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UNCTAD. Trade , Environment and Development. ISO 14001 Standards for Environmental Management Systems. Module 6. Background.
UNCTAD Trade , Environment and Development ISO 14001 Standards for Environmental Management Systems Module 6
Background • Environmental Management Systems (EMS) are a potential useful instrument for companies to reduce the environmental impacts of their operations and to gain competitiveness • There is considerable interest in ISO 14000 standards, developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), including in devloping countries • There is little empirical evidence of the trade effects of ISO 14001 • The private sector and Governments need objective information and analysis TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
Objectives • To raise awareness and enhance understanding of the possibilities and challenges that ISO 14001 poses for developing country companies and their governments • This should assist government policy-makers and industry associations • To inform themselves about ISO 14001 issues and stimulate a dialogue at the national level • To set priorities and shape policies and strategies concerning implementation issues at the national level TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
Objectives • TrainforTrade 2000 workshops may result in recommendations for follow-up actions in the area of EMS • It should be noted, however, that this module and related UNCTAD or CBTF projects are not intended to assist companies in installing environmental management systems and/or achieving their certification against an international standard. Neither are they intended to develop pilot schemes TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
Structure of this presentation [1] • How do environmental management systems operate? • What are the costs and benefits of using EMS and ISO 14001? • How could ISO 14001 affect trade? • What are the key certification and accreditation issues for developing countries? • Do small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) have similar chances as large companies to obtain ISO 14001 certification? TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
Structure of this presentation [2] • How can governments in developing countries promote the effective use of EMS? • To what extent do transnational corporations (TNCs) use ISO 14001 and to what extent do they encourage their affiliates/or and suppliers in developing countries to implement an EMS? TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
How do environmental management systems operate? TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
ISO 14000 series of international standards for environmental management systems Environmental management systems • ISO 14001 Specification with guidance for use • ISO 14004 General guidelines on principles, systems and supporting techniques Guidelines for environmental auditing • ISO 14010 General principles • ISO 14011 Audit procedures - Auditing of environmental management systems • ISO 14012 Qualification criteria for environmental auditors TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
ISO 9000 Viet Nam ISO 9000 World ISO 14001 Viet Nam ISO 14001 World 1995 1 127,349 - 257 1996 1 162,701 - 1,491 1997 13 223,299 - 4,433 1998 29 271,847 2 7,887 1999 164 343,643 9 14,106 2000 184 408,631 9 22,897 ISO 9000 and 14001 certified companiessource: ISO TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
What is an Environmental Management System (EMS)? • A tool to manage environmental aspects of a company’s operations • Based on guidelines that a company can adhere to on a voluntary basis, in order to control its environmental impacts on the basis of self-determined environmental policy and objectives • British BS 7750, 1992 • European Union Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), 1993 • ISO 14001 has been developed as an international standard to avoid the proliferation of different EMS standards TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
Core Elements Five core elements should be implemented: • an environmental policy • environmental planning • implementation and operation • regular checking and corrective action • a management review TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
Environmental policy • Statement by the organization of its intentions and principles in relation to its overall environmental performance. • The environmental policy must commit the organization to • regulatory compliance • pollution prevention • “continual improvement” • It must also be appropriate to the nature and scale of the organization’s operations TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
Why do companies want to use EMS/ISO 14001? • Environmental performance • Economic benefits • Trade considerations • Corporate image TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
ISO certified companies in the Republic of Korea • Environmentally sensitive industries (e.g. chemicals) seeking to improve their environmental image • Export-oriented industries (e.g. electronics) preparing to deal with potential trade barriers • Large firms committed to maintaining high environmental standards and meeting shareholders’ expectations TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
To what extent does ISO 14001 contribute to environmental improvement at the company level? • The ISO 14001 standard does not state specific environmental performance criteria • An effective EMS assists an company in formulating an environmental policy and setting corresponding objectives, taking into account legislative requirements and information about significant environmental aspects of its activities TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
