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Institute of Geology and Geography Vilnius. Sea level changes and coastal evolution in the southeastern Baltic. L. Ž. Gelumbauskaitė, J. Šečkus.
Institute of Geology and Geography Vilnius Sea level changes and coastal evolution in the southeastern Baltic L. Ž. Gelumbauskaitė, J. Šečkus Modeling of the coastal evolution in the southeastern part of the Baltic Sea has special interest in last years. New data occurred after interpretation of geoseismic profile in Klaipėda - Dreverna area. These data let us to reconstruct water level changes in Late Pleistocene – Holocene time (Gelumbauskaitė 2000; Gelumbauskaitė et al. 2005). Reconstruction of paleorelief in Late Glacial – Holocene time of Curonian Lagoon has been done. 3 D models of the paleorelief for Baltic Ice Lake and Ancylus Lake stages were interpreted (Gelumbauskaitė et al. 2005). Two new geophysical profiles interpreted in last months and cores where pollen and spore analysis were done let us to reconstruct 3D paleorelief models not only for Curonian Lagoon but for south eastern part of the Baltic Sea (Gdansk Deep, Klaipėda Bank) as well. Surfaces of four different Baltic Sea developments stages (Baltic Ice Lake, Yoldia Sea, Ancylus Lake and Litorina-Postlitorina) were created. Curves of sea level changes in Lithuanian area have been reconstructed. All above mentioned data later will be used for creation of the 4 D (space/time) model for the southeastern part of the Baltic Sea (Harff et al. 2001; Meyer 2003, Meyer et al. 2005) Gelumbauskaitė, L.-Ž. 2000. Late- and Postglacial Palaeogeomorphology on the Klaipėda Submarine Slope, Southeastern Baltic Sea. Baltica,Vol. 13, 36-43. Gelumbauskaitė, L.-Ž., Šečkus, J. 2005. Late Quaternary Shore Formations of the Baltic Basins in the Lithuanian Sector. Geologija, No. 52, 34-45. Gelumbauskaitė, L.-Ž., Šečkus, J. 2005. Late Glacial—Holocene History in Curonian Lagoon (Lithuanian sector). Baltica,Vol. 18(2), 77-82. Harff, J., Frischbutter, A., Lampe, R., Meyer, M. 2001. Sea Level Change in the Baltic Sea – Interrelation of Climatic and Geological Processes. In Gerhard, J., Harrison, W.E., Hanson, B.M. (Eds.): Geological Perspectives of Climate Change. Tulsa, Oklahoma: AAPG Studies in Geology 47, 231-250.