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Important Individuals of 9 th Grade Global History

Learn about key figures like Hammurabi, Socrates, Jesus, Muhammad, and more who shaped civilizations with their teachings and actions. Explore their impact on history and their enduring legacies.

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Important Individuals of 9 th Grade Global History

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  1. Important Individuals of 9th GradeGlobal History

  2. Hammurabi • Babylonian ruler • Established standards of justice for all classes, although laws favored the upper classes. • Main principle behind his laws, “eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth”.

  3. Alexander the Great • Macedonian King (Greece) • Expanded the Greek empire to include Egypt, the Middle East, and parts of India. • Hellenistic culture spread by Alexander throughout his exploits.

  4. Socrates • Greek philosopher • Developed Socratic method, which is learning about beliefs and ideas by asking questions. • Was sentenced to death by government. He had to drink hemlock (poison).

  5. Plato • Greek philosopher. • Socrates' student. • Wrote political essay the Republic. • Believed government should control lives of people.

  6. Aristotle • Greek philosopher. • Student of Plato. Teacher of Alexander the Great. • Believed people learned through reason. • Believed that one strong moral leader should rule.

  7. Julius Caesar • Roman General • Appointed dictator for life in Rome. • Introduced many reforms, which strengthened Rome's power. • Assassinated on the Ides of March (March 15).

  8. Moses -Chief lawgiver of the Hebrews -led the Hebrews out of the slavery in Egypt -According to Hebrew faith, gave them the Ten Commandments which he received from God


  10. Confucius • Chinese philosopher. • Believed that in order to maintain stability, citizens must perform duties and services depending on their roles in society. • Wrote the Analects, a collection of his teachings and beliefs.

  11. Jesus of Nazareth • According to Christian teaching, Jesus is the messiah, sent by God. • Traveled throughout Israel and Palestine preaching his philosophies. • Followers of Jesus formed the Christian religion based on Jesus’ teachings.

  12. Muhammad • According to Islamic tradition, the angel Gabriel commanded Muhammad to spread the message of Allah and Islam. • Proclaimed that Allah was the one true God. • Muslims believe in the Five Pillars of Islam, taught by Muhammad.

  13. Siddhartha Gautama • By meditation he found out the meaning of human suffering, then became the Buddha. • The central philosophy of Buddhism revolve around the Four Noble Truths. • Ultimate goal for Buddhist is to reach nirvana.

  14. Laozi • Chinese philosopher. • Believed people should live in harmony with nature. • Believed in the balance between yin (darkness) and yang (light). • Beliefs form the basis of Taoism.

  15. Justinian • Emperor of the Byzantine Empire. • Created Justinian Code. It organized ancient laws of the Romans, which became a body of civil laws. • Justinian code basis for laws of the Roman Catholic Church and medieval rulers.

  16. Charlemagne (Charles the Great) • King of the Franks, a Germanic tribe. • Built an empire across Europe. • Brought stability to Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire. • Responsible for spreading Christianity throughout empire. • Established schools and libraries.

  17. Genghis Khan • Leader of the Mongols (Northern China) • Assembled a disciplined and organized military which conquered much of Asia and Eastern Europe. • Spread Mongol culture throughout his empire.

  18. Kublai Khan • Grandson of Genghis Khan • Leader of the Mongols • Took Control of China • Kublai Khan spread terror and destruction throughout hid empire.

  19. Marco Polo • Italian merchant • Traveled to China, which was under the control of Kublai Khan • He introduced Europeans to Chinese culture.

  20. Mansa Musa • Powerful ruler of the Mali Kingdom. • Musa’s dominated West Africa. • Brought Islamic faith to Africa, by converting to Islam. • The great city of Timbuktu became a center for Muslim learning.

  21. Ibn Battuta • A devout Muslim that traveled throughout Africa and the Middle East • His journeys assisted bringing Islam to Africa (cultural diffusion) • Recorded detailed accounts of his travels which is very important to modern historians

  22. Zheng He • Chinese admiral • Traveled extensively to promote trade with China and western societies.

  23. Leonardo da Vinci • Renaissance painter, sculptor, inventor, and architect. • Painted the Mona Lisa and Last Supper.

  24. Michelangelo • Renaissance sculptor, engineer, and architect. • Created statue of David • Painted the dome of St. Peters Basilica in Rome.

  25. Donatello • Made sculptures more realistic by carving more natural postures and expressions to reveal personality

  26. Raphael • Renaissance painter • Used perspective to make his paintings more realistic

  27. Niccolo Machiavelli • Renaissance writer. Wrote The Prince. • His book advises rulers on how to maintain power by using any means necessary to ensure their success. • Machiavelli’s philosophy was “The End Justifies the Mean”.

