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As its name indicates, a REST API facilitates client server communication based on REST technology. REST is a stateless but cacheable technology. It enables developers to use REST client to access and present the resources provided by REST server. They can even identify individual resources like text, XML and JSON by their unique URIs or Global IDs.<br>
What Do Web Developers need to know about REST API?
➢ Developed Based on REST Architecture As As its its name communication communication based cacheable cacheable technology technology.. It It enables and and present present the the resources identify identify individual individual resources URIs URIsor orGlobal GlobalIDs IDs.. name indicates, indicates, a a REST based on on REST REST API REST technology technology.. REST enables developers developers to to use resources provided provided by by REST resources like like text, text, XML API facilitates facilitates client REST is is a a stateless use REST REST client REST server server.. They XML and and JSON JSON by by their client server stateless but client to to access They can can even their unique server but access even unique
➢ Unique Characteristics: Unlike Unlike other architecture architecture style different different from constraints constraints like developers developers need backend backend functionalities functionalities.. But separated separated.. Likewise, Likewise, they any anydata dataon onthe theserver other APIs, style.. The from other like stateless, need to to use APIs, a a REST The constraints constraints of of REST other APIs APIs.. A A REST stateless, cacheable, cacheable, and use a a client client to to handle But they they can can enable serverbetween betweentwo REST API API must must adhere adhere to to the REST architecture architecture styles REST API API needs needs to to be be designed and client client- -server handle frontend frontend and they have have option option to to keep enable the the client client to to cache tworequests requests.. key constraints constraints of of RESTful styles make make REST designed based based on on key server.. The The web web application and a a server server to to handle keep the the client client and cache responses, responses, but the key RESTful REST APIs APIs key application handle the and server server but cannot cannot store the store
➢ Access Resources through HTTP Standard Methods REST REST technology technology used using using a a REST REST API, resource resource..Also, Also,they methods methods like like GET, they they can can use use PUT resources, resources, GET GET to to provide remove removeresources resources.. used HTTP HTTP protocol API, the the developers developers can theyneed needto toaccess accessthe GET, POST, POST, PUT, PUT, DELETE PUT for for creating creating new provideread read- -only protocol for for data can treat theresources resourcesthrough DELETE and and OPTIONS new resources, resources, POST only access access to to resources, data communications communications.. While treat each each component component as as a a throughHTTP HTTPstandard OPTIONS.. For POST to to update update existing resources, and and DELETE While standard For instance, instance, existing DELETE to to
➢ Use Open Protocols and Standards: A A REST REST API developers developers can applications applications and easier easierfor forprogrammers programmersto tofacilitate different different programming programminglanguages make make web web applications applications communicate platform platform.. API is is developed developed as as a a collection can use use REST REST API and systems systems through collection of of open API to to make make a a web through open open protocols facilitatecommunication communicationbetween languages..Likewise, Likewise,the communicate with with each open standards standards and web application application interact protocols.. The The open betweenapplications theprogrammers programmerscan each other other regardless regardless of of the and protocols protocols.. The interact with with various open standards standards make applicationswritten canuse useREST the underlying The various make it it writtenin in RESTAPI APIto to underlying
➢ Work with Cloud Platforms and Applications The The REST REST API with with various various cloud provided provided by by major services services including including lower stateless statelesscomponents componentsto toscale of of the the website website.. The used usedcloud cloudcomputing computingmodels API makes makes it it easier cloud- -based based applications major cloud cloud service lower cost scalethe The web web developers modelslike easier for for developers developers to to make applications.. The service providers providers to to leverage cost and and enhanced enhanced scalability thecloud cloudresources resourcesaccording developers can can even even use likeInfrastructure Infrastructureas asa aService make web developers can leverage key scalability.. They accordingto tovarying use the the APIs APIs to to work Service(IaaS) web applications applications interact can avail avail the the REST key benefits benefits of of cloud They can can even varyinguser work with (IaaS).. interact REST APIs cloud even use userload with widely widely The developers APIs use load
➢ Create Your Own REST API: In Inaddition additionto tousing create create custom custom REST on on the the six six key interface, interface, layered practices practices and and use guide guideto tobuilding buildingrestful to tomake makeweb webapplications languages languagesand andrunning of of third third- -party party REST management managementsystems, create createcustom customREST usinga anumber REST APIs APIs to to meet key constraints constraints of of REST layered system, system, and use robust robust tools restfulAPIs applicationsinteract runningon onvarying REST APIs APIs provided systems,and andcloud RESTAPIs APIsbased numberof ofthird meet their third- -party their precise precise needs REST technology technology – – client and code code on on demand demand.. Also, tools to to accelerate accelerate development APIswith withLaravel Laravel..On interactseamlessly seamlesslywith varyingplatforms platforms..They provided by by social social networking cloudservice serviceproviders providers..At Atthe basedaccording accordingto totheir partyREST APIs,the They can client- -server, Also, they they can development of of custom Onthe thewhole, whole,the withapplications applicationswritten Theyalso alsohave haveoption networking platforms, thesame theirprecise preciseneeds RESTAPIs, needs.. They theweb webdevelopers developerseven can create create custom server, stateless, stateless, cacheable, can implement implement a a number custom REST REST APIs theweb webdevelopers developerscan writtenin indifferent optionto tochoose choosefrom platforms, search search engines, sametime, time,the theweb webdevelopers needs.. evenhave REST APIs cacheable, uniform number of of best APIs.. Here Here is is a a brief canuse useREST RESTAPIs differentprogramming programming froma awide engines, content developerscan haveoption optionto to APIs based uniform custom REST based best brief APIs widerange range content caneven even
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