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This report details the progress of the BESIII collaboration construction, management plans, and key appointments. Includes updates on the mechanical structure of EMC, funding status, and appointment procedures for key roles.
Report to the collaboration Yifang Wang IHEP
Progress of the construction • SSM: Valve box successful, magnet cool down in mid June • Mechanical structure of EMC: under manufacture • Schedule: Keep on • Funding: Keep on
EB meetings • Website • Computing • Progress of construction • Management plan
A Proposalfor theBESIII Management Yifang Wang
Management structure EB Spokespersons Technical coordinator Technical board Publication committee Run coordinator Software and Computing coordinator Speakers bureau SCC Physics coordinators Computing board PCC
Technical coordinator • Appointment procedure • Nominated by spokesperson(s) in consultation with EB and ratified by IB • Term: three years renewable • Responsibilities • Coordinate activities for detector construction and upgrades, organize discussions on technical matters, resource allocation, etc. • Organize safety efforts and enforce safety rules • Plan and organize detector installation • Organize efforts for the summer maintenance Nomination: Yuan-Bo Chen(IHEP)
Run coordinator • Appointment procedure • Nominated by spokesperson(s) in consultation with EB and ratified by IB • Term: three years renewable • Responsibilities • Daily operation of the detector • Resource management for the daily operation • Responsible for external contacts for daily operation: accelerator, utilities, … • Shift planning, training and organization Nomination: Jun-Guang Lu(IHEP)
Software and computing coordinator • Appointment procedure • Nominated by the spokesperson(s) in consultation with EB and ratified by IB • Term: three years renewable • Responsibilities • Organize software groups and recommend their group leaders to EB after consultation with the software coordination committee (SCC). • Allocate resources (man power, computing…) for software development and data production • Responsible for the software development, testing, release and maintenance • Responsible for establishing the computing environment • Responsible, assisted by physics coordinator(s), for the data production, quality control, calibration and data management Nomination: Wei-Dong Li(IHEP)
Software Coordination committee (SCC) • Organization • Software and computing coordinator • Computing board chair • Physics coordinator and deputy coordinator • Software group leaders • Chaired by the software and computing coordinator • Responsibilities • Discuss all important matters related to software and advise the software and computing coordinator
Physics coordinators • Appointment procedure • Nominated by spokespersons in consultation with EB and ratified by IB • Term: 1 year as deputy coordinator and 1 year as coordinator • Responsibilities • Organize physics analysis and physics tools groups, recommend their conveners to EB after consultation with the physics coordination committee (PCC). • Organize and chair analysis meetings, arrange parallel and plenary physics sessions at collaboration meetings. • Organize discussions on physics priorities, running plans, Monte Carlo production priorities, etc. • Allocate resources(computing, man power,…) for physics analysis • Organize efforts, in coordination with the software coordinator, for data quality checks, performance tests, calibration verification, … • Organize efforts to provide common analysis tools, methods, standards, and data (such as luminosities, bad runs, …) • Responsible for high quality and efficient publication of physics papers, including tracking analysis progress, appointing paper referees, … Nomination: Ya-Jun Mao(PKU) Haibo Li(IHEP)
Physics coordination committee (PCC) • Organization • Physics coordinator and deputy coordinator • Software and computing coordinator • Computing board chair • Publication committee chair • Speakers Bureau Chair • physics group and analysis tool group conveners • Chaired by the Physics coordinator • Responsibilities • Discuss all important matters to physics analysis and advise the physics coordinator
Speakers bureau Nomination: Chair: Xiao-Yan Shen(IHEP) Secretary: X.H. Mo(IHEP) Member: S. Komamiya(Tokyo) Z.P. Zhang(USTC) K.J. Zhu(IHEP) S. Jin(IHEP) • Organization • Nine members: three standing members, six appointed members • Standing members: Physics coordinator, software coordinator and technical coordinator • Appointed members: Nominated by spokespersons in consultation with EB and ratified by IB for a renewable term of 1 years • Chaired by speakers bureau chairman, appointed by the spokesperson in consultation with EB and ratified by IB for a renewable term of 1 year • Spokespersons may attend the meeting as ex officio members • Responsibilities • propose policies for selecting speakers • Keep statistics of speakers • Contact potential conference organizers to get talks • Appoint speakers • Organize rehearsal of talks for conferences
Technical board • Organization • Spokesperson(s), technical coordinator, run coordinator, physics coordinator, software coordinator, chief engineers, sub-detectorgroup leaders, safety and quality control officers,… • Chaired by the spokesperson, if absent, by the technical coordinator • Responsibilities • Discuss and resolve all technical matters of the detector construction, installation and operation • Establish major maintenance plan • Propose detector upgrades • Discuss and allocate resources (man power, funding, …)
Publication committee Nomination: Chair: W.G. Li(IHEP) Member: U. Wiedner(Bochum) C.Z. Yuan(IHEP) X.Y Zhang(SDU) G. Rong(IHEP) • Organization • Seven members: two standing members, five appointed members • Standing members: physics and deputy physics coordinator • Appointed members: Nominated by spokespersons in consultation with EB and ratified by IB for a renewable term of 1 years • Chaired by the publication committee chairman, appointed by the spokesperson in consultation with EB and ratified by IB for a renewable term of 1 year • Spokespersons may attend the meeting as ex officio members • Responsibilities • propose publication policies, including review and submission processes, final paper editing, documentation requirements, responsibilities and obligations of paper writers and referees, … • propose similar policies for conference talks • Enforce common analysis tools, methods, standards, and data (such as luminosities, bad runs, …) • Resolve or propose to resolve paper disputes
Computing board • Organization • Seven members: two standing members, five appointed members • Standing members: Software and computing coordinator, Physics coordinator • Appointed members: Nominated by spokespersons in consultation with EB and ratified by IB for a renewable term of 3 years • Chaired by the board chairman, appointed by the spokesperson in consultation with EB and ratified by IB for a renewable term of 3 year. If absent, chaired by the Software and computing coordinator. • Responsibilities • Estimate and determine the needs of computing resources (including CPU, networking and storage) for the data production and analysis • coordinate resources (funding, computing power from inside and outside of IHEP, …) • Organize efforts to build the computing facility • Discuss and resolve all technical matters for the computing system • Establish policies for the use of computing facilities • Propose upgrade plans Nomination: Chair: G. Chen(IHEP) Member: K. Peters(GSI) Y.N. Gao(Tsinghua) Y.Z. Sun(IHEP) J.L. Ping(NNU)