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International MSc in Rural Development. Erasmus Mundus. ERASMUS MUNDUS PROGRAMME International MSc in Rural Development (IMRD). Co-ordinating institution : Ghent University Department of Agricultural Economics 2004-2008. GENERAL DESCRIPTION (1).
International MSc in Rural Development Erasmus Mundus ERASMUS MUNDUS PROGRAMME International MSc in Rural Development(IMRD) Co-ordinating institution : Ghent University Department of Agricultural Economics 2004-2008
GENERAL DESCRIPTION (1) • Offers opportunity to study European vision on rural development in Europe and to experience the diversity in its approaches and applications • Core Partner Universities (CPU) : Ghent University (Belgium), Agrocampus Rennes (France), Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany) and the University of Cordoba (Spain) • Satellite Partner Institutes (SPU): Wageningen University (the Netherlands), the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia) and the University of Pisa (Italy)
GENERAL DESCRIPTION (2) • CPU : offer the full programme (basic and specialised) • SPU : offer modules in their field of specialisation • qualification obtained : internationally recognised Master of Science in Rural Development (IMRD), jointly awarded by the 4 CPU • To European and non-European (Third Country) students • 2 years (120ECTS)
COURSE PROGRAM (1) • Year 1: Basic Training (54-66 ECTS) - 20-36 ECTS 1st semester in 1 CPU - 20-36 ECTS 2nd semester in another CPU - 5 Basic Course Categories: • Applied Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods • Functioning of Technological, Agronomic and Ecological Systems • Social Sciences Applied to Rural Development • Rural Development and Planning • International Institutions, Policies and Organisations
COURSE PROGRAM (2) • Year 2 : Specialised Training (54-66 ECTS) - 10 ECTS case study • Min.20 ECTS course work at the university of defence of Master thesis • 30 ECTS Master Thesis in : • Agricultural Economics and Policy,Ghent University, Belgium • Sustainable agricultural and rural developmentAgrocampus Rennes, France • Territorial and Regional Rural Development, University of Cordoba, Spain • Institutional Economics, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany • Public Administration and Regional Development, Nitra University, Slovakia • Food, Communication and Sustainable Rural Development, Pisa University, Italy • Rural Sociology - Wageningen University, The Netherlands
YEAR 1-SEM 1: 20-36ECTS UGent Agrocampus UCO HUB YEAR 1-SEM 2: 20-36 ECTS Agrocampus UGent UCO HUB YEAR 2– JULY-SEPT: 10 ECTS China (EU students) Pisa Nitra YEAR 2-SEM 3+4:min20+30 ECTS UGent Agrocampus UCO HUB WUR Pisa Nitra
LINGUISTIC ASPECTS • Basic and specialised courses : mostly English, French, Spanish or German • All courses are to be followed in the language in which the course is offered • Examination in principle in language of instruction of the course, but with provisions to write the exam in English • Language of operation within the Consortium: English
DIPLOMA AND SUPPLEMENTS • The joint diploma produced at Ghent University, and signed by the legal representative of each of the four CPU • in accordance with the legislation of the countries of the four core partner institutes. • The diploma mentions the name and the degree of the training in English. A legalised translation in French, Spanish, German or Dutch of the diploma can be obtained on request • diploma supplement with full transcript of all ECTS credits obtained during the master course. The diploma supplement mentions the titles of the courses as used at the respective institutes and is signed by the IMRD coordinator.
INTEGRATION Consortium (1) • Managing Board: • decision making organ, meets every 3 to 4 months • Consists of 2 reps per CPU, at least 1rep per SPU • elected overall and/or local student representative • IMRD Coordinator and Secretariat: daily running of IMRD • Application procedure: • standard application form, differentiated between EU and non-EU students. • downloadable from the IMRD website or sent by e-mail by the Secretariat on request. • Duly filled in applications have to be sent to the IMRD secretariat before the agreed deadline in digital form and by post.
INTEGRATION Consortium (2) • Selection procedure • Secretariat : first screening on the basis of submission of the required documents • Secretariat forwards all applications to relevant CPUs for evaluation • CPUs evaluate candidates according to three clusters of variables related to academic level, language skills, and motivation and experience • the Secretariat provides the IMRD MB with a ranking of candidates based on the rankings from the individual CPUs • IMRD MB selects from the list of applicants the students who are admissible to the course. Third country students are proposed for EM scholarship through a round table selection with CPUs taking turns
INTEGRATION Consortium (3) • Enrolment of IMRD students • Students enrolled per semester (CPU) or exchange student (SPU) • All IMRD students enrolled administratively at Ghent University • Fees • annual subscription Third Country students 4000€/year • annual subscription European students 2000€/year • Students with financial difficulties can apply for a tuition fee grant • Internal transfer of institutional subscription fees to every PU after every semester on the basis of ECTS provided to students • Awarding and transfer of study credits • The IMRD curriculum is based on the ECTS-system. • For each university with another grading scale than the 20 point scale a conversion table has been agreed.
INTEGRATION China Consortium (4) Objectives EM China Action • Create research based network of excellence for education in rural development between IMRD Consortium and 4 Chinese institutes for rural development studies China Agricultural University (CAU)- Beijing - Center for Integrated Agricultural Development (CIAD) Rural Development Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences- Beijing Nanjing Agricultural University (NAU) - (Jiangsu Province) Shan Dong Agricultural University (SDAU)– (Shan Dong Province) • Exchange of theoretical and practical knowledge on rural development practices within the network • diffuse the knowledge about the European model of Rural Development • Increase knowledge on sustainable rural development in China • increase teaching and research capacities to respond to training and policy analysis needs in European and Chinese models of rural development
INTEGRATION China Consortium (5) Objectives EM China Action (Ctd) • increasing the interaction between EU and China • increasing the outreach of the IMRD by using the Chinese partner institutions as reference points for interested Chinese students • Exchange of students and scholars for educational and research activities (case study, thesis, lectures, seminars, research,…) • Yearly organisation of a seminar on rural development with presentations from scholars and students from both IMRD and China PU To summarise: • Exchange of students and scholars from ChPU (Action 2) • Exchange of students and scholars from IMRD PU (Action 3) • Collaboration and seminars (Action 1 and 3) between Ch and IMRD PU
ENVISAGED IMPROVEMENTS • further promotion towards Western Balkan, Latin American and European students • Consolidate exchange opportunities with Third Country universities (EM) scholarship consistency) and scholarship diversification • Action 3 China Window: increases attractiveness to European students as well as pool of Chinese applicants
CHALLENGES • High number of non-Asian applicants given IMRD’s focus on agricultural policy and rural development • Increase participation of self-sponsoring and European students • improve the mobility opportunities for non-French or non-Spanish speaking students • Increase visibility and outreach of IMRD course program and students (e.g. Alumni Association)
CONTACT IMRD Gerrit STASSYNS, Technical Co-ordinator or Evelien VANDEVELDE Scientific and Policy Advisor IMRD@Ugent.be www.imrd.UGent.be Ghent University Faculty of Bioscience Engineering Department of Agricultural Economics Coupure Links 653 9000 Gent BELGIUM Tel: +32 (0)9 264 59 24 Fax: +32 (0)9 264 62 46