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ITALCEMENTI BUZZI UNICEM EWC agreements - NEW EWC DIRECTIVE. Trevi, April 16, 2009. EFBWW/FETBB. European Industry Federation for the construction industry, the building materials industry, the wood and furniture industry and the forestry industry.
EFBWW/FETBB • European Industry Federation for the construction industry, the building materials industry, the wood and furniture industry and the forestry industry. • The EFBWW has 74 affiliated unions in 30 countries and represents a total of 2,350,000 members. • The EFBWW is a member organisation of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and has its headquarters in Brussels.
EFBWW/FETBB • General Assembly every 4 years • Executive Committee (meets twice a year) • Management Committee (meets twice a year before the ExCo meetings) • 2 Standing Committees (Building and Wood) • 1 Health & Safety working group • 1 Multiproject Coordinators Group (EWCs)
EFBWW/FETBB • President: Domenico PESENTI (Italy) • 1° Vice President: Luc Van Dessel (Belgium) • 2° Vice President: Hans Tilly (Sweden) • General Secretary: Sam Hägglund (Sweden)
ITALCEMENTI 1864: Italcementi Foundation End of ’80s: first internationalization initiatives April 1992: Take over of Ciments Français (globalization process) BUZZI UNICEM 1907: Buzzi Foundation 1872: Unicem Foundation 1999: Buzzi-Unicem 2004: Take over of Dyckerhoff A.G. (founded in 1864) HISTORY
ITALCEMENTI Multinational enterprise of cement, ready mix and aggregates (5° in the world) Employs 23,000 workers Present in 22 countries in 4 continents of the world: EU perimeter: Italy, France, Belgium, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria. Other European countries: Albania, Cyprus, Turkey Asia: Saudi Arabia, China, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand Africa: Egypt, Gambia, Mauritania, Morocco North America: Canada and U.S.A. BUZZI UNICEM International multi-regional enterprise of cement, ready mix and aggregates. Employs 11,000 workers Present in 11 countries in the world: EU perimeter: Italy, Germany, Poland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Czech Republic and Slovakia. Other countries: Russia, Ukraine, Mexico and USA.
EWC agreement signed in June, 1995 (art. 13) Renewed in 2003 and 2007 Next renewal: 2011 EWC agreement signed in June, 2008 (art. 6) Next renewal: 2012 EWC agreements
ITALCEMENTI:26 11 Italy 8 France (1 cadre) 2 Belgium 2 Spain 1 Greece 2 Bulgaria BUZZI UNICEM: 15 6 Italy (1 cadre) 4 Germany 1 Poland 1 Czech Rep 1 the Netherland 1 Luxembourg 1 Slovakia EWC Compostion
Italcementi: 5 1 Italy 1 France 1 Belgium 1 Spain Secretary: from one of the Italian TUs The Italian EWCs coordinator is invited on behalf of EFBWW Buzzi Unicem: 5 2 Italy 2 Germany Secretary: from one of the Italian TUs The Italian EWCs coordinator is invited on behalf of EFBWW Select Committee Composition
Italcementi: 1 EWC annual meeting (possibility of a 2° annual meeting if needed to be agreed in advance with the Management) 2 EWC Select Committe meetings Possibility of an extraordinary meeting when needed Buzzi Unicem: 1 EWC annual meeting 2 EWC Select Committe meetings Possibility of an extraordinary meeting when needed Meetings
Items for EWC meetings • In both Italcementi and Buzzi Unicem EWC meetings: • - production and sales final figures and their probable evolution; • economic outcome; • employment situation and its probable evolution; • relevant investments and important and substancial technological innovations that may affect occupational levels and/or organisation and working methods; • enterprises and establishments’ restructurings and transfers of production that may affect the employment in general; • vocational training; • Health and Safety at workplace initiatives; • environmental issues with particular reference to sustainable development initiatives. • Corporate Social Responsibility
Italcementi: Confidential information: SNB and EWC members, all those attending the meetings are not authorised to reveal to third parties, information received in confidence by the Management Buzzi Unicem: Confidential information: SNB and EWC members, experts who assist them and all those attending the meetings are not authorised to reveal to third parties, not employed in the undertakings of the Group, information received in confidence and defined and justified in such way, by the Management. Confidentiality
Communication • Both for Italcementi and Buzzi Unicem Ewc members: • In order to make communication among the EWC members easier, they are entitled to use information systems (computer, printer, ext..) available in the dedicated trade union reps’ rooms or at their working position.
SNB: possibility forrequesting assistance by represetatives of competent recognised Community-level TU organisations Italcementi SNB (1995) was composed of workers reps, Italian TUs at national level and Management Buzzi Unicem SNB (2008) was composed of workers reps(15), Italian TUs at national level (5), a German TU rep, EFBWW rep and Management
Trade unions’ presence is foreseen in the negotiation and renegotiations phases (SNB)Italcementi:At the annual EWC meetings composed of the preparatory, plenary and follow-up sessions, a trade union rep at national level for each Italian TU organisation (3), and the Italian EWCs coordinator (on behalf of EFBWW) will be invited Buzzi Unicem: see above “plus together with an external expert chosen by the EWC”
Transnational character: matters which concern the entire undertaking or a group or at least 2 Member StatesItalcementi: as described in the new Ewc DirectiveBuzzi Unicem: Buzzi Ewc members will receive information and will be consulted on initiatives concerning potential effects on workforce even if just one country is involved.The information has to be given simultaneously at national and transnational level
Information shall be given in order to enable workers’ reps to acquaint with the subject matter and examine it, at such time, fashion and with content as are appropriate to undertake an in-depth assessment and prepare for consultations Both for Italcementi and Buzzi Unicem:Managements will send at least 30 days before the annual EWC meeting the documents concerning the information-consultation matters together with the agenda, date and venue of the meeting in all the Ewc members’ languages
EWC members have the possibility to be assisted by expertsItalcementi: On specific matters, the EWC, through its select committee, can request an external expert assistance for the preparatory session, agreed in advance with the Management. His fee will be paid by the Management.Buzzi Unicem: Buzzi Ewc members have the possibility to consult an external expert, chosen by them (paid by the Management) who can actively attend all the meetings (preparatory, plenary, follow-up, extraordinary) and take part in all the items of the agendaExternal expert max fee per day: € 800,00
The right for Ewc members to be trainedBoth for Italcementi and Buzzi UnicemThe EWC Select Committee and the Management will verify the possibility of training seminars on workers’ reps interest, also co-financed by the EC through project submission.
BWI – Building and Wood workers International • BWI is the Global Union Federation grouping free and democratic unions with members in the Building, Building Materials, Wood, Forestry and Allied sectors. The BWI groups together around 318 trade unions representing around 12 million members in 130 countries. The Headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland. Regional Offices are located in Panama and Malaysia, South Africa, India, Australia, Burkina Faso, Bulgaria, Lebanon, Kenya, South Korea, Russia, Argentina, Peru and Brazil. BWI mission is to promote the development of trade unions in the sectors throughout the world and to promote and enforce workers rights in the context of sustainable development.
Italcementi and IFA • IFA is based on the signatories’ joint commitment to respect basic human and trade union rights according to the fundamental principles of human rights as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, ILO Conventions and the OECD guidelines on Multinational Companies.
Italcementi and IFA • In June, 2008 an IFA was signed by Italcementi Management, a BWI representative, the Italian TUs at national level and the Italcementi EWC, through its Select Committee. • Italcementi Group, through this IFA, commits itself to promote these principles with its subsidiaries, contractors, subcontractors and suppliers.