change / effect did we produce?

  36. Performance Measures Quality Quantity How welldid we do it? How much did we do? Effect Effort Is anyonebetter off? # %

  37. Education Quality Quantity How well did we do it? How much did we do? Student-teacherratio Number ofstudents Effect Effort Is anyone better off? Number ofhigh schoolgraduates Percent ofhigh schoolgraduates

  38. Drug/Alcohol Treatment Program Quality Quantity How well did we do it? How much did we do? Percent ofstaff withtraining/certification Number ofpersonstreated Effect Effort Is anyone better off? Number of clientsoff of alcohol & drugs - at exit - 12 months after exit Percent of clientsoff of alcohol & drugs - at exit - 12 months after exit

  39. Waste Management Services Quality Quantity How well did we do it? How much did we do? Unit costper tonnecollected # tonnes of residential waste Effect Effort Is anyone better off? % to land fill % diverted from landfill #/amt to land fill #/amt diverted from landfill

  40. Transportation / Bridge Inspections Quality Quantity How well did we do it? How much did we do? Percenton schedule Number ofinspections Effect Effort Is anyone better off? # of bridges rated good (7-9) # of bridge closings for non- scheduled maintenance % of bridges rated good (7-9) Rate of bridge closings for non- scheduled maintenance

  41. Fire Department Quality Quantity How well did we do it? How much did we do? ResponseTime Number ofresponses Effect Effort Is anyone better off? # of fireskept toroom of origin % of fireskept toroom of origin

  42. General Motors Quality Quantity How well did we do it? How much did we do? Employees pervehicleproduced # of production hrs # tons of steel Effect Effort Is anyone better off? # of cars sold $ Amount of Profit $ Car value after 2 years % Market share Profit per share % Car value after 2 years Source: USA Today 9/28/98

  43. Not All Performance Measures Are Created Equal Quality Quality Quantity How well did we do it? How much did we do? LeastImportant Least AlsoVery Important Effect Effort Is anyone better off? MostImportant Most

  44. RBA Categories Account for All Performance Measures(in the history of the universe) Total Quality Mgmt (TQM) Efficiency Efficiency, Admin overhead, Unit costStaffing ratios, Staff turnoverStaff morale, Access, Waiting time, Waiting lists, Worker safety Admin overhead, Unit cost Cost Quantity Quality Process Input Effort Customer Satisfaction(quality service delivery& customer benefit) Product Output Impact Effect Cost / Benefit ratioReturn on investment Client results or client outcomes Benefit value EffectivenessValue addedProductivity Effectiveness

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