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Mission. Advance and promote technologies to assure the safe and secure packaging, storage, and transportation of radioactive materials around the world.
Mission • Advance and promote technologies to assure the safe and secure packaging, storage, and transportation of radioactive materials around the world. • Manage and operate the premiere international transportation and packaging conference, PATRAM, when it is held in the U.S. When the conference is held outside the U.S., INMM and the P&T Division will provide sponsorship and support to the host country.
Areas of Activity • Promote required research, development and demonstration activities focused on improvement of packaging, storage, and transportation systems to assure safe and secure management of these materials. • Conduct regulatory analyses and assessments to evaluate consistency of new technologies relative to regulatory requirements. • Support the planning of and conduct the PATRAM meeting.
Areas of Activity • Disseminate information on nuclear materials packaging, storage, and transportation through meetings that provide a forum for personal exchanges of technical and programmatic information, issuance of publications and other appropriate methods. • Promote education and training in the technology of nuclear materials packaging, storage, and transportation. • Promote the improvement of public understanding of nuclear materials packaging, storage, and transportation.
Organization Chair: Ken B. Sorenson Sandia National Laboratories Vice-Chair: Kathleen M. Trauth University of Missouri - Columbia Secretary: (vacant) Division Meetings: • At the INMM Annual Meeting (June-July)
Past & Present Activities • Organize a series of 2-3 sessions on Packaging and Transportation at INMM Annual Meetings (about 20 papers annually). • Contribute articles to the TheCommunicator, INMM’s electronic newsletter. • Invite and screen papers for publication in the Journal of Nuclear Materials Management • Co-sponsored PATRAM ’04 with the Bundesanstalt fur Material Forschung und Prufung (BAM), Germany, and the IAEA. Berlin, Sept. 20-24, 2004. • Begin planning for PATRAM ’07 with the DOE, NRC, and DOT. • Conduct Division Meetings at the Annual Conference and at the PATRAM conference.
Planned Future Work • Continue to support the planning for PATRAM ’07. • Work with the University of Missouri – Columbia and the University of New Mexico to present overviews of P&T technical topics at student seminars. Two seminars are planned for the spring of 2005. • Conduct a Thermal Specialist’s Meeting on topics associated with radioactive material packaging subjected to fire environments; Fall 2005. • Develop articles for The Communicator, INMM’s electronic newsletter.
Career Opportunities Many career disciplines support the area of packaging and transportation: • Mechanical and civil engineers • Chemical engineers • Software developers • Mathematicians • Materials scientists • Risk analysts • Chemists • Others
Employers • Professional Organizations • U.S. national laboratories • International Atomic Energy Agency • Electric Power Research Institute • Nuclear Energy Institute • Academia • Universities Federal Government • U.S. Department of Energy • U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission • Department of Transportation Private Industry • Electric utilities • Cask developers, vendors, and manufacturers • Consulting firms • Law firms
Division Contact • To participate in Division activities or obtain information about packaging, storage and transportation, please contact: Steve Bellamy INMM Packaging and Transportation Division Savannah River National Laboratory Tel: 803-725-1083 E-mail: steve.bellamy@srnl.doe.gov