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Hinduism. 1 of the oldest religion-founded in India The Roots of Hinduism 4 Vedas-“Books of knowledge” Contain hymns & prayers to the deities Gods or goddesses Students memorized the verses At 1 st -Only spoken Later written in Sanskrit & memorized. Hinduism. Beliefs of Hinduism

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hinduism • 1 of the oldest religion-founded in India • The Roots of Hinduism • 4 Vedas-“Books of knowledge” • Contain hymns & prayers to the deities • Gods or goddesses • Students memorized the verses • At 1st-Only spoken • Later written in Sanskrit & memorized

  2. Hinduism • Beliefs of Hinduism • The soul survives death to be reborn into a new body • Reincarnation-the cycle rebirth • The soul carries karma from 1 life to the next • Karma is a force created by good & bad acts that ppl. do

  3. Hinduism • The Caste System • Four social classes called the varnas • Brahmins-Priests & Scholars • Kshatriyas-Warriors & Rulers • Vaisyas-Artisans-skilled workers, farmers, & merchants • Sudras-Servants & laborers

  4. Bell Work • This is a review • What is an empire?

  5. Bell Work • Complete the jig-saw activity • You have 5 minutes! • What is something new you learned about Hinduism?

  6. Early Indian Empires

  7. The 1st Indian Empire • Raja- Ruler • Chandragupta Maurya ruled in 321 B.C. • Centralized gov’t-Ruled from Ganges River Valley • Collected taxes-pay for projects • Postal system created • Well-paved roadways-Connected parts of India

  8. The 1st Indian Empire • India’s Greatest Emperor • Chandragupta Maurya’s grandson Asoka- ruler in 273 B.C. • 1st thing did-attacked another kingdom • Horrified at the killing • He became a Buddhist & gave up war • Ppl. allowed to practice own religion • 40 yrs. of prosperity/peace • Center of trade in Mediterranean world

  9. The Buddha’s Teachings • The Story of a Prince • Indian queen had a dream about her son • If left family=a great teacher • If stayed w/family=a great king • Siddhartha grew up as a prince & left 1 day to explore • He saw ppl. suffering & so he left to learn more • Left wife & son to learn more

  10. The Buddha’s Teachings • The Story of a Prince • Started to meditate • Learned that suffering was based on the people’s desires • If could get rid of desires=get rid of suffering • Became known as Buddha or “Enlightened One” • His lessons became the basis for Buddhism

  11. Assignment • Your assignment will be to read the assigned section on either pg. 62 or 63 & take notes on it • 4 people will read “A New Empire” • 5 people will read “Gupta Achievements”

  12. The Buddha’s Teachings • The Four Noble Truths(Heart of Teachings) • Life is full of suffering • Ppl. suffer because of their wants & needs • The way of ending suffering is to stop desiring things • The way to stop one’s desires is to follow the Eightfold Path

  13. Bell Work • Who is Buddha?

  14. The Buddha’s Teachings • The Eightfold Path • Know & understand the Four Noble Truths • Give up worldly things, & don’t harm others • Tell the truth, don’t gossip, & don’t speak badly of others • Don’t commit evil acts, like killing, stealing, or living an unclean act

  15. The Buddha’s Teachings • The Eightfold Path • Do rewarding work that does not involve harming any living thing • Work for good & oppose evil • Control your thoughts & feelings • Practice meditation as a way of understanding reality

  16. The Buddha’s Teachings • The Eightfold Path • A way to free people from their desires & achieve enlightenment • Understanding truth of all things-nirvana • Reincarnation=a belief of Buddhism • Respect for all life

  17. The Gupta Empire • A New Empire

  18. The Gupta Empire • Gupta Achievements

  19. The Gupta Empire • Here is a primary source that describes what the Gupta empire looked like in ancient India

  20. The Gupta Empire • Jainism • Founded around 600 B.C. • Teaches ahimsa-nonviolence toward humans & all other living things • Mohandas Gandhi & Martin Luther King Jr. used ahimsa for their movements

  21. The 1st Indian Empire • India’s Greatest Emperor (starts on page 59)

  22. The Buddha’s Teachings • The Story of a Prince (starts on page 60)

  23. Assignment • Your assignment will be to read the assigned section on either pg. 62 or 63 & take notes on it • 2 people will read “A New Empire” • 3 people will read “Gupta Achievements”

  24. Today • You are going to help me fill in the PowerPoint!

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