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Fife Guidelines 1+2 French Key Language & Resources V2 Adapted from 1+2 Guidelines / Viewforth Cluster French (Janette Cassells). French Key Language & Resources. General resources for Years 1-7 (P1-7) Tongue Twisters First * Chouettes chaussures P2 – P7 MLAN 2-01a
Fife Guidelines 1+2FrenchKey Language & Resources V2 Adapted from 1+2 Guidelines / Viewforth Cluster French (Janette Cassells)
French Key Language & Resources General resources for Years 1-7 (P1-7) Tongue Twisters First * Chouettes chaussures P2 – P7 MLAN 2-01a Tongue twisters that focus on sounds that are particular to French. Songs Songs on Education City are indicated at a certain Primary stage but can be revisited at stages above. Curriculum for Excellence outcome for all songs MLAN 2-01a First * Les pieds P1 MLNA 2-01a To practise vocabulary for parts of the head/face, relate to appropriate parts of their own bodies. Use before La tête. First * Les doigts P1 MLNA 2-01a To practise vocabulary for parts of the head/face, relate to appropriate parts of their own bodies. Use before La tête. First * La tête P1 MLNA 2-01a To practise vocabulary for parts of the head/face, relate to appropriate parts of their own bodies. E/C – Education City, L &T – listening & Talking, R –Reading, W - writing C f E – Curriculum for Excellence First * Les pieds P1 MLNA 2-01a/c To practise vocabulary for parts of the head/face, relate to appropriate parts of their own bodies. Use before la tête. First * Le nez P1 MLNA 2-01b To practise vocabulary for parts of the head/face, relate to appropriate parts of their own bodies First * La tête P1 MLNA 2-01b/c To practise vocabulary for parts of the head/face, relate to appropriate parts of their own bodies First *L’arc-en-ciel P2 MLNA 2-0a Sing-a-long to l’arc-en-ciel and realise that colours have names in other languages. Tune is ‘I can sing a rainbow’. First * Trois poules P2 MLNA 2-0a Sing-a-long to Quand trois poules vont aux champs. Secures numbers 1, 2 and 3. First * Vive le vent P3 MLNA 2-0a Sing-a-long to Vive le Vent, weather related. Words can be found in Teacher Zone, Teacher’s notes. First ** Sur le pont d’Avignon P4 MNLA 2-0a Sing and dance-a-long to a traditional French song Sur le Pont d’Avignon. First ** Les choux P4 MNLA 2-0a Traditional French song - hands, feet and nose planting cabbages. First ** Les genoux P4 MNLA 2-0a Practising body parts- shoulders, knees, ankles, elbows. Sing-a-long activity
French Key Language & Resources Key Language – Year 1 (P1) Greetings/Basic Words Bonjour! , Bonsoir! Au Revoir!, Salut! Merci, s’il vous plaît oui, non Ça va? Ça va bien. Colours C’est quelle couleur? C’est ….. red, blue, yellow, purple, orange, green, black, white rouge, bleu, jaune, violet, orange vert, noir, blanc Body Parts Very basic - fingers, hands, feet, toes, head, nose, ears les doigts, les mains, les pieds, les orteils, la tête, le nez, les orielles Songs Les Pieds, La Tête, Deux Cerises Vive le vent (Jingle Bells) Family Ma Famille a little fast but activity at end helps identify characters Show where France is using Barnaby Bear resource. Numbers Numbers 1-5 (may extend 6-10 if able) Resources - Year 1 (P1) Greetings/Basic Words E/C - First * L&T Bonjour MLAN 2-01To To recognise the words ‘Bonjour’ and ‘Au Revoir’ E/C - First* L&T Au Revoir MLAN 2-01b To recognise the words ‘Bonjour’ and ‘Au Revoir’ E/C – First** L&T Ça va? MLAN 2-03a Recognise vocabulary and respond appropriately E/C - First *** L&T Au Revoir Docteur! MLAN 2-01b Recognise and understand common greetings using role-play Flashcards – Bonjour, Bonsoir, Au Revoir, Salut Merci, S’il vous plaît Oui, Non Practical use of everyday basic vocabulary Colours E/C – First ** L&T Rouge la la MLAN 2-01a Introducing colours at a very basic level E/C – First ** L&T La Roue des Couleurs MLAN 2-05b Remember a sequence of colours (up to 5) Colour hand cat puppets – practical activity Barnaby Bear goes to France –large board book En Classe Flipbook- Teacher’s classroom commands