  28. Martin Luther • German monk • Wrote 95 These, which were arguments against the Roman Catholic Church’s abuse of power. • Event sparked the Protestant Reformation. • Luther believed that heaven could be attained by faith. • Excommunicated from RC Church.

  29. John Calvin • French, Roman Catholic priest • Promoted the idea of Predestination, or the idea that God has chosen, before time began, who would be saved. • Calvin’s followers, Calvinists, lived strict, disciplined, and frugal lives.

  30. Ignatius Loyola • Founder of the Jesuit Order (Catholicism). • The religious order was created during the Counter Reformation, which emphasized spiritual and moral discipline of the Catholic authorities.

  31. Joan of Arc • French peasant (serf). • Disguised as a man she fought the English in the 100 Years War. • She rallied the French troops to many victories. • Joan claimed to hear the voice of God, who told her to fight. • The English capture Joan, and burned. She has come to symbolize French nationalism.

  32. Suleiman the Magnificent • Ruled the Ottoman Empire from 1520-1566. • Effective military leader. • Expanded the Ottoman Empire. • His reign considered the “Golden Years” of the empire

  33. Henry the Navigator • Prince Henry of Portugal. • Gathered experts in science, mapmaking, and ship-building in order to find trade routes to Asia. • His explorations opened up much of West Africa to Portuguese interests.

  34. Bartholomeu Dias • Portuguese Explorer. • In 1488, rounded the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa.

  35. Vasco de Gama • He followed Dias’ route around Africa into the Indian Ocean, opening important trade locations. • Brought a variety of valuable spices back to Portugal, which he sold for high profits. • Created a all-water route to Asia.

  36. Christopher Columbus • Italian sailor. • Convinced Spanish monarchs, Isabella and Ferdinand, to finance his trip. • Believed if he sailed west he would reach Asia, creating a faster route to Asia. • Ship landed in the Caribbean, where Columbus inadvertently discovered The New World.

  37. Ferdinand Magellan • Portuguese noble and explorer. • First person to circumnavigate (go completely around) the world. • Claimed the Philippine islands for Spain in 1521. • Established a trading port in Philippines for trade with China, and spread Catholicism.

  38. Hernan Cortes • Spanish conquistador. • Conquered the Aztec empire in Mexico in 1521. • Came to the New World in search of gold and silver.

  39. Francisco Pizarro • Spanish conquistador. • Conquered the Incan empire in 1532.

  40. Louis XIV • Ruled France for 72 years. • Referred to as the “The Sun King”. • Used the sun as symbol of power. • Used the idea of Divine Right. • Wars and extravagant living caused social unrest and political instability.

  41. Ivan the Terrible • Czar Ivan IV. • Harsh treatment of his subjects and violent disposition earned him the nickname, “Terrible”. • Organized a personal police force to slaughter anyone who opposed him.

  42. Peter the Great • Czar of Russia from 1682-1725. • Adopted Western ideas in an attempt to modernize Russia. • Expanded territory to incorporate ports in the Baltic Sea. • Tried to gain warm-weather port in Black sea, but failed.

  43. Nicolaus Copernicus • Polish scholar. • Challenged the belief that the earth was the center of the universe. • Used mathmatics to state that sun was at center of universe (Heliocentric model).

  44. Galileo Galilei • Italian astronomer. • Provided evidence regarding Copernicus’ theory by observing the skies with a telescope that he constructed. • His findings enraged the Church, and he was forced to take back his statements, or face execution.

  45. Isaac Newton • English scholar. • Used math to prove theory of gravity. • Used same formulas to prove that the Earth rotates around the sun staying in a fixed orbit.

  46. Thomas Hobbes • English philosopher. • Wrote, Leviathan, a political essay which stated that people were naturally selfish, and in need of a strong government to maintain order. • Believed that a Absolute Monarchy was needed to maintain order.

  47. Rene Descartes • French philosopher. • Emphasized the power of human reason. • Believed reason could be used to discover truth.

  48. John Locke • English philosopher of the late 1600s. • Believed all people had natural rights, which include; right to life, liberty, and property. • Stated that government should protect these rights, and if not people have right to overthrow government.

  49. Baron de Montesquieu • French Political Scientist • Believed government should be separated into three branches; executive, legislative, and judicial. • This, he argued, would prevent abuses of power. Basically creating a system of checks and balances.

  50. Jean-Jacques Rousseau • French philosopher of 1700s. • Wrote The Social Contract. • Believed that people were naturally good, but corrupted by the evils of society. • Thought that when governments were formed people give up their personal interests for the benefit of society.

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