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The Gender Pay Gap. Tamara Geisberger Statistics Austria Geneva 12 March 2012. Evidence from Austria. Gender pay gap (unadjusted) 2006 (%) . Employment rates of women, 2010 (%) . Part-time rates by sex, 2010 (%) .
The Gender Pay Gap Tamara Geisberger Statistics Austria Geneva 12 March 2012 Evidence from Austria
Part-time rates by sex, 2010 (%) Source: Eurostat. Labour Force Survey 2010 (LFS annualsurveyresults - lfsa_eppga).
Unadjusted and adjusted GPG (%) Source: Eurostat. Labour Force Survey 2010 (LFS annualsurveyresults - lfsa_eppga). Source: Statistics Austria. SES 2006.
Gender wage differentials, SES 2006 (%) Source: Statistics Austria. SES 2006.
Wage differentials between men and women, (median) annual earnings 1997 to 2010 (%) Source: Statistics Austria. Wage Tax Statistics - Social statistical analysis.
Gross annual earnings, 2010 Source: Statistics Austria. Wage Tax Statistics - Social statistical analysis.
Data sources • StructureofEarnings Survey (SES) • accurateandharmoniseddatafor all EU Member States • grossearnings (hourly, monthly, annual) • not thewholeeconomy (withoutpublicservice/ smallenterprises) • everyfouryears (betweenthe SES benchmarkyears, theMember States provide national estimatesofthe GPG) • Annual Earnings (wage tax data, socialsecurityinformation) • annualgrossandnetearnings • wholeeconomy (not availablefor all Member States) • nofull-time units (FTU)
Thank you for your attention! Please address queries to: Tamara Geisberger Contact information: tamara.geisberger@statistik.gv.at A-1110 Vienna, Guglgasse 13 phone: +43 (1) 71128-7818