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IASC SWG on Preparedness Five Country Initiative Progress 29/06/2009

This progress report highlights the Five-Country Initiative's efforts to support national contingency plans development in 5 countries by the end of 2011. Key action points and challenges faced are discussed, focusing on capacity building and financing strategies. Status updates from Ghana, Nepal, and Uganda are provided, outlining requests, support received, constraints, and next steps. The document emphasizes collaboration, funding advocacy, and inclusive preparedness approaches for effective disaster response.

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IASC SWG on Preparedness Five Country Initiative Progress 29/06/2009

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  1. IASC SWG on Preparedness Five Country Initiative Progress 29/06/2009

  2. Five Country Initiative 77th IASC WG requested IASC organizations to work together to support all stages of the development and implementation of national contingency plans in 5 countries (provisionally 2 countries with HCs and 3 countries with RCs) by the end of 2011, in support of national and/or local authorities, as appropriate, ensuring linkages with relevant inter-agency, cluster and agency-specific preparedness activities.

  3. IASC Principals’ Paper on Preparedness Action Points relating to SWG • Strengthen global inter-agency coordination to provide better support to country efforts for preparedness capacity development • Collaborate with RC/HC to establish a comprehensive mapping of a) existing/planned in-country work of IASC organizations on capacity development for emergency preparedness and b) of in-country coordination mechanisms related to emergency preparedness • Compile lessons learned/gap analysis from first phase of pilot and propose a model framework for capacity development in emergency preparedness by the end of 2011 • Prepare a resourcing advocacy strategy to support SWG on Preparedness country pilots, with individual pilot country strategies completed by end of 2011 (Task Team on Preparedness Financing) . • Support country leadership and activities • Guide IASC organizations’ offices in pilot countries and support RC/HC on strategic approaches to strengthening preparedness in accordance with country priorities on emergency preparedness (country-led preparedness programmes will be supported by country teams)

  4. IASC Principals’ Action Points (Continued) • Establish flexible and inclusive inter-agency coordination methods at the country level • Collaborate with country teams to strengthen capacity development for preparedness in CCA/UNDAFs and CHAP/CAPs • Ensure that RCs/HCs and country offices of IASC agencies advocate and practice multi-stakeholder approaches, with specific emphasis on civil society inclusion, in supporting country-level emergency preparedness capacity development. • Advocate for Resourcing of Preparedness • to advocate for predictable, flexible, timely and risk-tolerant financing architecture, utilising evidence from the analysis to be drawn from the five pilot country (Task Team on Preparedness Financing)

  5. Partners in the Five-Country Initiative • UNICEF and CADRI – designated lead agencies in SWG workplan • Task Team on Preparedness Financing (chaired by FAO) - to support strategic fundraising for country-level capacity development. • Reference Group on Improving Urban Humanitarian Response (led by UN-Habitat) - significant elements of urban risk. • World Bank GFDRR - technical and financial assistance to disaster preparedness and risk reduction country action plans.

  6. Status to date - GHANA What Ghana requested – • Support in conducting a simulation to test the National Contingency Plans • Support development of a comprehensive Action Plan on DRR with a pillar on developing national capacities for preparedness. • Support fundraising support for comprehensive action plan What the Five-Country Initiative has done so far – • Support a simulation to test government and inter agency preparedness. • On going support through CADRI of an Action Plan building on the results of the simulation and capacity assessment. Constraints – No dedicated in country team to develop the action plan. UNDP currently looking for secondment of National Disaster Risk Advisor. Next Steps (next 3 months) – Finalization of the Action Plan and validation with country-team (Sept. 2011)

  7. Status to date - NEPAL What Nepal requested – • Support for the review planning assumptions for major earthquake in Katmandu • Support for the formulation of National Contingency Plans • Support for a simulation to test the national Contingency Plan What the Five-Country Initiative has done so far – • GRIP/NSET developed a proposal for reviewing planning assumptions awaiting endorsement by the country-team. • Seeking secondment to support the formulation of National Contingency Plans. Constraints – Lack of a technical group to engage with at country-level Next steps (next 3 months)– • Request RC to establish a technical team with whom to engage. • Participate in planning assumptions review meeting

  8. Status to date - UGANDA What Uganda requested – • Support a simulation to test government and Inter Agency preparedness. • Provision of an NDRA to support the development of a plan of action to support the recently approved DRR policy. • Support to strengthen assessment preparedness • Support for preparedness financing (TT Funding for Preparedness) What the Five-Country Initiative has done so far – • Support to request an NDRA through UNDP-BCPR. • Facilitating a request for support from ACAPS Constraints – lack of a country-level technical team with whom to engage. Next steps (next 3 months) – Engagement with recently established country level technical team to be led by WFP in Uganda

  9. Status to date - HAITI The IASC Principals identified Haiti as the fourth country within the Five-Country Initiative but contact with RC not yet established What the Five-Country Initiative has done so far – Discussions are under way with OCHA members of country team to support a government simulation in July 2011. Next steps (next 3 months) – • Official contact and engagement with the Humanitarian Coordinator is required. • Support to government simulation

  10. Issues to be raised with SWG on Preparedness • Requirement that the structure of the Initiative be strengthened at both the HQ-level at the national-levels. • Teams and operational modalities need to be established at HQ-, Regional-, and National-levels (fortnightly conference call, other meetings to structure engagement and address technical challenges). Government Partners Country-Level Team RC/HC Regional-Level Team HQ-Level Team

  11. Issues to be raised with SWG on Preparedness (Continued) • Requirement for better communication of the Five-Country Initiative; what it is and what it can achieve - UNICEF using a consultant to provide some dedicated support to strengthen communication. • Requirement to start drawing lessons from initial engagement and start developing a more structured framework and process for developing national capacities in emergency preparedness in the 5 countries. As a result of the pilot we could..... • … develop new IA tools such as 3 rd generation simulation package which tests both government and IA preparedness? • .... produce Inter Agency guidance for building national and local capacity for emergency preparedness? • … develop training modules for HCs/RCs? • … strengthen agencies involvement in CADRI to strengthen its capacity to address capacity development for emergency preparedness?

  12. THANK YOU.

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