French Key Language & Resources Key Language - Year 2 (P2) Revision of Primary 1 Key Language. Greetings What is your name? Comment t’appelles-tu? I am called ... - Je m’appelle... Numbers 1 – 10 Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix, onze, douze. Colours red, blue, yellow, black, white, green, orange, violet rouge, bleu, jaune, noir, blanc, vert, orange, violet Days of the Week lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi,samedi, dimanche Weather Il pleut/neige/gèle It is raining/snowing/freezing Il fait beau/chaud/froid/mauvais (gris) It’s fine/hot/cold/bad(bad) Il y a du soleil/brouillard/vent It’s sunny/ foggy/ windy Body Parts Very basic - fingers, hands, feet, toes, head, nose, ears les doigts, les mains, les pieds, les orteils, la tête, le nez, les oreilles Family Ma famillea little fast but activity at end helps identify characters Resources - Year 2 (P2) Use resources listed in Primary 1 Greetings E/C - First* L&T Au revoir MLAN 2-01b To recognise the words ‘Bonjour’ and ‘Au Revoir’ Flashcards – basic language Practical work asking and answering questions Numbers E/C – First **L&T Deux cerises (1-12) MLAN 2-0a Sing along to “Un, deux, trois Cerises” E/C – First *** L&T Un, deux, trois, surprise! MLAN 2-01c Count the shopping items up to 12 Bean Bag – Numbers 1-20 & Poster Colour E/C – First ** L&T Rouge la la MLAN 2-01a Introducing colours at a very basic level E/C – First ** L&T La roue des couleurs MLAN 2-05b Remember a sequence of colours (up to 5) Bean Bag – Colours & Poster, pictures Teddy’s Colour Cupboard Calendar/Weather E/C Second * RLundi où? MLAN 2-08a Recognise the vocabulary for the days of the week Calendar – Quel jour sommes-nous? The Weather Window –felt activity wall hanging with day, date and weather En Classe Flipbook- Teacher’s classroom commands
French Key Language & Resources Key Language - Year 3 (P3) Revision of Primary 1 & 2 – Key Language Talking about Yourself Extend language – Comment t’appelles-tu? Où habites-tu? J’habite à Kirkcaldy. Ça va? Ça va bien. Quel âge as-tu? J’ai ......ans. Elle a ....... ans. Il a ......ans. Colours Primary 2 colours and extend to all colours- marron/brun, gris, rose, brown, grey, pink, Extend to questions C’est quelle couleur? C’est rose. J’adore le rose. Numbers1-21(31) un, deux ,trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix, onze, douze, treize, quatorze, quinze, seize, dix-sept, dix-huit, dix-neuf, vingt, vingt-et-un (extend to 31 if using Mon calendrier) Songs L’alphabet français, Sur le pont d’Avignon Resources - Year 3 (P3) Use resources listed in Primary 1 & 2 Talking about Yourself E/C First *** L&T Mon passeportMLAN 2-02a Create a French passport by inputting your name and age (Links to IT) E/C First** L&T Ça va? MLAN 2-03a Recognise vocabulary and respond appropriately Flashcards Practical activities – asking/answering questions Colours E/C First *** L&T Le rouge de Monet MLAN 2-01b Recognise & understand vocabulary for colours from an audio prompt E/C Second *L&T Le rouge adoré MLAN2-01c Express likes and dislikes about colour Bean Bag - Colours Numbers E/C First ***L&T Une vingtaine (0-21) MLAN2-01c E/C First **L&T Deux cerises (1-12) MLAN 2-0a Sing along to “Un, deux, trois cerises” Number Bingo Game Bean Bag – Numbers 1 – 20 Dice – Packs include – Weather, Nos 1-12 & basic colours Book – Hungry Caterpillar (flashcards are available for this book )
French Key Language & Resources Key Language - Year 3 (P3) Days of the week/Months/Seasons lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December Seasons le printemps - spring, au printemps – in the spring l’été- summer, en été– in summer l’automne -autumn, en automne – in autumn l’hiver– winter,en hiver – in winter Weather Il pleut/neige/gèle – It is raining/snowing/freezing Il fait beau/chaud/froid/mauvais (gris) It’s fine/hot/cold/bad (bad) Il y a du soleil/brouillard/vent It’s sunny/ foggy/ windy Resources - Year 3 (P3) Days of the week/Weather E/C – Second * R Lundi, où?MLAN 2-08a Recognise vocabulary for Days of the Week E/C - Second * R Lundi Paris MLAN 2-08a Understand and use the days of the week Poster Flashcards Calendar Mon calendrier French calendar with provision for teaching – Days, Dates, Months, Years, Seasons and Weather Language used - Quelle est la date aujourd’hui? Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui? les saisons, le temps Days of the week Months of the year
French Key Language & Resources Key Language - Year 3 (P3) Face Vocabulary for face, eyes, ears, nose Le visage, les yeux, les oreilles, le nez Family Ma famillea little fast but activity at end helps identify characters and improve pronunciation Resources - Year 3 (P3) Face E/CFirst *Les piedsMLNA 2-0a To practise vocabulary for parts of the head/face, relate to appropriate parts of their own bodies. Use before La Tête. E/CFirst *La têteMLNA 2-0a To practise vocabulary for parts of the head/face, relate to appropriate parts of their own bodies Make a Face – cloth activity to introduce parts of the face (use only basic vocabulary) En classe Flipbook- Teacher’s classroom commands
