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Action Plan on . Monitoring System for Proactive Program Scheme. Vision “ We are an effective partner in civil society who specializes in developing, supporting and amplifying social leverages towards the state of national well-being.”. Strategies Social mobilization System development
Action Plan on Monitoring System for Proactive Program Scheme
Vision “ We are an effective partner in civil society who specializes in developing, supporting and amplifying social leverages towards the state of national well-being.” Strategies Social mobilization System development Healthy communities Development Sustainability development Background
1) Tobacco Control Program 2) Alcohol Control Program 3) Public Exercise Program 4) Population Health and Risk Reduction Program 5) Learning for Well-being Program 6) Health Service System Development Program 7) Health Workplace Program 8) Healthy Communities Program 9) Social Marketing for Well-being Program 10) Health Promotion Support Program Proactive program
However THPF doesn’t have the strong “system” for monitoring program and sub-program. We cannot manage the information in time. Moreover, we lost many opportunities to create a new sub-program or lesson learned to support our stakeholders and ourselves. So the monitoring system for program and sub-program is earlier priority of THPF
Key lessons learned • Creating learning enviro. / learning organization • Triple loop learning • M&E system should support management and learning • Standard criteria for quality of M&E system • Commu. report and reflection to all stakeholders • Objective hierarchy for develop performance questions • Five key evaluation question • Critical reflection • Change management
Objective To develop monitoring system for one program (Healthy Communities Program) by August 2004 This system should be support: community (THPF and stakeholders) learning in adaptation and management
Perfor. Quest. Info. needs Indic. Resp. Framework to develop system Obj. hiera. applied matrix THPF’s vision goal THIS AREA NEEDED TO BE DEVELOP Strategic obj.1-4 purpose Program /sub-program output Process / activities activities
Activities Building support and approved action plan Meetings with stakeholders to share understanding and clarify about program monitoring issues : Why we need the system?, What are the performance questions that we need to know? What are the info. needs and indicators?..etc.
Objective Hierarchy Perform. Quest. Stakeholders which should be involved St1 St2 St3 St4 St5 St6 St7 THPF’s vision Strategic obj. Program / sub-program Activities/ process / Example: Process of developing performance quest. External : St 4 : Sub-program managers (selective persons) St 5 : Policy makers (selective persons) St 6 : Politician : (selective persons) St 7 : Beneficiaries (selective persons) Internal : St 1 : THPF’ Committee (selective persons) St 2 : BOD (13 persons) St 3 : My colleagues
Develop monitoring forms, info. system and necessary structure Pull into together and develop monitoring matrix and plan Training to THPF’s staffs and program’s staffs Testing
Activities Resp. Time Mar. April May June July Aug. meetings with my colleagues Mu Approved plan Mu Briefing of facilitators Mu 5 meetings for formulate perfom.quest., info. needs, etc. External facilitator WS for develop monitoring matrix and plan Mu & ext. fac. Develop monitoring forms, info.sys. Mu & colleauge Training Mu & ext. fac. Testing Mu & colleague Time frame * * *
Level Key question Indicators Obj. 1) To what extent has the monitoring system been accepted by the stakeholders? 2) What lessons learned have been developed? ….% of lessons learned for setting up monitoring system Output 1) How many staff increases knowledge and skills in participatory monitoring system? …% of staff have knowledge and skills increase after training M&E action plan BOD forum (monthly meeting) should track, assess and improve the performance of plan. So this plan could be monitor and evaluate through this questions
Activities Budget Total Consult. fee Transp. Stationary Food and accommod. Informal meetings Approved plan Briefing of fac. meetings for formulate perfom. 30,000 100,000 10,000 40,000 180,000 WS for develop monit. matrix & plan 10,000 30,000 8,000 48,000 Develop moni.forms, info.sys. and etc. 2 Trainings 30,000 30,000 10,000 80,000 150,000 Testing Total 378,000 Resources
Budget The estimated total budget is about euro 8,000. This budget I can propose to approve from my manager. External facilitator or evaluator To push this action plan toward, I needed some senior facilitators or senior evaluators to help moderate the meeting in step 2. I can find a suitable one from my network list.
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