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Emotional Intelligence. By Soo-Jung Chan, Michelle DeGuzman Carey, Aireen Pablo, and Hia Yim. CONTENTS. Emotional Intelligence The Central Tenets of Emotional Intelligence Purpose of Emotional Intelligence Emotional Intelligence and Nurse Leadership. What is Emotional Intelligence?.
EmotionalIntelligence By Soo-Jung Chan, Michelle DeGuzman Carey, Aireen Pablo, and Hia Yim
CONTENTS • Emotional Intelligence • The Central Tenets of Emotional Intelligence • Purpose of Emotional Intelligence • Emotional Intelligence and Nurse Leadership
What is Emotional Intelligence? A person’s ability to recognize emotions (both their own and others), incorporate it into their thinking, and use that information to guide their own behavior / decisions in order to achieve their goals. “The emotional brain responds to an event more quickly than the thinking brain.” - Daniel Goleman
What is emotional intelligence? “Mindful meditation has been discovered to foster the ability to inhibit those very quick emotional impulses.” - Daniel Goleman
Central tenets of emotional intelligence Feeling Thinking • Self-Awareness • Self-Regulation • Motivation • Empathy • Social Skills Emotions Emotional Intelligence
What is the purpose? Being able to manage healthy relationships. Fostering a positive working environment helps promote productivity.
recognizing your own emotions • Why am I feeling this way? • How will my feelings effect others around me?
Recognizing the emotions of others • What is your perception of others? • Understanding how they feel. Is a connection able to be made?
Emotional Intelligence & nurse leadership Better Decision Making Skills Increases Team Performance Lowers Stress at Work Reduces Nurse Burnout Improves Patient Outcomes
Key to Successful Leadership isHigh Emotional Intelligence Can be learned and developed Emotionally Intelligent people make more money
Emotionally intelligent leaders inspire team members to go above and beyond the call of duty.
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