French Key Language & Resources Key Language - Year 4 (P4) Revision of Primary 1, 2 & 3 – Key Language Numbers 1 – 41, un à quarante-et-un vingt-deux, vingt-trois, vingt-quatre, vingt-cinq, vingt-six, vingt-sept, vingt-huit, vingt-neuf, trente, trente-et-un, trente-deux, trente-trois, trente-quatre, trente-cinq, trente-six, trente-sept, trente-huit, trente-neuf, quarante, quarante-et-un, Calendar Revise the days (P3) Dates Quelle est la date aujourd’hui? What is the date today? Aujourd’hui c’est jeudi dix-sept septembre. Today is Thursday 17th September. demain – tomorrow,hier - yesterday Months- janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December Resources - Year 4 (P4) Use resources listed in Primary 1, 2 and 3 Numbers E/C First ***L&T Une vingtaine(0-21)MLAN2-01c E/C First *** L&T Une quarantaine (21-41) MLAN 2-01b Calendar Bingo Flashcards Dice and number inserts Calendar Mon calendrier French calendar with provision for teaching – Days, Dates, Months, Years, Seasons and Weather Language used - Quelle est la date aujourd’hui? Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui? les saisons, le temps Days of the week Months of the year
French Key Language & Resources Key Language - Year 4 (P4) Seasons- le printemps - spring, au printemps – in the spring l’été- summer, en été– in summer l’automne -autumn, en automne – in autumnl’hiver– winter, en hiver – in winter Le matin/l’après-midi/le soir morning/afternoon/evening Weather Il pleut/neige/gèle It is raining/snowing/freezing Il fait beau/chaud/froid/mauvais It’s fine/hot/cold/bad Il y a du soleil/brouillard/vent It’s sunny/ foggy/ windy Quel temps fait-il ? (aujourd’hui) What is the weather like ? (today) Time o’clock, 1 -12 hours une heure, deux heures, trois heures, etc Resources - Year 4 (P4) Seasons Use of calendar Flashcards Weather E/CSecond * L&T La méteoMLAN 2-01c Understand simple weather phrases in the context of a weather forecast in France E/CFirst *L&TVive le ventMLNA 2-0a Sing-a-long to Vive le vent, weather related. Words can be found in Teacher Zone, Teacher’s notes. Bingo – weather vocabulary Talk ball – reinforces vocabulary through responses to questions, Quel temps fait-il? Flashcards Dice and appropriate inserts Time E/C First *** L&T A l’heureMLAN2-01b To tell the time on the hour Time bag – match time words and numbers to time shown on clock.
French Key Language & Resources Key Language - Year 4 (P4) Family Basic vocabulary le, la, les – the (masculine, feminine, plural) mon, ma, mes – my (m, f, pl) le père – dad/father la mère - mum/mother le frère – brother la sœur – sister le grand-père – granddad/grandfather la grand-mère – gran/grandmother le cousin – cousin (male) la cousine – cousin (female) le copain - friend (male) la copine – friend (female) Face Revise P3 Vocabulary and extend e.g. le sourcil Resources - Year 4 (P4) Family E/C First*** L&TLa photo de familleMLAN 2-01b Introduce members of the family Flashcards Introduce family – practical activity photos of family, labelled En classe Flipbook- Teacher’s classroom commands Make a Face – cloth activity to introduce parts of the face (use only basic vocabulary) Dice - body and head inserts
French Key Language & Resources Key Language - Year 5 (P5) Revision of Primary 1, 2, 3 and 4 Key Language Numbers 1 – 60 un à soixante trente-deux, trente-trois, trente-quatre, trente-cinq, trente-six, trente-sept, trente-huit, trente-neuf, quarante, quarante-et-un, quarante-deux, quarante-trois, quarante-quatre, quarante-cinq, quarante-six, quarante-sept, quarante-huit, quarante-neuf, cinquante, cinquante-et-un, cinquante-deux, cinquante-trois, cinquante-quatre, cinquante-cinq, cinquante-six, cinquante-sept, cinquante-huit, cinquante-neuf, soixante Calendar Use the Weather Window with instruction card for extension in language Transport E/C activity introduces vocabulary for transport en vélo – by bike à pied – by foot/walked en train – by train en voiture – by car en bus – by bus Je vais à l’école à pied – I go to school by foot Je ne vais pas à l’école en bus – I don’t go to school by bus Resources - Year 5 (P5) Use E/C resources listed in Primary 1, 2, 3, and 4 Numbers E/C Second * L&T Quatre-vingts MLAN 2-01c Numbers 41 -81 Flashcards Poster Bingo Count to sixty Calendar E/C Second * L&T À piedMLAN 2-03b Vocabulary for days of the week and transportation to explain how you get to school everyday E/C Second * L&TLa méteo MLAN 2-01c Understand simple weather phrases in the context of a weather forecast in France (p5) Calendar – Quel jour sommes-nous? The Weather Window –felt activity wall hanging with day, date and weather
