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From the Principal’s Desk
From the Principal’s Desk School safety is the most important aspect of our school day. Thank you for following the traffic pattern at arrival and dismissal, and keeping the bus lane clear for busses and school vans. Please remember that adult supervision of playgrounds and breakfast begins at 8:30am. For their safety, students should not be arriving at school before 8:30am. This year we have started a new Voice Level Zone System. Forge Road now has “zones” throughout the building that require a different voice level. All zones are labeled with a sign. For instance all hallways are a 0 zone-silent, no talking. Level 1 zone, whispering, is in the lunch line, while students are waiting to pick up their lunch. Level 2 zone, inside speaking voice, is in the cafeteria. Lastly, Level 3 is outdoor recess voice. Kudos to all of the Forge students! They have been doing a fabulous job adhering to the new voice level system. In addition, we will periodically be practicing a variety of safety drills this year so that we can best be prepared if confronted with an emergency. We love home-school communication, so if your child would talk to you about one of these drills, please know it was not a real emergency, but only a practice. If we ever have a real emergency, you will be notified by our school directly. Sincerely, Mrs. Perry & Mr. Hale AlertSolutions As a safety precaution, if your child is absent from school an automated attendance call will be sent to you, even if you have reported your child’s absence. If you receive the call and have not reported your child’s absence, please call the school immediately. We thank you for being pro-active in reporting your student off when ill. Reminder Don’t forget to check on teacher’s web sites for helpful information, homework, and class news Advice from Dr. Seuss “Step with Great Care and Great Tact. And Remember that Life’s a Great Balancing Act” Reminders From Our Nurse Late fall is traditionally the time of year I begin to see cases of head lice. District policy is to exclude your student if live lice are discovered. If they only have nits, they can come to school, but must check in the nurses office prior to going to class, and ONLY after they’ve had treatment at home. Please note the following: head ice can not fly or jump, but are transferred by direct head-to-head contact or the sharing of items such as combs & brushes. They are NOT related to cleanliness, they gladly infest students with clean or dirty hair. They only live for 48 hours once they are off a human. Lastly, home remedies alone do not work, but can work in conjunction with over-the counter remedies; ALL remedies must be used again in 7-10 days to effectively kill the lice, and diligent cleaning of all articles of clothing, bedding and stuffed animals MUST be done in order to prevent re-infestation. If you would like further information please contact me. Mrs. Keller Guidance Corner Autumn has finally arrived and October brings changing leaves, gourds and pumpkins. Halloween arrives on the 31st, but this is not the only thing we celebrate in October. It is also National Bully Prevention Month as well as Red Ribbon Week. Throughout the month of October, I will be talking with students about bully prevention and in conflict resolution class we will be doing activities and having discussion about what bullying is and what we can do about it, The week of October 27-31 we will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week at School. We will talk with students about the importance of leading a drug free life. We will also be participating in special days throughout the week, so please look for more information on this as we get closer to Red Ribbon Week. I hope everyone is getting adjusted to the school year and as always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.- Mrs.McGrady The Cougar Den at Forge RoadVolume 4, Issue 2, October 2014 Upcoming Forge Road Events October 1- PAEF Chicken BBQ pre-order tickets due October 13 NO SCHOOL October 14-15-16 Mobile Ag Lab October 16 PAEF Chicken BBQ P/U 2-6 pm October 21 PICTURE DAY October 21 PTO Meeting 6:45pm @Lingle Ave Library October 27-31 Red Ribbon Week October 31 Trick-or-Treat Night Cougar Facts A cougar is also known as a panther, puma, catamount or mountain lion. A cougar’s hind legs are larger than its front legs.