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Web 3.0: The 3D Internet Classroom

Web 3.0: The 3D Internet Classroom. David W. Deeds, Ph.D., IT Teacher/Manager Changchun American International School AACE Global Learn Asia Pacific 2010: May 18th. Web 3.0 = 3D Internet?.

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Web 3.0: The 3D Internet Classroom

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  1. Web 3.0: The 3D Internet Classroom David W. Deeds, Ph.D., IT Teacher/Manager Changchun American International School AACE Global Learn Asia Pacific 2010: May 18th

  2. Web 3.0 = 3D Internet? • I don’t mean the Semantic Web…this is 3.0 as in 3-Dimensional…apologies to Tim Berners-Lee and anyone I confused. • Maybe inseparable: unrestricted navigation, human-versus-machine searches and results, information overload control, etc. • “The future of the Internet will be 3-dimensional.”www.internet3d.org

  3. 3D Internet in the Classroom • Part techie, mostly teacher presentation • Schedule • Intro/History – 5 minutes • Second Life – 10 minutes (live?) • OpenSim – 20 minutes (live!) • Video Testimonials – 5 minutes • Quest Atlantis – 10 minutes (live?) • Wrapup/Next – 5 minutes • Questions/Comments – 5 minutes

  4. TriDTrifecta • Second Life – Teachers/Administrators • OpenSim – Students (and Teachers!) • Quest Atlantis - Students • Started with Second Life cybercampus in late 2006, took over 500 college students inworld • Started with OpenSim as of mid-2009, have taken over 50 MYP and PYP students inworld • Quest Atlantis: Mid-2009, 30 MYP students

  5. What’s Your Problem, Pal? Mine: How do I teach computer science to students with widely varying levels of English proficiency together in the same class? • University/College: Korean, Chinese, Russian, Vietnamese students • International School: Korean, Chinese, German, British, American, Mexican, etc. • International Baccalaureate Organization “philosophy”: no separation

  6. Second Life • Commercial virtual world created in 2003, accessible via the Internet • Need only free client viewer: http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/?lang=en-US • Check system requirements, especially video card minimums: http://secondlife.com/support/system-requirements/?lang=en-US • Basic membership is free, premium costs $75/year (can own real estate, buildings)

  7. New Media Consortium • International, not-for-profit organization: new media and technologies • Lease discounts for educational institutions • Approximately $100 per 1,000 square meters • Mutual facilities, other group benefits • New Media Consortium website: http://virtualworlds.nmc.org • Contact: Nancy Reeves (nancy@nmc.org)

  8. Second Life: What Have We Learned? • Students: • Computer-Aided Design, Programming, Project Management, Business, English • Social Constructivism (Reality, Knowledge, Learning) • Teachers: • Inclusion, Differentiation, Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol • Problem-/Task-Based Instruction, Action/Active Learning, Reciprocal Guidance

  9. OpenSim(ulator) • Noncommercial (free!), open-source virtual world created in 2007 when SL client released, Internet or not • Need server binary package:http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Download • And client viewer, ideally Hippo: http://mjm-labs.com/viewer/ • Three configuration options: Local, Client/Server or Hosted Client/Server

  10. ReactionGrid • International, for-profit organization: small schools to Fortune 100 corporations • Discounts for educational institutions • $25/month for 1 region (256 square meters), $75/month for 4 regions • No server or related support required • ReactionGrid website: www.reactiongrid.com • Contact: Kyle Gomboy (kyle@reactiongrid.com)

  11. OpenSim: What Have We Learned? • Everything regarding Second Life plus: • International Baccalaureate Organization • Design & Technology Dilemma: Draw a car in AutoCAD, then what? Clay? Legos? • Design Cycle: Investigate, Plan, Design, Create, Evaluate…and Attitudes • Project Management and TEAMWORK! • Cross-curricular possibilities, e.g. Earth Day: In Science, they learn about windmills, in IT they build them

  12. Quest Atlantis • International, free 3D multiuser environment to immerse kids 9-16 in educational tasks, run by University of Indiana • Need only the client program:http://atlantis.crlt.indiana.edu/ • System requirements not as demanding • “Quests,” e.g., conserving resources, already exist, plus you can design your own • Teaches values as well as skills

  13. Quest Atlantis • Need two teachers trained to qualify as QA school: four one-hour online sessions • Permission form needs to be signed by parent and filed with QA • Very impressive: set of teacher resources online; overall support for teachers and administrators • Contact: Dr. Bronwyn Stuckey (bestucke@indiana.edu)

  14. QA: What Have We Learned? • Overlap with SL and OpenSim but important distinction: values • QA’s “social responsibilities” correspond to IBO Learner Profile: Students are expected to be open-minded, inquisitive, etc. • QA has quests that can be used as part of many different subjects: history, literature, etc. (not just computer science, although this is the most important one!)

  15. Questions/Comments? David W. Deeds: Work: ddeeds@caischina.org Home: davidwdeeds@yahoo.com Skype: davidwdeeds, Twitter: dwdeeds, Facebook: David W. Deeds, SL: Deed Davids

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