French Key Language & Resources Key Language - Year 5 (P5) Birthdays Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire? What’s your birthday ? La date de mon anniversaire, c’est….. My birthday is the… Bon anniversaire! Happy birthday ! Joyeux anniversaire! Happy birthday ! Nos anniversaires Our birthdays mon anniversaire, c’est le 5 mars (unisex) My birthday is March 5th je suis né le 10 juin (male) I am born on June 10th je suis née le 12 mars (female) I am born on March 12th Alphabet Pronunciation of Alphabet a-a, b-bay, c-say, d-day, e-ouh, f-eff, g-jay, h-ash, i-ee, j-gee, k-ka, l-ell, m-emm, n-enn, o-oh, p-pay, q-koo, r-air, s-ess, t-tay, u-oo, v-vay, w-doobla vay, x-eex, y-ee grek, z-zed Resources - Year 5 (P5) Birthdays Birthday pack resources to celebrate class birthdays – includes posters, bookmarks, badges, cards Felt activity birthday wall hanging. Celebrate pupil’s birthday placing on date, name & age Song Joyeux anniversaire – Singing French book Alphabet E/C First *** R Le château Hanté 1 MLAN 2-08a Completing simple and familiar words with less than 3 letters missing E/C First *** R Le château Hanté 2 MLAN 2-08aCompleting simple and familiar words with 3 letters missing E/C Second * R La carte au ChâteauMLAN 2-11b Match the letter to the sound SongsL’alphabet- Singing French book E/C Topic Tools Chantons l’alphabet Poster Flashcards
French Key Language & Resources Key Language - Year 5 (P5) Time Introduce half past, minutes Quelle heure est-il? Il est onze heures. Il est cinq heures et demie. Il est sept heures et dix minutes. Greetings Ask questions and give responses Où habites-tu? J’habite à Kirkcaldy. Where do you live? I live in Kirkcaldy. Comment tu t’appelles? Je m’appelle Ryan. What is your name? I’m called Ryan. Resources - Year 5 (P5) Time E/C First *** L&T A l’heureMLAN2-01b To tell the time on the hour Time bag – match time words and numbers to time shown on clock. Greetings Flashcards Dice + Question cards
French Key Language & Resources Key Language - Year 5 (P5) Classroom commands lève-toi – stand (singular) levez-vous – stand (plural, everyone) levez la main – put your hand up assieds-toi – sit down (singular) asseyez-vous – sit down (plural) regarde-moi – look at me regardez le tableau noir – look at the blackboard répète – repeat répétez après moi – repeat after me chut /silence/taisez-vous- silence/quiet silence/taisez-vous s’il vous plaît –quiet please écoute (singular)/écoutez (plural) - listen écris la date- write the date écrivez le titre – write the title sortez les livres- take out your books ouvre la porte- open the door ouvrez vos livres – open your books ferme la porte – close the door fermez vos livres – close your books rangez vos affaires- put your things away travaillez avec un partenaire- work with a partner Resources - Year 5 (P5) Classroom Commands E/C Second * L Écoutez MLAN 2-05b Match classroom commands, language and instructions to their image écrivez!- Write! répétez!- Repeat! regardez! –Look! écoutez! - Listen! montre-moi! - Show me! donne-moi…! – Give me…! asseyez-vous! - Sit down! levez-vous! – Stand up! silence! /taisez-vous! - Silence! En classe Flipbook- Teacher’s classroom commands
French Key Language & Resources Key Language - Year 5 (P5) Classroom Objects Basic/simple objects un stylo – a pen un crayon – a pencil un livre – a book un cahier – a jotter une trousse – a pencil case une règle – a ruler une gomme – a rubber/eraser une chaise – a chair une table – a table une porte – a door une fenêtre – a window un placard – a poster un ordinateur – a computer un taille-crayon – a pencil sharpener un dictionnaire – a dictionary une calculatrice – a calculator un feutre – a felt tip pen des ciseaux - scissors Resources - Year 5 (P5) Classroom Objects E/C First *** L Un stylo doréMLAN 2-01b Classroom vocabulary presented in the question/answer format: Qu’est-ce que c’est? – What is it? C’est un… It is .. Oui ou non? E/C First*** L La porte orange MLAN 2-01c Use understanding of vocabulary for colour to paint a classroom Bingo – reinforcing classroom objects vocabulary through game of bingo Talk ball – reinforces vocabulary through responses to questions, Flashcards/objects in class Dice and appropriate inserts Poster Sac surprise – activity to guess objects hidden in bag. Includes 10 activities Extras Vocabulary Ball – Question and answer activity Cha, cha, cha, comme ci. comme ça Audio CD – 14 catchy songs Booklet includes grammar, lyrics and vocabulary notes
