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SOCIAL SERVICES AND DOMICILIARY CARE SERVICES IN SPAIN. Legal Framework:. Spanish Constitution , 1978. It is not mentioned directly the National Social Security System , but it is stated that the public authorities will guarantee freedom and equality , and that they are a fact.
SOCIAL SERVICES AND DOMICILIARY CARE SERVICES IN SPAIN Legal Framework: SpanishConstitution, 1978 ItisnotmentioneddirectlytheNational Social Security System, butitisstatedthatthepublicauthoritieswillguaranteefreedom and equality, and thatthey are a fact. Italsomentionssome target groups, such as youth, peoplewithdisabilities, elderlypeople, familyissues and minors.
Law 13 of 7th April 1982, of social inclusion of people with disabilities Itisone of thefirstreferences in social services and social inclusion. Law 7 of 2nd April 1985, local regime basis In thisActisstatedthatthecity and towncouncilswillhaveresponsabilityon social services, in particular, provision of social services, social inclusion and social promotion. Thosetownsover 20,000 populationwillhavetheirown Social Services. Organic Law 4 of 9th June 1982, Autonomy Statute of the Region of Murcia TheAutonomyStatute of eachRegion has as anobjectivetheimplementation of Social Services. Thtaisthe case of theMurcia´sStatutethatwasapproved in 1982.
Law 3 of 10thApril 2003, social services in theRegion of Murcia ThisLawisthemainreference of the Social Services in Murcia and alsostatesthemainprinciples of theDomiciliaryCareServices in Murcia. DomiciliaryCareServiceisconsidered as a basicprovisionwith a personal, domestic, psichosocial, educational and complementarytechnicalcontent. Law 39 of 14thDecember 2006, of promotion of autonomyansupporttopeople in situation of dependency Thisisthemainreference in Spain at themoment in relationto Social Services and supporttopeople in situation of dependency. DomiciliaryCareServiceisone of theresourcesprovidedbythepublicauthorities as a response to social needs.