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Insider Threat Behavior Factors: A comparison of theory with reported incidents

Insider Threat Behavior Factors: A comparison of theory with reported incidents. 2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences Asmaa Munshi , Curtin University Peter Dell, Curtin University Helen Armstrong, Curtin University By Afshaa Sacranie. Summary.

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Insider Threat Behavior Factors: A comparison of theory with reported incidents

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  1. Insider Threat Behavior Factors: A comparison of theory with reportedincidents 2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences AsmaaMunshi, Curtin University Peter Dell, Curtin University Helen Armstrong, Curtin University By AfshaaSacranie

  2. Summary The article compares behavioral factors that influence insider threats identified in academic literature to those identified in reported cases. It discusses each of these factors and compares the percentage of each factors influence in reported cases.

  3. Critical Comment The question that the paper is answering is not clearly stated, it would be expected to be mentioned at the start of the paper. The paper has an abstract, introduction, a method and a conclusion which would indicate that this may be a scientific research paper. However it clearly states what it is doing but not clear why they are comparing the behavioral factors from the two sources, there is no clear question stated. “Thispaper examines a number of theoretical models drawnfrom academic literature to identify a set of factors thatare thought to be behavior factors associated withinsider threats.” • This statement indicates that the aim of the paper is to analyze these models but it is not • The word “examines” – the paper does not examine these models • Yes a few models are slightly described but to be the aim of the paper they would have to be discussed in detail and the paper would have to show how these factors are identified from the analysis of each of these models • The clear aim of identifying factors that require further study not stated

  4. Appreciative Comment The use of figures to compare the percent of influence the different factors have in each reported case. • Access and level of trust is a behavioral factor:

  5. Question • Motivation is a behavioral factor and “Researchers have suggested as many as 84% of the incidents were motivated by revenge” Why do you think revenge is a major factor in causing an insider threat?

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