French Key Language & Resources French P6/7 Syllabus modified from MLPS The Core Syllabus – Primary 6 The main topic areas covered and assessed in P6 are – Greetings Talking about yourself (age, where you live, birthday) Talking about family (brothers, sisters, etc) Pets and other animals Classroom objects Basic colours Basic physical descriptions (size, hair, eyes) The Core Syllabus – Primary 7 The main topic areas covered and assessed in MLPS P7 are – Countries Weather Leisure activities Clothes Food and Drink
French Key Language & Resources Key Language - Year 6 (P6) Revision of Primary 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Key Language Calendar/Birthdays Continue calendar/birthdays/weather Weather Continue and extend Numbers Continue revising and extend 1 -100 Resources - Year 6 (P6) Use E/C resources listed in Primary 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 * Modern Languages in Primary School P6/7 – Unit 1 Calendar/Birthdays E/C Second * RLundi où?MLAN 2-08a Recognise the vocabulary for the days of the week (p2) E/C Second * R Lundi Paris MLAN 2-08a Understand and use the days of the week(p3) E/C Second * L&T A piedMLAN 2-03b Vocabulary for days of the week and transport to explain how you get to school everyday (p5) *MLPS 6/7 – Unit 2 – Calendar/Birthdays Weather * MLPS 6/7 – Unit 11- Weather E/C Second * L&TLa météo MLAN 2-01c Understand simple weather phrases in the context of a weather forecast in France (p5) Numbers E/C Second *, Listening – Quatre vingts, MLAN2-01c Recognise and identify the sounds for 41-81 E/C Second * , Listening - Les dizaines MLAN 2-01c Recognise and identify the sounds for 0 – 100 Flashcards
French Key Language & Resources Key Language - Year 6 (P6) Classroom Objects Extend questioning to include colour description of object Qu’est-ce que c’est? – What is it? C’est un livre bleu. – It is a blue book. C’est une trousse verte. – It is a green pencil case. Basic/simple objects un stylo – a pen un crayon – a pencil un livre – a book un cahier – a jotter une trousse – a pencil case une règle – a ruler une gomme – a rubber/eraser une chaise – a chair une table – a table une porte – a door une fenêtre – a window un placard – a poster un ordinateur – a computer un taille-crayon – a pencil sharpener un dictionnaire – a dictionary une calculatrice – a calculator un feutre – a felt tip pen des ciseaux - scissors Resources - Year 6 (P6) Classroom Objects Use objects in class/Flashcards MLPS 6/7 – Unit 6 – Classroom objects Classroom commands Le sac surprise – activity to guess objects hidden in bag. Includes 10 activities E/C First ***, Listening- Le stylodoré (used in P MLAN2-01b Identify the sound and spelling of some common nouns found in the school E/C First ***, Listening – La porte orange MLAN2-01c understanding vocabulary to paint a classroom (used in P5)
French Key Language & Resources Key Language - Year 6 (P6) Classroom commands lève-toi – stand (singular) levez-vous – stand (plural, everyone) levez la main – put your hand up assieds-toi – sit down (singular) asseyez-vous – sit down (plural) regarde-moi – look at me regardez le tableau noir – look at the blackboard répète – repeat répétez après moi – repeat after me chut/silence/taisez-vous- silence/quiet silence/taisez-vous s’il vous plaît –quiet please écoute (singular)/écoutez (plural) - listen écris la date- write the date écrivez le titre – write the title sortez les livres- take out your books ouvre la porte- open the door ouvrez vos livres – open your books ferme la porte – close the door fermez vos livres – close your books rangez vos affaires- put your things away travaillez avec un partenaire- work with a partner Resources - Year 6 (P6) Classroom Commands E/C Second *, Listening – Écoutez MLAN2-01b Match classroom commands, language and instructions to their image écrivez!- Write! répétez!- Repeat! regardez! –Look! écoutez! - Listen! montre-moi! - Show me! donne-moi…! – Give me…! asseyez-vous! - Sit down! levez-vous! – Stand up! silence!/Taisez-vous! - Silence!
