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Learn about the most common mistakes made when filling in project applications and the results of the evaluation process, specific to each country. This is part of the Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme. Find information on where to access training content, application requirements, and the application form. Explore the basic terms of the agreement and where to find additional information.
Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme Trainingcontent Where to findinformation? Requirements for Applications Application Form Thebasicterms oftheAgreement Terms
Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme • Description of Procedure for the Implementation of Development Cooperation Activities and Provision of Humanitarian Assistance by State and Municipal Institutions and Agencies; • Project concept; • Project ImplementationAgreementtemplate; • List of inessential shortcomings (technical errors) of project applications.
Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme RequirementsforApplications Submitted project applications must conform to the multilateral and/or bilateral strategic agreements between partner country, EU and Lithuania, and/or development strategies of the partner country. Applicant must have at least one partner in the country where the project will be implemented. A partner is not obligatory, when the project relates to the promotion of democracy or public information, or if an application for a project is submitted by an entity of the partner country or by an international organization. We recommend that project applications worth less than 15,000 EUR be primarily submitted to the diplomatic missions of Lithuania, during their calls for proposals which will be announced on their websites in the beginning of 2019.
Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme Theendofof Project activities The beginningof Project activities Theendofof Project activities Theendofof Project activities FromMarch 1, 2020 • October 1, 2022 • October1, 2021 October 1, 2020 * 1 year 2 year 3 year
NEW! Indirect costs shall not exceed 25% of the amount of the direct costs of the project
Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme • Directprojectexpenses: • fees for speakers and experts and their social security contributions; • remuneration expenses related to the implementation of project activities, and remuneration-related expenses; • secondment(travel) expenses; • expenses for the purchase of services (f.e. event organisation,, rent of equipment for events) in line with market prices; • expenses for the acquisition of equipment where that is an integral part of the project; • works performance (contractual) expenses where that is an integral part of the project; • expenses related to project publicity (articles, dissemination of information in social media, etc.); • remuneration for employees of institutions involved in the implementation of projects focusing on the activities aimed at pursuing the mission and goals of the institution, if this does not contradict the provisions of legislation on their remuneration; • necessary project implementation expenses paid by the partner of the project implementer when implementing the project, if such expenses were foreseen in the project application; • value added tax (hereinafter ‘VAT’), which cannot be claimed back by the project implementer;
Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme • Indirect project expenses are foreseen project implementation expenses, which are not allocated for the direct implementation of the project activities but are necessary and directly related to direct project expenses: • expenses for the lease of office space, • vehicle rental and maintenance, • acquisition or lease of current tangible assets, communications, • financial services (payment services) and external audit, • project management expenses incurred by the project implementer (for example, expenses for the actual remuneration of the project manager, coordinator, financial officer of the project and other members of the project team and remuneration-related expenses, where such expenses have been estimated and paid for the actual time spent on project implementation, or expenses for the procurement of project management or accounting services), • other expenses which are not foreseen in the project estimate but are necessary for the successful project implementation or have added value to the project
Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme • Ineligible project expenses: • interest paid by the project implementer, having benefited of the funds provided; • expenses for the acquisition of real estate, except when that is an integral part of the project implementation agreement; • expenses for the acquisition of non-current assets and other investments related expenses, including construction works, except when that is an integral part of the project; • in-kind contributions not provided for in the project implementation agreement instead of the foreseen funding; • expenses already being funded from other sources; • expenses which increase the cost of the project without adding proportionate value to the project; • VAT refundable to the project implementer; • all expenses incurred in breach of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Budget Structure and the provisions of legislation on the utilisation of funds of other institutions.
Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme Experience in implementing similar projects Financial contribution of the project promoter and / or other additional sources of funding Experience of working with partners It gives projects an advantage:
Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme Create your account to fill in the application form.
Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme Mistake! The project continuity is not fully described • Provide arguments to support the need and opportunity for continuity; • Evaluate the administrative and institutional capacity of the partner country to continue the planned activities, to use or monitor the results of the implemented project; • List the measures in the partner country that will ensure the transferability and continuity of the results achieved.
Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme • MISTAKE! • Unspecified risks; • Unforeseen measures to control them; • Not relevant risks indicated. Examples of risks: Political risk; Economic risk; Financial risk; Institutional risk; Social risk; Technological risk
Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme MISTAKE! Not providing Contract or another document confirming the co-financed project
The project application estimate is filled for one budget year. If the project aims at a longer term, project estimates must be provided for each year separately. 2020: 01/03/2020-01-10/2020 2021: 02/10/2020-01-10/2021 2022: 02/10/2021-01-10/2022 • Non-itemized project operating costs; • No consecutive numbering; • Estimated costs are uneconomic, out of line with market prices Pay attention
Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme MISTAKE! Essence of the co-financed project is not fully described The value of the co-financed project shall not be included in the value of this project
Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme • MISTAKE! • No signed declaration and applicant’s confirmation; • Non-original signature (cut and pasted); • No partner declarations. PRINT, SIGN, UPLOAD
Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme Filled in and subsequently hidden fields does not allow to submit the application
Thebasicterms ofthe Project ImplementationAgreement
Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme Theremainingpart 20 % Advancepayment80 % Project costs incurred will have to be reported annually. If costs are incurred and paid in accordance with the Agreement, the remaining part (20%) of the Programme funds will be paid out. In case of multilateral projects – an advance payment of 80 % from the Programme funds for the respective year. . 80% All the costs included in a financial report (both those funded from the funds of the Programme and those covered by own contribution) must be substantiated with costs incurring and payment documents. 20%
Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme TRANSPARENCY PURCHASES ASSURANCE OF OWN CONTRIBUTION NON-PROFIT ACTIVITY The project implementer and/or partner will be required to ensure own contribution, if it is envisaged in the Agreement. If the minimum percentage of own contribution is not assured, the costs financed by the Programme will be reduced proportionally. In pursuance of ensuring transparency and equality of the suppliers, the Project Promoter shall undertake not to purchase the goods or services necessary for the Project from the Project partner(s) and the Project Promoter or employees of the Project partner. The Project Promoter cannot earn profit from the Project activities during the Project implementation period (the Project activities must be not related to the pursuit of profit).
Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme • Deadlineforthesubmissionofprojectapplications • 2018-10-28 12h Signingof theagreements 2019-02 • Deadline for the • content assessment • 2018-12-27 • 2018-09-25 • Callannouncement 2019-01 Commission decision on the award of funding • 2018-11-19 • Deadlinefortheadministrativeassessment
Rima Liškutė Tel. 8 5 263 9758 r.liskute@cpva.lt MFA For advice on applications submitted under the concept No 19: tel. 8 706 52985 e. mail: projektai@urm.lt • CPMA • For advise or clarification on issues related to submission of applications: • tel. 8 5 263 9758 • e. mail: vystomasis@cpva.lt • For more information: • www.orangeprojects.lt • www.cpva.lt