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Scientific Method

Scientific Method. Step 1: Observe. Before you start to do, you need to observe! This is critical when it comes to creating your hypothesis. Observe with 4 senses (eyes, ears, nose, touch). We do not taste anything in science!. Your paper should look like… Observation of unfortunate death

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Scientific Method

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Scientific Method

  2. Step 1: Observe • Before you start to do, you need to observe! This is critical when it comes to creating your hypothesis. • Observe with 4 senses (eyes, ears, nose, touch). We do not taste anything in science!

  3. Your paper should look like… Observation of unfortunate death Observations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

  4. Things to look for… • What type of shoe prints are there? • What is the spacing of the prints? • What is around the pig? • Is there anything else that you notice? • Do you smell anything?

  5. -Look at your observations and decide what you think happened to the pig. -You must site evidence from your observations! -Complete sentences, please. 3 sentence minimum.

  6. 3 sentence format I think… I think this because I observed…

  7. Step 2: Hypothesis • Educated guess based on observations. • It does not have to be in the form of “if…then…” • I want the hypothesis to be a complete sentence explaining what you think will happen during the experiment based on observations made. • Hypothesis sorting activity

  8. Your paper should look like this… Hypothesis or nah? Yes No Do not glue until you have been checked off!!!!!!

  9. Step 3: Create the experiment • You will need the process of how you will test your hypothesis • You will need an independent variable, a dependent, and a control before you create the process of the experiement

  10. Types of Variables • Independent Variable: What YOU change/control to test your hypothesis • Dependent Variable: What changes BECAUSE OF the independent variable • Control: What stays the same throughout the entire experiment

  11. Your paper should look like…. Types of Variables Glue half sheet here Independent Dependent Do NOT glue until you’ve been checked off!

  12. Summary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8wi0QnYN6s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chT1xqfxVuY

  13. Mythbusters- NASA Hoax Observations made by “theorists”: Hypothesis: How were these “hoaxes” tested: Results of tests: Conclusion (some of this will be your own opinion):

  14. Gummy Bear Experiment Observations of liquids Hypothesis based on observations: Determine your variables (independent, dependent, control): Create your graph (line graph- label x and y axis): Start your test: Analyze the data: Conclusion:

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