French Key Language & Resources Key Language - Year 6 (P6) Family la famille – family le père – dad/father la mère – mum/mother, le frère – brother la sœur – sister le grand-père – granddad/grandfather la grand-mère – granny/grandmother Qui est-ce? C’est qui? – Who is this? Who is it? Tu as des frères et sœurs? Have you brothers and sisters? Oui, j’ai un frère/deux frères et une sœur/deux sœurs. Yes, I have a brother/two brothers and a sister/two sisters. un frère jumeau/une sœur jumelle – a twin brother/a twin sister Non, je n’ai pas de frère et sœur. No, I don’t have a brother or a sister. Il y acombien de personnes dans ta famille? How many people are in your family? Il y a six personnes dans ma famille, ma mère, mon père, deux frères et deux sœurs. There are six people in my family, my mum, my dad, two brothers and two sisters. Resources - Year 6 (P6) Family Asking and responding to questions Flashcards MLPS 6/7 – Unit 3 – Family, brothers, sisters, relatives E/C First *, Speaking – La famille MLAN 2-01a/c Introduce members of the family E/C Second **, Listening – Toute la familleMLAN2-03a Introduce family using vocabulary for colours, clothes and age
French Key Language & Resources Key Language - Year 6 (P6) Personal Description les descriptions - the description Décris-toi or Comment es-tu? Describe yourself Je suis grand/grande petit/petite I am tall (m/f) small (m/f) Je suis de taille moyenne. I’m of medium height. Décris ton frère/Pierre or Ton frère/Pierre comment est-il? Describe your brother/Peter or What does your brother / Peter look like ? Verbs MLPS 6/7 - Unit 9 – Descriptions être – to be je suis, il est, elle est avoir – to have j’ai, il a, elle a porter – to wear je porte, il porte, elle porte grand/grande –tall, petit/petite – small gros/grosse – big/fat, mince – slim/thin assez – quite très – very long –long J’ai les cheveux longs – I have long hair court – short J’ai les cheveux courts. I have short hair. Resources - Year 6 (P6) Personal Description MLPS 6/7 - Unit 9 – Descriptions Describing people ,including self :hair, eyes etc E/C Second***, L&T– Le vol à l’écoleMLAN 2-07b Understanding physical descriptions of people who work in school E/C Second***, Writing – Le look MLAN 2-13b Placing nouns for clothing correctly with their articles My Body – cloth activity introducing 10 parts of the body with names Clothes Pack- addition to Body, 14 different clothes to extend vocabulary and description Flashcards – 16 pictures with words Bingo- reinforce vocabulary through games Talk Ball – reinforces vocabulary Trouvons l’image – 5 different listening games Verbs MLPS 6/7 Unit 9 – use of verbs Revision of colours, numbers to 100 Revise introducing people, C’est…. C’est ma sœur, elle s’appelle Carine, elle a 12 ans - elle habite à Kirkcaldy, elle est écossaise. Elle est petite, elle a les cheveux courts et blonds et les yeux bleus.
French Key Language & Resources Key Language - Year 6 (P6) Animals Les animaux – animals J’aime… - I like… J’ai … - I have... un chat - cat un cheval - horse un chien – dog un serpent – snake un lapin – rabbit une souris - mouse un oiseau - bird un poisson – fish une tortue –tortoise une araignée- spider un hamster –hamster une perruche - parrot un poisson-rouge - goldfish une gerboise/une gerbille - gerbil un cochon d’Inde– guinea-pig Resources - Year 6 (P6) Animals MLPS 6/7 – Unit 5 – Pets E/C Second*, Listening - Les marionettes 1 MLAN 2-03 Understanding and answering questions about the colour, size and character of animals (easier) E/C Second*, Listening - Les marionettes 2 MLAN 2-03 Understanding and answering questions about the colour, size and character of animals. This is quite difficult) E/C Second**, Writing - Dans la fontaine MLAN 2-12a Look at the fish and place an adjective or adverb that describes them (P6 animal words) Animal Talk Ball – ask children to respond with the correct word for the animal Animal Bingo- reinforce vocabulary through game of bingo Animal Flashcards – 24 animal pictures and names, A4 size E/C Second***, L&T- Cherchez le chat MLAN 2-01c Find an animal in a bedroom by understanding sentences using prepositions and names of household objects (easier than you think)