What is the role of ISO 14001 in environmental policy making? • Complementarity between voluntary standards on EMS and regulatory measures • Potential to improve regulatory compliance • ISO 14001 has been criticised by some NGOs: • compliance • measurable improvement in environmental performance • third party verification of the audit • public reporting • public participation TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
What are the costs and benefits of using EMS and ISO 14001? TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
Costs of implementing EMS and ISO 14001 certification • The costs of installing an EMS or upgrading an existing management system to the requirements of ISO 14001 e.g. setting up and maintaining an EMS, hiring consultants, meeting company-determined performance goals • The costs of certification of the EMS against the ISO 14001 standard TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
Costs of implementing EMS costs of installing an EMS vary considerably from case to case, depending on: • The initial conditions within an organization • Conditions external to the organization TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
Volvo claims that EMSs • Provide a basis for effective environmental programmes • Reduce costs in the longer term • Encourage continuous improvement and reduce environmental impact • Bring order to environmental activities • Reduce the risk of legal contraventions • Improve credibility through third‑party inspection • Are essential for securing certain orders, thereby generating revenue • Reinforce corporate image Source: VOLVO homepage TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
More empirical evidence is needed • As yet, not much empirical evidence exists about the actual costs and benefits of EMS, especially not in developing countries • There is a need for more empirical studies on costs and benefits of installing and maintaining an EMS in the case of developing countries TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
How could ISO 14001 affect trade? TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
Trade implications of ISO 14001 • Presence in the market place • Market pressure • Market opportunities • Can ISO 14001 be a barrier to trade? TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
Presence in the market place • Some 23,000 companies • ISO 14001 certification is growing quickly • There is also considerable interest in developing countries • Many companies appear to have adopted a “wait and see” attitude, in particular with regard to certification TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
Market pressure • Supplier requirements • Although some large companies encourage their suppliers to certify against ISO 14001, there is scant evidence that ISO certification will become a supplier condition • Suppliers and subcontractors may prefer to seek ISO 14001 certification to avoid plant visits or complex questionnaires • Supply chain management of TNCs could have some effect • Public procurement TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
Market pressure • UNCTAD Expert Group Meeting: • Pressures on developing country suppliers to demonstrate ISO 14001 certification could result in barriers to trade and/or detract from the environmental objectives of setting up an EMS • Companies in developed countries should establish a supportive cooperation with their suppliers in developing countries in the area of EMS implementation. • TNCs could play an important role in this regard TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
Market opportunities • Seeking ISO 14001 certification in the expectation that certification by itself may be a ticket to market access and increased market shares is not necessarily a good idea • Do what extent ISO 14001 certification will assist developing country companies to strengthen market positions, even if customers do not require certification, is difficult to predict TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
Can ISO 14001 constitute a barrier to trade? • Despite being voluntary nature, ISO 14001 certification may become a de facto condition for doing business, at least in certain sectors • This may then result in a de facto barrier to trade if companies have difficulties in obtaining certification • Associated costs? • Do small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) face particular difficulties? TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
What are the key certification and accreditation issues for developing countries?
Certification issues [1] • Costs of certification • Acceptance of ISO 14001 certificates • Mutual recognition • Accreditation TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
Certification issues [2] • Certification can be relatively expensive, particularly if national certification and accreditation bodies are non-existent, or if self-certification or certification by national bodies is not accepted in overseas markets • The costs of certification carried out by local ISO registrars in developing countries tend to be much lower. • Several developing countries have already established conformity assessment systems to enable certification by local bodies. TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
Certification issues [3] • Pilot projects have played a useful role in this regard • The international value of ISO 14001 certification, however, depends on the confidence that others have in the body that performs the certification, and in the process it uses • Non-acceptance is relatively small, but most of the reported cases affect developing countries TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
Mutual recognition and harmonization • Mutual recognition of certification systems could be promoted at the bilateral and regional level • Initiatives are being undertaken to develop an internationally recognized certification system • This would support universal recognition of ISO certifications. TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
Do SMEs have similar chances as large companies to obtain ISO 14001 certification?
Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) • SMEs may face specific problems with EMS • Lack of financial resources and qualified personnel • Difficult access to information • Resistance to change • Costs of setting up the system and certification • Few SMEs have an environmental policy in place • Identification of environmental legislation • Identification of environmental impacts of activities • ISO has not recognized need for special EMS standard for SMEs TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
SMEs and ISO 14001 [2] • In the short run, the implementation of EMS will depend largely on demands by large organisations, e.g. TNC subsidiaries imposing requirements on local suppliers • Large organisations, however, can also assist SMEs in complying with the requirements of ISO 14001 • In addition, cooperation among SMEs may assist in resolving certain problems and in reducing costs. For example SMEs in specific sectors and geographical areas could cooperate in identifying the environmental aspects and impacts of their activities and information on legal requirements. Cooperation in staff training could also be explored TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
How can governments in developing countries promote the effective use of EMS? TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
Promoting the implementation of EMS UNCTAD Expert Meeting recommended: • Awareness raising among stakeholders • Identification of sources and dissemination of information • Creation of infrastructure, training auditors and consultants • Access to and transfer of environmentally sound technology • Assistance in developing and implementing related legislation • Support for participation in relevant forums and for sharing experiences with implementation of EMS TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
Pilot schemes • Pilot schemes may be an effective means to improve understanding of EMS and to gain practical experience • They provide opportunities for mutual learning by certification bodies and the business community • In several developing countries pilot, schemes were put in place prior to the official publication of ISO 14001 to prepare the national certification bodies and industry TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
To what extent do TNCs use ISO 14001 and to what extent do they encourage their affiliates/or and suppliers in developing countries to implement an EMS? TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
Disclaimer • This section examines, by way of example, the stated policies of some large TNCs regarding the use of EMS by their subsidiaries and suppliers in developing countries, based on a quick examination of their environmental reports • Clearly, this annex does not result of empirical analysis and therefore it does not draw any conclusion on the extent to which TNCs in general contribute to the wider use of EMS and their continuous improvement in developing countries • Rather it seeks to stimulate debate and research TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
STRATEGIES OF TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS (TNCs) • Approaches towards the use of EMS by subsidiaries in developing countries • Standardization • Differentiation • Approaches towards suppliers TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
Management Systems of TNCs • Many companies have added environmental considerations to existing management systems aimed at promoting health and safety: they have developed integrated Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) management system • Several TNCs report that their internal EMS standards are largely compatible with ISO 14001 or more stringent in the sense that they also include performance requirements TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
Dow Chemical • It is Dow Chemical’s sated policy that all global operations meet Dow’s Environmental Management Standard or their country’s laws and regulations, whichever is more stringent TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
Hoechst Marion Roussel • Hoechst Marion Roussel (HMR) encourages all production facilities to develop an integrated EH&S system • It will be up to the local management to choose between EMAS, ISO 14001 certification or an internal EMS TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
SHELL • Shell has developed a Health, Safety and Environmental Management System (HSE-MS) • Each year all Shell companies must submit a letter confirming the status and effectiveness of their systems • Shell will make its HSE-MS compatible with ISO 14001, enabling Shell companies to seek ISO 14001 certification if they wish TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
HENKEL • Henkel developed an integrated, process-oriented management system for safety, health, environment and quality (SHEQ). According to Henkel, this system covers all requirements of: • The Responsible Care initiative • EMAS • ISO 14001 • ISO 9001 • “An important follow-up step is the development of quantitative SHEQ performance indicators, as well as their group-wide application and harmonization” TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
Hoechst Group • According to the “Principles and Responsibilities”, the Group companies will implement effective EHS management systems and develop EHS targets to work towards best practice in their industry group • Hoechst AG will periodically audit the EHS management systems of the Group companies • The operating companies are obliged to report externally and internally on their EHS performance TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
ABB (Asea Brown Boveri) • Its environmental report argues that “the process of certifying companies to this standard is an important aspect of technology sharing in ABB today, particularly for companies in emerging markets which often have little experience with international certification procedures” TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development
Supplier requirements • Anecdotal evidence suggests that while most TNCs may not require there suppliers to be ISO 14001 certified, several TNCs encourage their suppliers to seek ISO 14001 certification or to apply environmental management practices which are similar to their own TrainforTrade: Trade, Environment and Development