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“ Drawing your Mobility Map” ( cf. A. Gohard-Radenkovic )

“ Drawing your Mobility Map” ( cf. A. Gohard-Radenkovic ). Meertalige competencies & interculturele mediation Utrecht 2010. The aim of this exercise is. to discover your own linguistic resources,

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“ Drawing your Mobility Map” ( cf. A. Gohard-Radenkovic )

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  1. “Drawing your Mobility Map”(cf. A. Gohard-Radenkovic) Meertalige competencies & interculturele mediation Utrecht 2010 M-C. Kok Escalle

  2. The aim of this exercise is • to discover your own linguistic resources, • to identify the social and cultural values that we unconsciously and spontaneous carry on representing the other, • to formulate your experience of otherness (looking at the other and feeling self as other). M-C. Kok Escalle

  3. Activity 1 Draw the mapping of your moving, inside or outside your country (trips, travels, staying in other countries) M-C. Kok Escalle

  4. Activity 2 Qualify (with keywords) your feelings and the image you had/have of the other and the one the other had of you [in the different places] M-C. Kok Escalle

  5. Consider the languages which whom you came in contact. Give them a place on your map. M-C. Kok Escalle

  6. Choose a title for your map. M-C. Kok Escalle

  7. Activity 3 Present your mobility map to your neighbour and answer his/her questions about your map M-C. Kok Escalle

  8. Stay still, noticing the complexity of your history and experience of the other. M-C. Kok Escalle

  9. Activity 4(to be done) Translate your drawn mapping in a short essay, writing your experience of mobility and trying to understand the influence it had on the representation of the other. M-C. Kok Escalle

  10. Awareness Be aware of your multilingual &(pluri)cultural capital, building “your relation to otherness” • Mobility capital • Linguistic repertoire • Symbolic capital • [Gautheron-Boutchatsky, C. 2004] M-C. Kok Escalle

  11. Give a small presentation of your multilingual &pluricultural experience in your language biography. M-C. Kok Escalle

  12. Link met de cursus • Een moeilijk voor te leggen ervaring / experience • Een aangeboden contract: een (relationeel en collectief) onderzoeksproces over • « We there » • « They here » • « We all there » • « We all here and there » [Salo-Lee, L. 2007] M-C. Kok Escalle

  13. Een corpus bouwen en anayseren • Enqueteren • De ander vragen stellen • Zich vragen stellen M-C. Kok Escalle

  14. Aandachtspunten 3 factoren die een bijzondere rol spelen in de relatie tot de ander (vreemde): • De taal • de aangeleerde/bestaande stereotypen • de competentie tot mediation M-C. Kok Escalle

  15. ontdekkingsproces • Vragen stellen zowel aan de ander als aan zichzelf • Ontdekken dat « de ander, ben ik » (MA ICC student 2009-2010) M-C. Kok Escalle

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