French Key Language & Resources Key Language - Year 6 (P6) Time Revise and add minutes past/to Maintenant/aujourd’hui on va apprendre/réviser l’heure Now/today we’re going to learn/revise time Il est sept heures vingt – It is twenty past seven Il est trois heures dix – It is ten past three Il est dix heures quarante- It is forty minutes past ten midi/minuit (m) – midday/midnight Resources - Year 6 (P6) Time MLPS 6/7 – Unit 15 – Telling the Time Daily Routine Time bag – match time words and numbers to time shown on clock. Revision from P4/5- E/C First *** L&T A l’heureMLAN2-01b (used in P4/5) E/C Second **, R – L’heure d’arrivée MLAN 2-08b To ask and say time with minutes En classe Flipbook- Teacher’s classroom commands
French Key Language & Resources Key Language - Year 7 (P7) Revision of Primary 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Key Language and extend where possible, i.e. weather, classroom objects , descriptions,etc. Freetime/Sport/Hobbies les loisirs- sparetime le sport – sport C’est quel sport? What sport is this ? C’est le foot/la natation- It is football/swimming les sports(similar to English) Le foot/football – football le tennis – tennis le ping-pong- table tennis le rugby – rugby le volley – volleyball le basket – basketball le badminton- badminton le golf – golf le hockey – hockey le judo – judo le karaté – karate le bowling – bowling le squash – squash le ski - ski la gymnastique - gymnastics (words not similar to English) le patin à glace – ice skating le patin à roulettes – roller skating le vélo – cycling la natation - swimming la course à pied - running la danse - dancing la danse classique- ballet l’équitation - horse riding Resources - Year 6 (P6) Use E/C resources listed in Primary 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Modern Languages in Primary School P6/7 – Unit 1 Freetime/Sport/Hobbies MLPS 6/7 – Unit 12 – Freetime/Sport/Hobbies E/C Second ** L&T- J’adore le sport MLAN 2-03b Identify word classes (nouns, verbs, articles) in a sport context. Flashcards
French Key Language & Resources Key Language - Year 7 (P7) Freetime/Sport/Hobbies (continued) le passe-temps- hobby le cinéma – cinema la télévision (télé) - television la lecture –reading la musique - music les jeux-vidéo – video games les jeux électroniques - computer games Je joue au foot/rugby/golf etc – I play football Je fais du vélo/du judo etc I go cycling/judo Je fais de l’équitation/de l’athlétisme I go horse riding/do athletics Je fais des promenades - I go walking Je regarde la télé - I watch the TV J’écoute de la musique - I listen to music Je joue à l’ordinateur – I play on the computer Je fais du shopping - I go shopping Je vais en ville – I go into town Je vais au cinéma - I go to the cinema Je vais à la piscine - I go swimming Resources - Year 7 (P7) Freetime/Sport/Hobbies (continued)
French Key Language & Resources Key Language - Year 7 (P7) Food and Drink Likes and dislikes, money and shopping Likes and Dislikes – On aime ou on n’aime pas J’aime/Je n’aime pas – I like/ I dislike J’’adore - I love Je déteste – I hate Tu aimes le / la / l’ / les …? Do you like …? Oui, j’aime/j’adore le / la / l’ / les …. Yes, I like /I love …. Non, je n’aime pas/je déteste … No, I dislike/I hate… Tu préfères le fromage ou la soupe? Do you prefer cheese or soup? Je préfère le fromage. I prefer cheese. Il /elle aime/adore/n’aime pas/déteste/préfère He/she likes/loves/dislikes/hates/prefers… Resources - Year 7 (P7) Food and Drink Likes and dislikes, money and shopping MLPS – Unit 17 – At the Café, Food, Drink, Snacks MLPS – Unit 18 - Likes/dislikes E/C Second *, L&T - le rouge adoré MLAN 2=01c Understand and express likes and dislikes about colour
French Key Language & Resources Key Language - Year 7 (P7) Food and Drink - At the Café le pain – bread le croissant – croissant le fromage – cheese le jambon – ham la tomate – tomato les frites – chips les pommes de terre – potatoes la carotte – carrot les chips – crisps l’œuf – egg le gâteau – cake la banane – banana la pizza – pizza la poire – pear la pomme – apple le hamburger - hamburger le chocolat - chocolate la glace - ice cream le poulet - chicken la soupe - soup le poisson - fish le sandwich - sandwich la limonade - lemonade l’eau - water le café - coffee/café le lait - milk le vin rouge/blanc – red/white wine le thé - tea Je voudrais…..s’il vous plaît. – I would like..…please Donnez-moi…..s’il vous plaît. Give me….please Resources - Year 7 (P7) Food and Drink - At the Café MLPS – Unit 17 – At the Café, Food, Drink, Snacks MLPS – Unit 18 - Likes/dislikes E/C Second *, L&T – Le rouge adoréMLAN 2-01c Understand and express likes and dislikes about colour E/C Second ***, L&T– Vous désirez? MLAN 2-01b Learn how to order food and pay for it in a café setting E/C Second **, L&T – Bon appétit MLAN 2-07b Identify word classes in a food context E/C Second ** L&T- Dans la cuisine MLAN 2-08b Get food ready for a party by understanding kitchen and food vocabulary Café Role Play – practise vocabulary through a café role play scenario Food & Drink/Fruit & Veg Talk Ball – ask children to respond with the correct word Food & Drink/Fruit & Veg Bingo- reinforce vocabulary through game of bingo Food & Drink/Fruit & Veg Flashcards – 24/22 pictures and names, A4 size Les Courses à faire – memory game
French Key Language & Resources Key Language - Year 7 (P7) Home Describing rooms/house type Time Revise and add quarter past/to et quart – and a quarter et demi/demie – half past (m/f) All hours are feminine/ midi/minuit are masculine moins - less Dix heures moins cinq – Five to ten Il est cinq heures moins le quart It is quarter to five From P6 – Revise and add minutes past/to Maintenant/aujourd’hui on va apprendre/réviser l’heure Now/today we’re going to learn/revise time Il est sept heures vingt – It is twenty past seven Il est trois heures dix – It is ten past three Il est dix heures quarante- It is forty minutes past ten midi/minuit (m) – midday/midnight Resources - Year 7 (P7) Home Describing rooms/house type Ma maison - take Sophie and Pierre on a trip around their home. Magnetic activity French Town Flashcards - 22 cards depicting typical shops and places in a French town Time Time bag – match time words and numbers to time shown on clock. (resource in P6) Revision from P4/5- E/C First *** L&T A l’heureMLAN2-01b (used in P4/5) E/C Second **, R – L’heure d’arrivée MLAN 2-08b To ask and say time with minutes ( in P6) E/C Second**, L&T - Samedi perdu MLAN 2-06a link times with phrases eg, du matin, du soir French Bunting
French Key Language & Resources Key Language - Year 7 (P7) Countries L’Ecosse – Scotland Le Pays de Galles – Wales L’Irlande du Nord – N Ireland L’Angleterre – England L’Irlande – Ireland La France – France La Belgique – Belgium L’Italie – Italy L’Espagne – Spain La Suisse – Switzerland L’Allemagne – Germany L’Autriche – Austria Les Pays Bas – the NetherlandsLe Portugal – Portugal Le Luxembourg – Luxembourg La Grèce – Greece La Russie – Russia La Suède – Sweden La Norvège – Norway Le Canada – Canada Les Etats-Unis – USA J’habite en France etc – I live in France etc J’habite au Canada – I live in Canada J’habite aux Etats-Unis – I live in the USA Je suis écossais(e), anglais(e), français(e), italien(e), belge, suisse, américain(e), I am Scottish, English, French, Italian, Belgian, Swiss, American Je parle anglais, français, allemand, italien, espagnol I speak English, French, German, Italian,Spanish Resources - Year 7 (P7) Countries * MLPS – Unit 10 - Countries E/C Second*** L&T– Le tour du mondeMLAN 2-03b recognise the names of Francophone countries in a meteorological context
French Key Language & Resources Key Language - Year 7 (P7) Revision from P6 and extension in following topics Family Introduced basics in P4 (immediate family) Descriptions Introduced in P6 Age Introduced basics in P 3 (number and age) Days of the week Introduced in P3 Pets Introduced in P6 Resources - Year 7 (P7) Revision from P6 and extension in following topics Family MLPS – Unit 3 – Family, brothers, sisters (P6) MLPS – Unit 4 – Introducing others, extended family, best friend E/C Second**, L&T - Toute la famille MLAN 2-03b family, age, colour clothes E/C Second***, Writing – Le look MLAN 2-13b placing nouns for clothing correctly with their articles Descriptions E/C Second***, L&T– Le vol à l’écoleMLAN 2-07b descriptions of people who work in school Days of the Week E/C Second*, L&T– Cette semaine MLAN 2-03b Fill in a diary of activities by listening to sentences Pets E/C Second**, Writing - Dans la fontaine MLAN 2-12a look at the fish and place and adjective or adverb that describes them En Classe Flipbook- Teacher’s classroom commands
French Key Language & Resources Key Language - Primary Resources – Primary Books Dictionaries French on Display – Belair book Festivals and Food – book Singing French – simple songs to learn 100 + Ideas for practising Modern Foreign Languages Idées pratiques pour la classe de francais Extras French Fun - contains activities for a variety of topics and 12 interactive whiteboard charts (cd) Allons-y Dominos – travel and geographical vocabulary and images French Bunting
French Key Language & Resources Key Language - Primary Resources - Primary